/* Copyright 2017 Jason Williams (Wilba)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#if defined (RGB_BACKLIGHT_ZEAL60) || defined (RGB_BACKLIGHT_ZEAL65) || defined (RGB_BACKLIGHT_M60_A) || defined(RGB_BACKLIGHT_M6_B)
#error None of the following was defined: RGB_BACKLIGHT_ZEAL60, RGB_BACKLIGHT_ZEAL65, RGB_BACKLIGHT_M60_A, RGB_BACKLIGHT_M6_B
#include "quantum.h"
#include "rgb_backlight.h"
#include "rgb_backlight_api.h"
#include "rgb_backlight_keycodes.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "progmem.h"
#include "quantum/color.h"
#include "drivers/avr/i2c_master.h"
#if defined (RGB_BACKLIGHT_M6_B)
#include "drivers/issi/is31fl3218.h"
#include "drivers/issi/is31fl3731.h"
backlight_config g_config = {
.use_split_left_shift = RGB_BACKLIGHT_USE_SPLIT_LEFT_SHIFT,
.use_split_right_shift = RGB_BACKLIGHT_USE_SPLIT_RIGHT_SHIFT,
.use_7u_spacebar = RGB_BACKLIGHT_USE_7U_SPACEBAR,
.disable_hhkb_blocker_leds = RGB_BACKLIGHT_DISABLE_HHKB_BLOCKER_LEDS,
.disable_when_usb_suspended = RGB_BACKLIGHT_DISABLE_WHEN_USB_SUSPENDED,
.brightness = 255,
.effect_speed = 0,
.color_1 = { .h = 0, .s = 255, .v = 255 },
.color_2 = { .h = 127, .s = 255, .v = 255 },
.caps_lock_indicator = { .color = { .h = 0, .s = 0, .v = 255 }, .index = 255 },
.layer_1_indicator = { .color = { .h = 0, .s = 0, .v = 255 }, .index = 255 },
.layer_2_indicator = { .color = { .h = 0, .s = 0, .v = 255 }, .index = 255 },
.layer_3_indicator = { .color = { .h = 0, .s = 0, .v = 255 }, .index = 255 },
.alphas_mods = {
bool g_suspend_state = false;
uint8_t g_indicator_state = 0;
// Global tick at 20 Hz
uint32_t g_tick = 0;
// Ticks since this key was last hit.
uint8_t g_key_hit[BACKLIGHT_LED_COUNT];
// Ticks since any key was last hit.
uint32_t g_any_key_hit = 0;
#if !defined(RGB_BACKLIGHT_M6_B)
// This is a 7-bit address, that gets left-shifted and bit 0
// set to 0 for write, 1 for read (as per I2C protocol)
#define ISSI_ADDR_1 0x74
#define ISSI_ADDR_2 0x76
const is31_led g_is31_leds[DRIVER_LED_TOTAL] = {
/* Refer to IS31 manual for these locations
* driver
* | R location
* | | G location
* | | | B location
* | | | | */
{0, C2_1, C3_1, C4_1}, // LA0
{0, C1_1, C3_2, C4_2}, // LA1
{0, C1_2, C2_2, C4_3}, // LA2
{0, C1_3, C2_3, C3_3}, // LA3
{0, C1_4, C2_4, C3_4}, // LA4
{0, C1_5, C2_5, C3_5}, // LA5
{0, C1_6, C2_6, C3_6}, // LA6
{0, C1_7, C2_7, C3_7}, // LA7
{0, C1_8, C2_8, C3_8}, // LA8
{0, C9_1, C8_1, C7_1}, // LA9
{0, C9_2, C8_2, C7_2}, // LA10
{0, C9_3, C8_3, C7_3}, // LA11
{0, C9_4, C8_4, C7_4}, // LA12
{0, C9_5, C8_5, C7_5}, // LA13
