This is only a fork of the great elm-mapbox library from Jakub Hampl with some quick fixes, that I needed for my project. Please use the original version from
I will remove the project when this functionality will be available in the original project.
Use the patch after running
npm i
in order to remove some errors (at least on my system) with TouchEvents and not ready loaded mapspatch -N node_modules/elm-mapbox/dist/elm-mapbox.umd.js < elm-mapbox.umd.js.patch
This version contains some decoders for
, which are nice to use, if you want to load your maps from MapBox-Studio and add some custom layers in your code ... see for example examples/Example04Or, as in my case, you can also use the great style generator to generate your
, which in my case caused some errors and remove the layers by a simple json-parser. Simply copy your original json definition into a string ...Style { transition = Style.defaultTransition , light = Style.defaultLight , layers = """ [{"id": "background","type": "background","layout": {"visibility": "visi ble"},"paint": {"background-color": "#fff", "background-opacity": 1},"in teractive": true},{"id": "waterway","type": "line","metadata": {"mapbox: group": "1452116608071.19"},"source": "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v6 ","source-layer": "waterway","layout": {"visibility": "visible","line-ca p": "round","line-join": "round"},"paint": {"line-width": 2,"line-color" : "#62b0f0","line-blur": 0,"line-opacity": 0.7},"interactive": true},{"i d": "water","type": "fill","metadata": {"mapbox:group": "14521166080 ... """ |> Layer.jsonList , ...
// polyfill for custom elements. Optional, see
import "@webcomponents/custom-elements";
import { registerCustomElement, registerPorts } from "elm-mapbox";
// This brings in mapbox required CSS
import "mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl.css";
// Your Elm application
import { Elm } from "./src/Main.elm";
// A Mapbox API token. Register at to get one of these. It's free.
const token =
// This will add elm-mapbox custom element into the page's registry.
// This **must** happen before your application attempts to render a map.
// Initialize your Elm application. There are a few different ways
// to do this, whichever you choose doesn't matter.
var app = Elm.Main.init({ flags: {} });
// Register ports. You only need to do this if you use the port integration.
// I usually keep this commented out until I need it.
Next, optionally, setup a ports module. The best way to do this is to to copy [this file]( into your project. I usually name it `Map/Cmd.elm` This will allow you to easily use the commands to control parts of your map interactions imperatively - for example you can command your map to fly to a particular location.
Finally, you will need to setup a base style. You can copy some of the [example styles](, or you can use the (beta) [Style code generator]( in conjunction with [Mapbox Studio](
### Example
See [Example01]( for an example application.
### Support
This library is supported in all modern browsers. The `elmMapbox` library
has a `supported` function that can be injected via flags:
import {supported} from "elm-mapbox";
var app = Elm.MyApp.fullscreen({
mapboxSupported: supported({
// If true , the function will return false if the performance of
// Mapbox GL JS would be dramatically worse than expected (e.g. a
// software WebGL renderer would be used).
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: true
Customizing the JS side
The `registerCustomElement` function accepts an options object that takes the following options:token
: the Mapbox token. If you don't pass it here, you will need to use thetoken
Elm attribute.onMount
a callback that gives you access to the mapbox instance whenever a map gets instantiated. Mostly useful for registering plugins.
: an object whose values are easing functions (i.e. they take a number between 0..1 and return a number between 0..1). You can refer to these with theeasing
option in the Cmd.Option module.
(c) Jakub Hampl 2018, 2019
MIT License