path: root/lass/2configs/mpv.nix
diff options
authorlassulus <>2023-09-07 12:26:31 +0200
committerlassulus <>2023-09-07 13:50:26 +0200
commitf55307fd73af235069744dd5155fda0bc73fe613 (patch)
treef048d7750a50e48493505a08784c96d07d291f89 /lass/2configs/mpv.nix
parent85ae348bf3f53125c8281669a32bf007dc0063be (diff)
lass: migrate away
Diffstat (limited to 'lass/2configs/mpv.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/lass/2configs/mpv.nix b/lass/2configs/mpv.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index d65b4a87a..000000000
--- a/lass/2configs/mpv.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
- dl_subs = pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "dl_subs" ''
- filename=$1
- ${pkgs.subdl}/bin/subdl --output='/tmp/{m}.{M}.sub' "$filename" 1>&2
- echo "/tmp/$(basename "$filename").sub"
- '';
- autosub = pkgs.writeText "autosub.lua" ''
- -- Requires Subliminal version 1.0 or newer
- -- Make sure to specify your system's Subliminal location below:
- local utils = require 'mp.utils'
- -- Log function: log to both terminal and mpv OSD (On-Screen Display)
- function log(string, secs)
- secs = secs or 2 -- secs defaults to 2 when the secs parameter is absent
- mp.msg.warn(string) -- This logs to the terminal
- mp.osd_message(string, secs) -- This logs to mpv screen
- end
- function download()
- log('Searching subtitles ...', 10)
- path = mp.get_property('path')
- result = utils.subprocess({ args = {"${dl_subs}/bin/dl_subs", path} })
- if result.error == nil then
- filename = string.gsub(result.stdout, "\n", "")
- log(filename)
- mp.commandv('sub_add', filename)
- log('Subtitles ready!')
- else
- log('Subtitles failed downloading')
- end
- end
- -- Control function: only download if necessary
- function control_download()
- duration = tonumber(mp.get_property('duration'))
- if duration < 900 then
- mp.msg.warn('Video is less than 15 minutes\n', '=> NOT downloading any subtitles')
- return
- end
- -- There does not seem to be any documentation for the 'sub' property,
- -- but it works on both internally encoded as well as external subtitle files!
- -- -> sub = '1' when subtitles are present
- -- -> sub = 'no' when subtitles are not present
- -- -> sub = 'auto' when called before the 'file-loaded' event is triggered
- sub = mp.get_property('sub')
- if sub == '1' then
- mp.msg.warn('Sub track is already present\n', '=> NOT downloading other subtitles')
- return
- end
- mp.msg.warn('No sub track was detected\n', '=> Proceeding to download subtitles:')
- download()
- end
- mp.add_key_binding('S', "download_subs", download)
- '';
- mpvInput = pkgs.writeText "mpv.input" ''
- : script-binding console/enable
- x add audio-delay -0.050
- X add audio-delay 0.050
- '';
- mpvConfig = pkgs.writeText "mpv.conf" ''
- osd-font-size=20
- '';
- mpv = pkgs.symlinkJoin {
- name = "mpv";
- paths = [
- (pkgs.writeDashBin "mpv" ''
- set -efu
- Y_RES=1081
- # we need to disable sponsorblock local database because of
- #
- exec ${pkgs.mpv.override {
- scripts = with pkgs.mpvScripts; [
- sponsorblock
- quality-menu
- ];
- }}/bin/mpv \
- --no-config \
- --input-conf=${mpvInput} \
- --include=${mpvConfig} \
- --script=${autosub} \
- --ytdl-format="best[height<$Y_RES]" \
- --script-opts=ytdl_hook-ytdl_path=${}/bin/yt-dlp \
- --script-opts-append=sponsorblock-local_database=no \
- --audio-channels=2 \
- "$@"
- '')
- pkgs.mpv
- ];
- };
-in {
- environment.systemPackages = [
- mpv
- dl_subs
- ];