with import <stockholm/lib>; host@{ name, override ? {}, secure ? false, full ? false, torrent ? false, musnix ? false }: let builder = if getEnv "dummy_secrets" == "true" then "buildbot" else "makefu"; _file = <stockholm> + "/makefu/1systems/${name}/source.nix"; ref = "74b40c3"; # unstable @ 2017-07-16 + graceful requests2 (a772c3aa) + libpurple bitlbee in evalSource (toString _file) [ { nixos-config.symlink = "stockholm/makefu/1systems/${name}/config.nix"; # always perform a full populate when buildbot nixpkgs = if full || (builder == "buildbot" ) then { git = { url = https://github.com/makefu/nixpkgs; inherit ref; }; } else { # TODO use http, once it is implemented # right now it is simply extracted revision folder ## prepare so we do not have to wait for rsync: ## cd /var/src; curl https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/tarball/125ffff -L | tar zx && mv NixOS-nixpkgs-125ffff nixpkgs file = "/home/makefu/store/${ref}"; }; secrets.file = getAttr builder { buildbot = toString <stockholm/makefu/6tests/data/secrets>; makefu = "/home/makefu/secrets/${name}"; }; stockholm.file = toString <stockholm>; } (mkIf ( musnix ) { musnix.git = { url = https://github.com/musnix/musnix.git; ref = "d8b989f"; }; }) (mkIf ( torrent ) { torrent-secrets.file = getAttr builder { buildbot = toString <stockholm/makefu/6tests/data/secrets>; makefu = "/home/makefu/secrets/torrent" ; }; }) override ]