{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

with import <stockholm/lib>;

  daemon-user = "tor";
  basicAuth = import <torrent-secrets/auth.nix>;
  peer-port = 51412;
  web-port = 8112;
  daemon-port = 58846;
  torrent-dir = config.makefu.dl-dir;
in {

  users.users = {
    download = {
      name = "download";
      home = torrent-dir;
      uid = mkDefault (genid "download");
      createHome = true;
      useDefaultShell = true;
      group = "download";
      openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ ];

  # todo: race condition, do this after download user has been created
  system.activationScripts."download-dir-chmod" = ''
    for i in finished watch torrents; do
      mkdir -p "${torrent-dir}/$i"
      chown download:download "${torrent-dir}/$i"
      chmod 770 "${torrent-dir}/$i"

  users.extraGroups = {
    download = {
      gid = lib.mkDefault (genid "download");
      members = [

  krebs.rtorrent = {
    enable = true;
    web = {
      enable = true;
      port = web-port;
      inherit basicAuth;
    rutorrent.enable = true;
    enableXMLRPC = true;
    listenPort = peer-port;
    workDir = torrent-dir;
    # dump old torrents into watch folder to have them re-added

  networking.firewall.extraCommands = ''
    iptables -A INPUT -i retiolum -p tcp --dport ${toString web-port} -j ACCEPT

  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ peer-port ];
  networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ peer-port ];