{0, C9_6, C8_6, C7_6}, // LA14
{0, C9_7, C8_7, C6_6}, // LA15
{0, C9_8, C7_7, C6_7}, // LA16
{0, C8_8, C7_8, C6_8}, // LA17
{0, C2_9, C3_9, C4_9}, // LB0
{0, C1_9, C3_10, C4_10}, // LB1
{0, C1_10, C2_10, C4_11}, // LB2
{0, C1_11, C2_11, C3_11}, // LB3
{0, C1_12, C2_12, C3_12}, // LB4
{0, C1_13, C2_13, C3_13}, // LB5
{0, C1_14, C2_14, C3_14}, // LB6
{0, C1_15, C2_15, C3_15}, // LB7
{0, C1_16, C2_16, C3_16}, // LB8
{0, C9_9, C8_9, C7_9}, // LB9
{0, C9_10, C8_10, C7_10}, // LB10
{0, C9_11, C8_11, C7_11}, // LB11
{0, C9_12, C8_12, C7_12}, // LB12
{0, C9_13, C8_13, C7_13}, // LB13
{0, C9_14, C8_14, C7_14}, // LB14
{0, C9_15, C8_15, C6_14}, // LB15
{0, C9_16, C7_15, C6_15}, // LB16
{0, C8_16, C7_16, C6_16}, // LB17
{1, C2_1, C3_1, C4_1}, // LC0
{1, C1_1, C3_2, C4_2}, // LC1
{1, C1_2, C2_2, C4_3}, // LC2
{1, C1_3, C2_3, C3_3}, // LC3
{1, C1_4, C2_4, C3_4}, // LC4
{1, C1_5, C2_5, C3_5}, // LC5
{1, C1_6, C2_6, C3_6}, // LC6
{1, C1_7, C2_7, C3_7}, // LC7
{1, C1_8, C2_8, C3_8}, // LC8
{1, C9_1, C8_1, C7_1}, // LC9
{1, C9_2, C8_2, C7_2}, // LC10
{1, C9_3, C8_3, C7_3}, // LC11
{1, C9_4, C8_4, C7_4}, // LC12
{1, C9_5, C8_5, C7_5}, // LC13
{1, C9_6, C8_6, C7_6}, // LC14
{1, C9_7, C8_7, C6_6}, // LC15
{1, C9_8, C7_7, C6_7}, // LC16
{1, C8_8, C7_8, C6_8}, // LC17
{1, C2_9, C3_9, C4_9}, // LD0
{1, C1_9, C3_10, C4_10}, // LD1
{1, C1_10, C2_10, C4_11}, // LD2
{1, C1_11, C2_11, C3_11}, // LD3
{1, C1_12, C2_12, C3_12}, // LD4
{1, C1_13, C2_13, C3_13}, // LD5
{1, C1_14, C2_14, C3_14}, // LD6
{1, C1_15, C2_15, C3_15}, // LD7
{1, C1_16, C2_16, C3_16}, // LD8
{1, C9_9, C8_9, C7_9}, // LD9
{1, C9_10, C8_10, C7_10}, // LD10
{1, C9_11, C8_11, C7_11}, // LD11
{1, C9_12, C8_12, C7_12}, // LD12
{1, C9_13, C8_13, C7_13}, // LD13
{1, C9_14, C8_14, C7_14}, // LD14
{1, C9_15, C8_15, C6_14}, // LD15
{1, C9_16, C7_15, C6_15}, // LD16
{1, C8_16, C7_16, C6_16}, // LD17
#endif // !defined(RGB_BACKLIGHT_M6_B)
typedef struct Point {
uint8_t x;
uint8_t y;
} Point;
// index in range 0..71 (LA0..LA17, LB0..LB17, LC0..LC17, LD0..LD17)
// point values in range x=0..224 y=0..64
// origin is center of top-left key (i.e Esc)
#if defined (RGB_BACKLIGHT_ZEAL65)
const Point g_map_led_to_point[BACKLIGHT_LED_COUNT] PROGMEM = {
// LA0..LA17
{120,16}, {104,16}, {88,16}, {72,16}, {56,16}, {40,16}, {24,16}, {4,16}, {4,32},
{128,0}, {112,0}, {96,0}, {80,0}, {64,0}, {48,0}, {32,0}, {16,0}, {0,0},
// LB0..LB17
{144,0}, {160,0}, {176,0}, {192,0}, {216,0}, {224,0}, {240,0}, {240,16}, {240,32},
{136,16}, {152,16}, {168,16}, {184,16}, {200,16}, {22