path: root/old/modules/tv/retiolum/config.nix
diff options
authortv <>2015-07-16 23:22:30 +0200
committertv <>2015-07-16 23:22:30 +0200
commit6aadd262fc1ec1cb7159da9ee62bd35616ddc23d (patch)
tree57983c04bb49fe0375300861111a61cede545794 /old/modules/tv/retiolum/config.nix
parent546d86da1e3cab814372fc57c83e737617c7fed8 (diff)
Goodbye old world, and thanks for all the fish!
Diffstat (limited to 'old/modules/tv/retiolum/config.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/old/modules/tv/retiolum/config.nix b/old/modules/tv/retiolum/config.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index f1d227f..0000000
--- a/old/modules/tv/retiolum/config.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-{ cfg, config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
- inherit (lib) concatStrings singleton;
- tinc = cfg.tincPackage;
- hostsType = builtins.typeOf cfg.hosts;
- hosts =
- if hostsType == "package" then
- # use package as is
- cfg.hosts
- else if hostsType == "path" then
- # use path to generate a package
- pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
- name = "custom-retiolum-hosts";
- src = cfg.hosts;
- installPhase = ''
- mkdir $out
- find . -name .git -prune -o -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cp --target-directory $out
- '';
- }
- else
- abort "The option `services.retiolum.hosts' must be set to a package or a path"
- ;
- iproute = cfg.iproutePackage;
- retiolumExtraHosts = import (pkgs.runCommand "retiolum-etc-hosts"
- { }
- ''
- generate() {
- (cd ${hosts}
- printf \'\'
- for i in `ls`; do
- names=$(hostnames $i)
- for j in `sed -En 's|^ *Aliases *= *(.+)|\1|p' $i`; do
- names="$names $(hostnames $j)"
- done
- sed -En '
- s|^ *Subnet *= *([^ /]*)(/[0-9]*)? *$|\1 '"$names"'|p
- ' $i
- done | sort
- printf \'\'
- )
- }
- case ${cfg.generateEtcHosts} in
- short)
- hostnames() { echo "$1"; }
- generate
- ;;
- long)
- hostnames() { echo "$1.${}"; }
- generate
- ;;
- both)
- hostnames() { echo "$1.${} $1"; }
- generate
- ;;
- *)
- echo '""'
- ;;
- esac > $out
- '');
- confDir = pkgs.runCommand "retiolum" {
- # TODO text
- executable = true;
- preferLocalBuild = true;
- } ''
- set -euf
- mkdir -p $out
- ln -s ${hosts} $out/hosts
- cat > $out/tinc.conf <<EOF
- Name = ${}
- Device = /dev/net/tun
- Interface = ${}
- ${concatStrings (map (c : "ConnectTo = " + c + "\n") cfg.connectTo)}
- PrivateKeyFile = ${cfg.privateKeyFile}
- # source: krebscode/painload/retiolum/scripts/tinc_setup/tinc-up
- cat > $out/tinc-up <<EOF
- host=$out/hosts/${}
- ${iproute}/sbin/ip link set \$INTERFACE up
- addr4=\$(sed -n 's|^ *Subnet *= *\(10[.][^ ]*\) *$|\1|p' \$host)
- if [ -n "\$addr4" ];then
- ${iproute}/sbin/ip -4 addr add \$addr4 dev \$INTERFACE
- ${iproute}/sbin/ip -4 route add dev \$INTERFACE
- fi
- addr6=\$(sed -n 's|^ *Subnet *= *\(42[:][^ ]*\) *$|\1|p' \$host)
- ${iproute}/sbin/ip -6 addr add \$addr6 dev \$INTERFACE
- ${iproute}/sbin/ip -6 route add 42::/16 dev \$INTERFACE
- chmod +x $out/tinc-up
- '';
- user = + "-tinc";
- environment.systemPackages = [ tinc hosts iproute ];
- networking.extraHosts = retiolumExtraHosts;
- = {
- description = "Tinc daemon for Retiolum";
- after = [ "" ];
- wantedBy = [ "" ];
- path = [ tinc iproute ];
- serviceConfig = {
- # TODO we cannot chroot (-R) b/c we use symlinks to hosts
- # and the private key.
- ExecStart = "${tinc}/sbin/tincd -c ${confDir} -d 0 -U ${user} -D";
- SyslogIdentifier = "retiolum-tincd";
- };
- };
- users.extraUsers = singleton {
- name = user;
- uid = 2961822815; # bin/genid retiolum-tinc
- };