{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with import <stockholm/lib>; let # hw-specific external-mac = "2a:c5:6e:d2:fc:7f"; main-disk = "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_drive-scsi0-0-0-0"; external-gw = ""; # single partition, label "nixos" # cd /var/src; curl https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/tarball/809cf38 -L | tar zx ; mv * nixpkgs && touch .populate # static external-ip = config.krebs.build.host.nets.internet.ip4.addr; external-ip6 = config.krebs.build.host.nets.internet.ip6.addr; external-gw6 = "fe80::1"; external-netmask = 22; external-netmask6 = 64; internal-ip = config.krebs.build.host.nets.retiolum.ip4.addr; ext-if = "et0"; # gets renamed on the fly in { imports = [ <stockholm/makefu> <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/profiles/qemu-guest.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/headless.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/fs/single-partition-ext4.nix> # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/smart-monitor.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/git/cgit-retiolum.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/backup.nix> # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/mattermost-docker.nix> # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/disable_v6.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/exim-retiolum.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/tinc/retiolum.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/urlwatch> # Security <stockholm/makefu/2configs/sshd-totp.nix> # Tools <stockholm/makefu/2configs/tools/core.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/tools/dev.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/tools/sec.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/vim.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/zsh-user.nix> # services <stockholm/makefu/2configs/share/gum.nix> # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/sabnzbd.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/torrent.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/mosh.nix> # network <stockholm/makefu/2configs/vpn/openvpn-server.nix> # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/vpn/vpnws/server.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/dnscrypt/server.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/iodined.nix> # buildbot <stockholm/makefu/2configs/remote-build/slave.nix> ## Web <stockholm/makefu/2configs/nginx/share-download.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/nginx/euer.test.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/nginx/euer.wiki.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/nginx/euer.blog.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/nginx/public_html.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/nginx/update.connector.one.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/deployment/photostore.krebsco.de.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/deployment/graphs.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/deployment/owncloud.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/deployment/boot-euer.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/deployment/bgt/hidden_service.nix> { services.taskserver.enable = true; services.taskserver.fqdn = config.krebs.build.host.name; services.taskserver.listenHost = "::"; services.taskserver.organisations.home.users = [ "makefu" ]; networking.firewall.extraCommands = '' iptables -A INPUT -i retiolum -p tcp --dport 53589 -j ACCEPT ip6tables -A INPUT -i retiolum -p tcp --dport 53589 -j ACCEPT ''; } # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/ipfs.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/syncthing.nix> # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/opentracker.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/stats/client.nix> # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/logging/client.nix> # Temporary: # <stockholm/makefu/2configs/temp/rst-issue.nix> <stockholm/makefu/2configs/virtualisation/docker.nix> #{ # services.dockerRegistry.enable = true; # networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 8443 ]; # services.nginx.virtualHosts."euer.krebsco.de" = { # forceSSL = true; # enableACME = true; # extraConfig = '' # client_max_body_size 1000M; # ''; # locations."/".proxyPass = "http://localhost:5000"; # }; #} { # wireguard server # opkg install wireguard luci-proto-wireguard # TODO: networking.nat # boot.kernel.sysctl."net.ipv4.ip_forward" = 1; # conf.all.proxy_arp =1 networking.firewall = { allowedUDPPorts = [ 51820 ]; extraCommands = '' iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o ${ext-if} -j MASQUERADE ''; }; networking.wireguard.interfaces.wg0 = { ips = [ "" ]; listenPort = 51820; privateKeyFile = (toString <secrets>) + "/wireguard.key"; allowedIPsAsRoutes = true; peers = [ { # x allowedIPs = [ "" ]; publicKey = "fe5smvKVy5GAn7EV4w4tav6mqIAKhGWQotm7dRuRt1g="; } { # vbob allowedIPs = [ "" ]; publicKey = "Lju7EsCu1OWXhkhdNR7c/uiN60nr0TUPHQ+s8ULPQTw="; } { # x-test allowedIPs = [ "" ]; publicKey = "vZ/AJpfDLJyU3DzvYeW70l4FNziVgSTumA89wGHG7XY="; } { # work-router allowedIPs = [ "" ]; publicKey = "QJMwwYu/92koCASbHnR/vqe/rN00EV6/o7BGwLockDw="; } { # workr allowedIPs = [ "" ]; publicKey = "OFhCF56BrV9tjqW1sxqXEKH/GdqamUT1SqZYSADl5GA="; } ]; }; } { # iperf3 networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 5201 ]; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 5201 ]; } ]; makefu.dl-dir = "/var/download"; services.openssh.hostKeys = [ { bits = 4096; path = (toString <secrets/ssh_host_rsa_key>); type = "rsa"; } { path = (toString <secrets/ssh_host_ed25519_key>); type = "ed25519"; } ]; ###### stable services.nginx.virtualHosts.cgit.serverAliases = [ "cgit.euer.krebsco.de" ]; krebs.build.host = config.krebs.hosts.gum; krebs.tinc.retiolum = { extraConfig = '' ListenAddress = ${external-ip} 53 ListenAddress = ${external-ip} 655 ListenAddress = ${external-ip} 21031 ''; connectTo = [ "muhbaasu" "tahoe" "flap" "wry" "ni" "fastpoke" "prism" "dishfire" "echelon" "cloudkrebs" ]; }; makefu.server.primary-itf = ext-if; # access users.users = { root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ config.krebs.users.makefu-omo.pubkey ]; makefu.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ config.krebs.users.makefu-vbob.pubkey config.krebs.users.makefu-bob.pubkey ]; }; # Chat environment.systemPackages = with pkgs;[ weechat bepasty-client-cli get ]; services.bitlbee = { enable = true; libpurple_plugins = [ pkgs.telegram-purple ]; }; # Hardware boot.loader.grub.device = main-disk; boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "ata_piix" "uhci_hcd" "virtio_pci" "sd_mod" "sr_mod" ]; boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" ]; # Network services.udev.extraRules = '' SUBSYSTEM=="net", ATTR{address}=="${external-mac}", NAME="${ext-if}" ''; boot.kernelParams = [ ]; networking = { firewall = { allowPing = true; logRefusedConnections = false; allowedTCPPorts = [ # smtp 25 # http 80 443 # tinc 655 # tinc-shack 21032 # tinc-retiolum 21031 # taskserver 53589 # temp vnc 18001 # temp reverseshell 31337 ]; allowedUDPPorts = [ # tinc 655 53 # tinc-retiolum 21031 # tinc-shack 21032 ]; }; interfaces."${ext-if}" = { ip4 = [{ address = external-ip; prefixLength = external-netmask; }]; ip6 = [{ address = external-ip6; prefixLength = external-netmask6; }]; }; defaultGateway6 = external-gw6; defaultGateway = external-gw; nameservers = [ "" ]; }; }