path: root/old/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'old/lib')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 264 deletions
diff --git a/old/lib/default.nix b/old/lib/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 164a6a1..0000000
--- a/old/lib/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-{ lib, pkgs, ... }:
-with builtins;
- inherit (lib) mapAttrs stringAsChars;
-rec {
- git = import ./git.nix {
- lib = lib // {
- inherit addNames;
- };
- inherit pkgs;
- };
- addName = name: set:
- set // { inherit name; };
- addNames = mapAttrs addName;
- # "7.4.335" -> "74"
- majmin = with lib; x : concatStrings (take 2 (splitString "." x));
- concat = xs :
- if xs == []
- then ""
- else head xs + concat (tail xs)
- ;
- flip = f : x : y : f y x;
- # isSuffixOf :: String -> String -> Bool
- isSuffixOf =
- s : xs :
- let
- sn = stringLength s;
- xsn = stringLength xs;
- in
- xsn >= sn && substring (xsn - sn) sn xs == s ;
- removeSuffix =
- s : xs : substring 0 (stringLength xs - stringLength s) xs;
- # setMap :: (String -> a -> b) -> Set String a -> [b]
- #setMap = f: xs: map (k : f k (getAttr k xs)) (attrNames xs);
- # setToList :: Set k a -> [a]
- #setToList = setMap (_: v: v);
- shell-escape =
- let
- isSafeChar = c: match "[-./0-9_a-zA-Z]" c != null;
- in
- stringAsChars (c:
- if isSafeChar c then c
- else if c == "\n" then "'\n'"
- else "\\${c}");
diff --git a/old/lib/git.nix b/old/lib/git.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dc1761..0000000
--- a/old/lib/git.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-{ lib, pkgs, ... }:
- inherit (lib) addNames escapeShellArg makeSearchPath;
- commands = addNames {
- git-receive-pack = {};
- git-upload-pack = {};
- };
- receive-modes = addNames {
- fast-forward = {};
- non-fast-forward = {};
- create = {};
- delete = {};
- merge = {}; # TODO implement in git.nix
- };
- permissions = {
- fetch = {
- allow-commands = [
- commands.git-upload-pack
- ];
- };
- push = ref: extra-modes: {
- allow-commands = [
- commands.git-receive-pack
- commands.git-upload-pack
- ];
- allow-receive-ref = ref;
- allow-receive-modes = [ ] ++ extra-modes;
- };
- };
- refs = {
- master = "refs/heads/master";
- all-heads = "refs/heads/*";
- };
- irc-announce-script = pkgs.writeScript "irc-announce-script" ''
- #! /bin/sh
- set -euf
- export PATH=${makeSearchPath "bin" (with pkgs; [
- coreutils
- gawk
- gnused
- netcat
- nettools
- ])}
- IRC_NICK=$3$$
- message=$5
- export IRC_CHANNEL # for privmsg_cat
- # echo2 and cat2 are used output to both, stdout and stderr
- # This is used to see what we send to the irc server. (debug output)
- echo2() { echo "$*"; echo "$*" >&2; }
- cat2() { tee /dev/stderr; }
- # privmsg_cat transforms stdin to a privmsg
- privmsg_cat() { awk '{ print "PRIVMSG "ENVIRON["IRC_CHANNEL"]" :"$0 }'; }
- # ircin is used to feed the output of netcat back to the "irc client"
- # so we can implement expect-like behavior with sed^_^
- # XXX mkselfdestructingtmpfifo would be nice instead of this cruft
- tmpdir="$(mktemp -d irc-announce_XXXXXXXX)"
- cd "$tmpdir"
- mkfifo ircin
- trap "
- rm ircin
- cd '$OLDPWD'
- rmdir '$tmpdir'
- trap - EXIT INT QUIT
- {
- echo2 "USER $LOGNAME 0 * :$LOGNAME@$(hostname)"
- echo2 "NICK $IRC_NICK"
- # wait for MODE message
- sed -n '/^:[^ ]* MODE /q'
- printf '%s' "$message" \
- | privmsg_cat \
- | cat2
- # wait for PART confirmation
- sed -n '/:'"$IRC_NICK"'![^ ]* PART /q'
- echo2 'QUIT :Gone to have lunch'
- } < ircin \
- | nc "$IRC_SERVER" "$IRC_PORT" | tee -a ircin
- '';
- hooks = {
- # TODO make this a package?
- irc-announce = { nick, channel, server, port ? 6667 }: ''
- #! /bin/sh
- set -euf
- export PATH=${makeSearchPath "bin" (with pkgs; [
- coreutils
- git
- gnused
- ])}
- nick=${escapeShellArg nick}
- channel=${escapeShellArg channel}
- server=${escapeShellArg server}
- port=${toString port}
- host=$nick
- empty=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- unset message
- while read oldrev newrev ref; do
- if [ $oldrev = $empty ]; then
- receive_mode=create
- elif [ $newrev = $empty ]; then
- receive_mode=delete
- elif [ "$(git merge-base $oldrev $newrev)" = $oldrev ]; then
- receive_mode=fast-forward
- else
- receive_mode=non-fast-forward
- fi
- h=$(echo $ref | sed 's:^refs/heads/::')
- # empty_tree=$(git hash-object -t tree /dev/null
- empty_tree=4b825dc6
- id=$(echo $newrev | cut -b-7)
- id2=$(echo $oldrev | cut -b-7)
- if [ $newrev = $empty ]; then id=$empty_tree; fi
- if [ $oldrev = $empty ]; then id2=$empty_tree; fi
- case $receive_mode in
- create)
- #git log --oneline $id2
- link="http://$host/cgit/$GIT_SSH_REPO/?h=$h"
- ;;
- delete)
- #git log --oneline $id2
- link="http://$host/cgit/$GIT_SSH_REPO/ ($h)"
- ;;
- fast-forward|non-fast-forward)
- #git diff --stat $id..$id2
- link="http://$host/cgit/$GIT_SSH_REPO/diff/?h=$h&id=$id&id2=$id2"
- ;;
- esac
- #$host $GIT_SSH_REPO $ref $link
- message="''${message+$message
- }$GIT_SSH_USER $receive_mode $link"
- done
- if test -n "''${message-}"; then
- exec ${irc-announce-script} \
- "$server" \
- "$port" \
- "$nick" \
- "$channel" \
- "$message"
- fi
- '';
- };
-commands // receive-modes // permissions // refs // hooks
diff --git a/old/lib/modules.nix b/old/lib/modules.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 248e638..0000000
--- a/old/lib/modules.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
- inherit (pkgs.lib) concatMap hasAttr;
-in rec {
- no-touch-args = {
- config = throw "no-touch-args: can't touch config!";
- lib = throw "no-touch-args: can't touch lib!";
- pkgs = throw "no-touch-args: can't touch pkgs!";
- };
- # list-imports : path -> [path]
- # Return a module's transitive list of imports.
- # XXX duplicates won't get eliminated from the result.
- list-imports = path:
- let module = import path no-touch-args;
- imports = if hasAttr "imports" module
- then concatMap list-imports module.imports
- else [];
- in [path] ++ imports;
[cgit] Unable to lock slot /tmp/cgit/65000000.lock: Permission denied (13)