path: root/config/kmein.hs
diff options
authorKierán Meinhardt <>2020-10-02 16:15:10 +0200
committerKierán Meinhardt <>2020-10-06 08:58:17 +0200
commit38e3f53b5eb8e0958a355541626828c377370418 (patch)
treedb2150ad1f26aa6ad19a4f4c9f2dd59b4a212adc /config/kmein.hs
parent3700799ce49ee5bfd191e7d8e35843aaff5bd3e7 (diff)
kmein config: clean up
Diffstat (limited to 'config/kmein.hs')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/config/kmein.hs b/config/kmein.hs
index ec6e516..6052cd5 100644
--- a/config/kmein.hs
+++ b/config/kmein.hs
@@ -1,35 +1,31 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Main (main) where
-import Blessings.String
-import Control.Monad
-import Data.Default
-import Data.Maybe
-import Data.Time.Format
import Much.Action
-import Much.Core
-import Much.State
-import Much.TreeView
-import Scanner
-import System.Directory
-import System.Exit
-import System.FilePath
-import System.IO
-import System.Posix.Signals
-import System.Process
-import Text.Hyphenation
-import Text.LineBreak
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS8
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
-import qualified Data.Tree.Zipper as Z
-import qualified Notmuch
-import qualified Notmuch.Message as Notmuch
+import Much.Core (mainWithState, notmuchSearch)
+import Much.State (State(..), ColorConfig(..))
+import Much.TreeView (TreeView(TVMessagePart), treeViewId, getMessage)
+import Notmuch (notmuchShowPart)
+import Notmuch.Message
+import Blessings.String (Blessings(..))
+import Control.Monad ((>=>), unless)
+import Data.Default (Default(..))
+import Data.Functor (($>))
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Scanner (Scan(ScanMouse), mouseButton, mouseY)
+import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import System.Posix.Signals (raiseSignal, sigINT)
+import System.Process (callProcess, spawnCommand)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS8 (writeFile)
+import qualified Data.Text as T (unpack)
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as T (writeFile)
+import qualified Data.Tree.Zipper as Z (label)
{- notmuch's special tags are:
@@ -57,14 +53,14 @@ main =
, boringMessage = SGR [38,5,3]
, unreadMessage = SGR [38,5,11]
, unreadSearch = SGR [38,5,15]
- , tagMap = M.fromList
+ , tagMap =
[ ("deleted", SGR [38,5,088])
, ("flagged", SGR [38,5,226])
, ("draft", SGR [38,5,63])
, ("spam", SGR [38,5,202])
- , tagSymbols = M.fromList
+ , tagSymbols =
[ ("flagged", "🔖")
, ("attachment", "📎")
, ("signed", "🔒")
@@ -72,18 +68,18 @@ main =
, query = "tag:inbox"
-showCurrentMessagePart :: State -> IO (Maybe (Notmuch.Message, Notmuch.MessagePart))
+showCurrentMessagePart :: State -> IO (Maybe (Message, MessagePart))
showCurrentMessagePart q =
case Z.label (cursor q) of
TVMessagePart message part -> do
- let messageId = Notmuch.unMessageID (Notmuch.messageId message)
- partResult <- Notmuch.notmuchShowPart messageId (Notmuch.partID part)
+ let m_id = unMessageID (messageId message)
+ partResult <- notmuchShowPart m_id (partID part)
case partResult of
Right part' -> return $ Just (message, part')
Left _ -> return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing
-currentAttachmentPath :: State -> Notmuch.Message -> Notmuch.MessagePart -> FilePath
+currentAttachmentPath :: State -> Message -> MessagePart -> FilePath
currentAttachmentPath q message part =
attachmentDirectory q </> attachmentFileName q message part
@@ -95,16 +91,15 @@ saveAttachment q =
let destination = currentAttachmentPath q message part
alreadyDownloaded <- doesFileExist destination
if attachmentOverwrite q || not alreadyDownloaded
- then case Notmuch.partContent part of
- Notmuch.ContentText text ->
- q { flashMessage = Plain destination } <$
- T.writeFile destination text
- Notmuch.ContentRaw raw _ ->
- q { flashMessage = Plain destination } <$
- LBS8.writeFile destination raw
- _ -> return q { flashMessage = "this part cannot be saved" }
- else
- return q { flashMessage = "not overwriting attachment" }
+ then case partContent part of
+ ContentText text ->
+ T.writeFile destination text $>
+ q { flashMessage = Plain destination }
+ ContentRaw raw _ ->
+ LBS8.writeFile destination raw $>
+ q { flashMessage = Plain destination }
+ _ -> return q { flashMessage = "this part cannot be saved" }
+ else return q { flashMessage = "not overwriting attachment" }
openAttachment :: State -> IO State
openAttachment q =
@@ -113,11 +108,11 @@ openAttachment q =
Just (message, part) -> do
let destination = currentAttachmentPath q message part
alreadyDownloaded <- doesFileExist destination
- unless alreadyDownloaded (void $ saveAttachment q)
- q <$ callProcess "xdg-open" [destination]
+ unless alreadyDownloaded $ saveAttachment q $> ()
+ callProcess "xdg-open" [destination] $> q
reply :: State -> IO State
-reply q = q <$ spawnCommand "i3-sensible-terminal -e $EDITOR -c 'read !mail-reply'"
+reply q = spawnCommand "i3-sensible-terminal -e $EDITOR -c 'read !mail-reply'" $> q
myKeymap :: String -> State -> IO State
myKeymap "h" = closeFold
@@ -139,7 +134,7 @@ myKeymap "R" = reply
myKeymap "S" = saveAttachment
myKeymap "o" = openAttachment
-myKeymap "q" = \q -> q <$ raiseSignal sigINT
+myKeymap "q" = \q -> raiseSignal sigINT $> q
myKeymap "*" = toggleTagAtCursor "flagged"
myKeymap "a" = toggleTagAtCursor "inbox" -- mnemonic: Archive
@@ -158,35 +153,6 @@ myKeymap "\ESC[5~" = \q -> moveTreeDown (screenHeight q `div` 2) q -- PgUp
myKeymap "\ESC[6~" = \q -> moveTreeUp (screenHeight q `div` 2) q -- PgDn
myKeymap "\ESC[Z" = moveCursorUpToPrevUnread -- S-Tab
myKeymap "\DEL" = moveToParent -- backspace
-myKeymap "=" = \q@State{..} ->
- let cursor' = case Z.label cursor of
- TVMessageLine a b c s ->
- wrap (TVMessageLine a b c) cursor s
- _ -> cursor
- in return q { cursor = cursor' }
- where
- --unwrap = error "WIP"
- -- 1. get current id (must be TVMessageLine)
- -- 2. find first adjoined TVMessageLine with same id
- -- 3. find last adjoined TVMessageLine with same id
- -- 4. join lines (with space?)
- wrap ctor loc s =
- fromMaybe (error "die hard") $
- Z.nextTree $
- foldr (insert . ctor)
- (Z.delete loc)
- $ hy s
- insert a =
- Z.prevSpace . Z.insert (Tree.Node a [])
- hy = breakStringLn bf
- where
- shy = '\173'
- hyp = Just german_1996
- bf = BreakFormat 80 8 shy hyp
-- <F1>
myKeymap "\ESC[11~" = \q@State{..} ->
@@ -197,7 +163,7 @@ myKeymap "\ESC[12~" = \q@State{..} ->
return q { flashMessage =
Plain $
show $
- fmap Notmuch.messageFilename $
+ fmap messageFilename $
getMessage $
Z.label cursor
[cgit] Unable to lock slot /tmp/cgit/9d300000.lock: Permission denied (13)