path: root/src/Much/Action.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Much/Action.hs')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Much/Action.hs b/src/Much/Action.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5872964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/Action.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Much.Action where
+import Blessings.String
+import Scanner
+import Much.State
+import Much.TagUtils
+import Much.TreeSearch
+import Much.TreeView
+import Much.TreeZipperUtils
+import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
+import qualified Data.Tree.Zipper as Z
+import qualified Notmuch
+import qualified Notmuch.Message as Notmuch
+import qualified Notmuch.SearchResult as Notmuch
+displayKey :: String -> State -> IO State
+displayKey s q = return q { flashMessage = Plain $ show s }
+displayMouse :: Scan -> State -> IO State
+displayMouse info q =
+ return q { flashMessage = SGR [38,5,202] $ Plain $ show info }
+defaultMouse1Click :: Monad m => Int -> State -> m State
+defaultMouse1Click y q@State{..} = do
+ let linearClickPos =
+ let i = (y - length headBuffer + yoffset) - 1 {-zero-based-}
+ in if 0 <= i && i < length treeBuffer
+ then Just i
+ else Nothing
+ case linearClickPos of
+ Nothing ->
+ return q
+ { flashMessage = Plain "nothing to click"
+ }
+ Just i ->
+ return q
+ { cursor = findNextN i $ Z.root cursor
+ }
+moveCursorDown :: Monad m => Int -> State -> m State
+moveCursorDown n q@State{..} =
+ let cursor' = findNextN n cursor
+ q' = q { cursor = cursor' }
+ in case botOverrun q' of
+ 0 -> return q'
+ i -> moveTreeUp i q'
+moveCursorUp :: Monad m => Int -> State -> m State
+moveCursorUp n q@State{..} =
+ let cursor' = findPrevN n cursor
+ q' = q { cursor = cursor' }
+ in case topOverrun q' of
+ 0 -> return q'
+ i -> moveTreeDown i q'
+moveTreeUp :: Monad m => Int -> State -> m State
+moveTreeUp n q@State{..} =
+ let q' = q { yoffset = min (length treeBuffer - 1) $ max 0 (yoffset + n) }
+ in case topOverrun q' of
+ 0 -> return q'
+ i -> moveCursorDown i q'
+moveTreeDown :: Monad m => Int -> State -> m State
+moveTreeDown n q@State{..} =
+ let q' = q { yoffset = min (length treeBuffer - 1) $ max 0 (yoffset - n) }
+ in case botOverrun q' of
+ 0 -> return q'
+ i -> moveCursorUp i q'
+moveTreeLeft :: Monad m => Int -> State -> m State
+moveTreeLeft n q@State{..} =
+ return q { xoffset = xoffset + n }
+moveTreeRight :: Monad m => Int -> State -> m State
+moveTreeRight n q@State{..} =
+ return q { xoffset = max 0 (xoffset - n) }
+moveToParent :: Monad m => State -> m State
+moveToParent q@State{..} =
+ case Z.parent cursor of
+ Nothing -> return q { flashMessage = "cannot go further up" }
+ Just cursor' ->
+ let q' = q { cursor = cursor' }
+ in case topOverrun q' of
+ 0 -> return q'
+ i -> moveTreeDown i q'
+ :: (Num a, Monad m, Eq a)
+ => (Z.TreePos Z.Full TreeView -> Maybe (Z.TreePos Z.Full TreeView))
+ -> (State -> a)
+ -> (a -> State -> m State)
+ -> State -> m State
+moveCursorToUnread cursorMove getTreeMoveCount treeMove q@State{..} =
+ case cursorMove cursor >>= rec of
+ Just cursor' ->
+ let q' = q { cursor = cursor' }
+ in case getTreeMoveCount q' of
+ 0 -> return q'
+ i -> treeMove i q'
+ Nothing ->
+ return q { flashMessage = "no unread message in sight" }
+ where
+ rec loc =
+ if hasTag "unread" loc
+ then Just loc
+ else cursorMove loc >>= rec
+ hasTag tag loc =
+ case Z.label loc of
+ TVSearchResult sr ->
+ tag `elem` Notmuch.searchTags sr
+ TVMessage m ->
+ tag `elem` Notmuch.messageTags m
+ _ ->
+ False
+moveCursorUpToPrevUnread :: Monad m => State -> m State
+moveCursorUpToPrevUnread =
+ moveCursorToUnread findPrev topOverrun moveTreeDown
+moveCursorDownToNextUnread :: Monad m => State -> m State
+moveCursorDownToNextUnread =
+ moveCursorToUnread findNext botOverrun moveTreeUp
+openFold :: State -> IO State
+openFold q@State{..} =
+ handle <$> loadSubForest (Z.label cursor)
+ where
+ handle = \case
+ Left err ->
+ q { flashMessage = SGR [31] $ Plain err }
+ Right sf ->
+ q { cursor = Z.modifyTree (setSubForest sf) cursor }
+closeFold :: State -> IO State
+closeFold q@State{..} =
+ let sf = unloadSubForest (Z.tree cursor)
+ in return q { cursor = Z.modifyTree (setSubForest sf) cursor }
+toggleFold :: State -> IO State
+toggleFold q@State{..} =
+ if hasUnloadedSubForest (Z.tree cursor)
+ then openFold q
+ else closeFold q
+toggleTagAtCursor :: Tag -> State -> IO State
+toggleTagAtCursor tag q@State{..} = case Z.label cursor of
+ TVSearchResult sr -> do
+ let tagOp =
+ if tag `elem` Notmuch.searchTags sr
+ then DelTag
+ else AddTag
+ tagOps = [tagOp tag]
+ Notmuch.notmuchTag tagOps sr
+ let cursor' = Z.modifyTree (patchTreeTags tagOps) cursor
+ return q { cursor = cursor' }
+ TVMessage m -> do
+ let tagOp =
+ if tag `elem` Notmuch.messageTags m
+ then DelTag
+ else AddTag
+ tagOps = [tagOp tag]
+ Notmuch.notmuchTag tagOps m
+ let cursor' =
+ -- TODO this needs a nice name
+ modifyFirstParentLabelWhere isTVSearchResult f $
+ Z.modifyLabel f cursor
+ f = patchTags tagOps
+ return q { cursor = cursor' }
+ _ -> return q { flashMessage = "nothing happened" }
+topOverrun :: State -> Int
+topOverrun State{..} =
+ max 0 (- (linearPos cursor - yoffset))
+botOverrun :: State -> Int
+botOverrun State{..} =
+ max 0 (linearPos cursor - yoffset - (screenHeight - length headBuffer - 1))
+setSubForest :: Tree.Forest a -> Tree.Tree a -> Tree.Tree a
+setSubForest sf t = t { Tree.subForest = sf }
[cgit] Unable to lock slot /tmp/cgit/59200000.lock: Permission denied (13)