> Krebs stockholm is a manufacturer of crystal chandeliers and a wholesaler of crystal. Hans j. Krebs founded the company, situated in stockholm, sweden, in 1954. retiolum http://graph.r/ https://github.com/krebs/retiolum http://build.hotdog.r/waterfall Repo update cycle snapshot at 12.01.21 13:43: * [https://cgit.krebsco.de/stockholm](https://cgit.krebsco.de/stockholm) / [http://cgit.ni.r/stockholm](http://cgit.ni.r/stockholm) - updated 5 days ago... * [http://cgit.enklave.r/stockholm](http://cgit.enklave.r/stockholm) - updated 9 months ago... * [http://cgit.prism.r/stockholm](http://cgit.prism.r/stockholm) - updated 4 hours ago... * [https://git.thalheim.io/Mic92/stockholm](https://git.thalheim.io/Mic92/stockholm) - updated 4 hours ago... * [http://cgit.gum.r/stockholm](http://cgit.gum.r/stockholm) - updated 8 days ago... More repos do exist, but those I found. Prism.r seems to be the authorative source, git.thalheim.io seems equal, at the current moment. I may compare details with the other repos. ## Stockholm content: ### Top-level shared files: * default.nix - 2 years ago * ci.nix - 2 years ago * .rsync-filter - 3 years ago * .gitmodules - 8 months ago * .gitlab-ci.yml - 5 months ago * .gitignore - 2 years ago ### Shared folders - last updated - first impression: * krebs - 4 hours ago - folder contains numbered folders: 0tests, 1systems, 2configs, 3modules, 4lib/infest, 5pkgs; and several toplevel files * lib - 2 days ago - somewhat random functions for git, ip/uri conversion, shell, nameing of hosts, xmlstuffies and foldermapping, stringconversion... krebsfolder, but I guess retiolum * submodules - 6 months ago - links to https://cgit.krebsco.de/krops and http://cgit.krebsco.de/nix-writers * null - 5 years ago - not relevant * doc - 3 years ago - old scripts, guidelines.. unclear if relevant, probably not needed ### What looks like user-specific folders: * tv * makefu * jeschli * lass I am currently looking also at http://cgit.gum.r/stockholm-init/tree/init-stockholm together with the default.nix in the top-level lolder to see on where to follow up further. Default.nix does not seem to work out of the box and requires some variables set. init-stockholm does a lot but is more verbose. And I only saw it on gum.r.. BREAK here