with import <stockholm/lib>; { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ <stockholm/lass> <stockholm/lass/2configs/baseX.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/browsers.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/mouse.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/pass.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/retiolum.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/otp-ssh.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/git.nix> <stockholm/lass/2configs/fetchWallpaper.nix> { # automatic hardware detection boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "xhci_pci" "nvme" "usb_storage" "sd_mod" "rtsx_pci_sdmmc" ]; boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" ]; fileSystems."/" = { device = "/dev/pool/root"; fsType = "btrfs"; }; fileSystems."/boot" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/1F60-17C6"; fsType = "vfat"; }; fileSystems."/home" = { device = "/dev/pool/home"; fsType = "btrfs"; }; nix.maxJobs = lib.mkDefault 8; } { # crypto stuff boot.initrd.luks = { cryptoModules = [ "aes" "sha512" "sha1" "xts" ]; devices = [{ name = "luksroot"; device = "/dev/nvme0n1p3"; }]; }; } { services.xserver.dpi = 200; fonts.fontconfig.dpi = 200; lass.myFont = "-schumacher-clean-*-*-*-*-25-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1"; } ]; krebs.build.host = config.krebs.hosts.helios; krebs.git.rules = [ { user = [ config.krebs.users.lass-helios ]; repo = [ config.krebs.git.repos.stockholm ]; perm = with git; push "refs/heads/*" [ fast-forward non-fast-forward create delete merge ]; } ]; # Use the systemd-boot EFI boot loader. boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true; boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; networking.wireless.enable = true; hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware = true; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ vim rxvt_unicode git rsync hashPassword thunderbird dpass ]; users.users = { root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ config.krebs.users.lass-helios.pubkey ]; }; programs.ssh.startAgent = lib.mkForce true; services.tlp.enable = true; }