{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with import <stockholm/lib>; { krebs.Reaktor.coders = { nickname = "Reaktor|lass"; channels = [ "#coders" "#germany" "#panthermoderns" ]; extraEnviron = { REAKTOR_HOST = "irc.hackint.org"; }; plugins = with pkgs.ReaktorPlugins; let lambdabot = (import (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "NixOS"; repo = "nixpkgs"; rev = "a4ec1841da14fc98c5c35cc72242c23bb698d4ac"; sha256 = "148fpw31s922hxrf28yhrci296f7c7zd81hf0k6zs05rq0i3szgy"; }) {}).lambdabot; lambdabotflags = '' -XStandaloneDeriving -XGADTs -XFlexibleContexts \ -XFlexibleInstances -XMultiParamTypeClasses \ -XOverloadedStrings -XFunctionalDependencies \''; in [ sed-plugin url-title (buildSimpleReaktorPlugin "lambdabot-pl" { pattern = "^@pl (?P<args>.*)$$"; script = pkgs.writeDash "lambda-pl" '' exec ${lambdabot}/bin/lambdabot \ ${indent lambdabotflags} -e "@pl $1" ''; }) (buildSimpleReaktorPlugin "lambdabot-type" { pattern = "^@type (?P<args>.*)$$"; script = pkgs.writeDash "lambda-type" '' exec ${lambdabot}/bin/lambdabot \ ${indent lambdabotflags} -e "@type $1" ''; }) (buildSimpleReaktorPlugin "lambdabot-let" { pattern = "^@let (?P<args>.*)$$"; script = pkgs.writeDash "lambda-let" '' exec ${lambdabot}/bin/lambdabot \ ${indent lambdabotflags} -e "@let $1" ''; }) (buildSimpleReaktorPlugin "lambdabot-run" { pattern = "^@run (?P<args>.*)$$"; script = pkgs.writeDash "lambda-run" '' exec ${lambdabot}/bin/lambdabot \ ${indent lambdabotflags} -e "@run $1" ''; }) (buildSimpleReaktorPlugin "lambdabot-kind" { pattern = "^@kind (?P<args>.*)$$"; script = pkgs.writeDash "lambda-kind" '' exec ${lambdabot}/bin/lambdabot \ ${indent lambdabotflags} -e "@kind $1" ''; }) (buildSimpleReaktorPlugin "random-unicorn-porn" { pattern = "^!rup$$"; script = pkgs.writePython2 "rup" [] '' t1 = """ _. ;=',_ () 8===D~~ S" .--`|| sS \__ || __.' ( \-->|| _=/ _./-\/ || 8===D~~ ((\( /-' -'l || ) |/ \\ (_)) \\ \\ '~ '~ """ print(t1) ''; }) (buildSimpleReaktorPlugin "ping" { pattern = "^!ping (?P<args>.*)$$"; script = pkgs.writeDash "ping" '' exec /run/wrappers/bin/ping -q -c1 "$1" 2>&1 | tail -1 ''; }) (buildSimpleReaktorPlugin "google" { pattern = "^!g (?P<args>.*)$$"; script = pkgs.writeDash "google" '' exec ${pkgs.ddgr}/bin/ddgr -C -n1 --json "$@" | \ ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq '@text "\(.[0].abstract) \(.[0].url)"' ''; }) (buildSimpleReaktorPlugin "blockchain" { pattern = ".*[Bb]lockchain.*$$"; script = pkgs.writeDash "blockchain" '' exec echo 'DID SOMEBODY SAY BLOCKCHAIN? https://paste.krebsco.de/r99pMoQq/+inline' ''; }) ]; }; }