{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with import ../../lib/pure.nix { inherit lib; }; let cfg = config.krebs.tinc_graphs; internal_dir = "${cfg.workingDir}/internal"; external_dir = "${cfg.workingDir}/external"; out = { options.krebs.tinc_graphs = api; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable imp ; }; api = { enable = mkEnableOption "tinc graphs"; geodbPath = mkOption { type = types.str; description = "Path to geocitydb, defaults to geolite-legacy"; default = "${pkgs.geolite-legacy}/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat"; }; hostsPath = mkOption { type = types.str; description = "Path to Hosts directory"; default = "${config.krebs.tinc.retiolum.hostsPackage}"; defaultText = "\${config.krebs.tinc.retiolum.hostsPackage}"; }; network = mkOption { type = types.str; description = "Tinc Network to use"; default = "retiolum"; }; nginx = { enable = mkEnableOption "enable tinc_graphs to be served with nginx"; anonymous = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf types.unspecified; default = {}; description = '' nginx virtualHost options to be merged into the anonymous graphs vhost entry. ''; }; anonymous-domain = mkOption { type = types.str; description = '' external domainname to be used for anonymous graphs it will be used if you want to enable ACME ''; default = "graph.krebsco.de"; }; complete = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf types.unspecified; description = '' nginx virtualHost options to be merged into the complete graphs vhost entry. ''; }; }; workingDir = mkOption { type = types.str; description = '' Path to working dir, will create interal and external/. Defaults to the new users home dir which defaults to /var/cache/tinc_graphs''; default = config.users.extraUsers.tinc_graphs.home; defaultText = "<literal>\${config.users.extraUsers.tinc_graphs.home}</literal>"; }; timerConfig = mkOption { type = with types; attrsOf str; default = { OnCalendar = "*:0/15"; }; }; }; imp = { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.tinc_graphs ]; systemd.timers.tinc_graphs = { description = "Build Tinc Graphs via via timer"; wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ]; timerConfig = cfg.timerConfig; }; systemd.services.tinc_graphs = { description = "Build Tinc Graphs"; environment = { EXTERNAL_FOLDER = external_dir; INTERNAL_FOLDER = internal_dir; GEODB = cfg.geodbPath; TINC_HOSTPATH = cfg.hostsPath; TINC_NETWORK = cfg.network; }; restartIfChanged = true; serviceConfig = { Type = "simple"; TimeoutSec = 300; # we will wait 5 minutes, kill otherwise restart = "always"; ExecStartPre = pkgs.writeDash "tinc_graphs-init" '' mkdir -p "${internal_dir}" "${external_dir}" if ! test -e "${cfg.workingDir}/internal/index.html"; then cp -fr "$(${pkgs.tinc_graphs}/bin/tincstats-static-dir)/internal/." "${internal_dir}" fi if ! test -e "${cfg.workingDir}/external/index.html"; then cp -fr "$(${pkgs.tinc_graphs}/bin/tincstats-static-dir)/external/." "${external_dir}" fi ''; ExecStart = ''${pkgs.tinc_graphs}/bin/all-the-graphs "${cfg.network}"''; ExecStartPost = pkgs.writeDash "tinc_graphs-post" '' # TODO: this may break if workingDir is set to something stupid # this is needed because homedir is created with 700 chmod 755 "${cfg.workingDir}" ''; PrivateTmp = "yes"; User = "root"; # tinc cannot be queried as user, # seems to be a tinc-pre issue }; }; users.extraUsers.tinc_graphs = { uid = genid_uint31 "tinc_graphs"; group = "tinc_graphs"; home = "/var/spool/tinc_graphs"; isSystemUser = true; }; users.groups.tinc_graphs = {}; services.nginx = mkIf cfg.nginx.enable { enable = mkDefault true; virtualHosts = { tinc_graphs_complete = mkMerge [ cfg.nginx.complete { locations = { "/".extraConfig = "autoindex on;"; "/".root = internal_dir; }; }]; "${cfg.nginx.anonymous-domain}" = mkMerge [ cfg.nginx.anonymous { locations = { "/".extraConfig = "autoindex on;"; "/".root = external_dir; }; }]; }; }; }; in out