path: root/src/Reaktor/Plugins/System.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Reaktor/Plugins/System.hs')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/src/Reaktor/Plugins/System.hs b/src/Reaktor/Plugins/System.hs
index 781409b..88b8d84 100644
--- a/src/Reaktor/Plugins/System.hs
+++ b/src/Reaktor/Plugins/System.hs
@@ -2,58 +2,49 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-module Reaktor.Plugins.System (plugin) where
-import Blessings
-import Control.Applicative
-import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
-import Control.Exception (finally)
-import Data.Aeson
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Reaktor.Plugins.System (new) where
+--import Prelude.Extended
+import Blessings
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
+import Control.Exception (finally)
+--import Data.Aeson
+import Data.ByteString.Char8.Extended (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8.Extended as BS
import qualified Data.Map as M
-import Reaktor.Message
-import Reaktor.Internal
-import Reaktor.Plugins.System.Internal
-import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
-import System.FilePath.Posix (takeBaseName)
-import System.IO (Handle,hClose,hPutStr,hIsEOF)
-import System.IO (BufferMode(LineBuffering),hSetBuffering)
-import System.Process (StdStream(CreatePipe),waitForProcess)
-import System.Process (createProcess,CreateProcess(..),proc)
+import Reaktor
+import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
+import System.FilePath.Posix (takeBaseName)
+import System.IO (BufferMode(LineBuffering),hSetBuffering)
+import System.IO (Handle,hClose,hPutStr,hIsEOF)
+import Reaktor.Plugins.System.Internal -- TODO rename to Reaktor.Plugins.System again
+import System.Process (StdStream(CreatePipe),waitForProcess)
+import System.Process (createProcess,CreateProcess(..),proc)
import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE.Heavy as RE
import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE.Light as RE
-plugin :: Value -> IO Plugin
-plugin = simplePlugin run
--- TODO indicated whether other plugins should run
-run :: SystemConfig -> PluginFunc
+new :: Config -> Actions -> IO (Message -> IO ())
+new config@Config{..} actions@Actions{..} = do
+ pure $ \case
+ Message (Just prefix) "PRIVMSG" (msgtarget:text:[]) -> do
-run cfg (Message (Just prefix) "PRIVMSG" (msgtarget:text:[])) = do
- nick_ <- getNick
- let hs = maybe [] id (M.lookup "PRIVMSG" (hooks cfg))
- mapM_ (\h -> run1 cfg nick_ h prefix msgtarget text) hs
+ nick_ <- aGetNick
+ let hs = maybe [] id (M.lookup "PRIVMSG" cHooks)
+ mapM_ (\h -> run1 config actions nick_ h prefix msgtarget text) hs
-run cfg (Message (Just prefix) "JOIN" (channel:[])) = do
- nick_ <- getNick
- let hs = maybe [] id (M.lookup "JOIN" (hooks cfg))
- mapM_ (\h -> run1 cfg nick_ h prefix channel "") hs
+ Message (Just prefix) "JOIN" (channel:[]) -> do
+ nick_ <- aGetNick
+ let hs = maybe [] id (M.lookup "JOIN" cHooks)
+ mapM_ (\h -> run1 config actions nick_ h prefix channel "") hs
--- TODO warning?
-run _ _ = return ()
+ _ -> pure ()
-run1 ::
- SystemConfig
- -> Nickname
- -> SystemParams
- -> BS.ByteString
- -> BS.ByteString
- -> BS.ByteString
- -> PluginIO ()
-run1 cfg nick_ params prefix msgtarget text = do
+run1 :: Config -> Actions -> ByteString -> SystemParams -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
+run1 config@Config{..} actions@Actions{..} nick_ params prefix msgtarget text = do
isActivated =
case activate params of
@@ -88,6 +79,7 @@ run1 cfg nick_ params prefix msgtarget text = do
from = BS.takeWhile (/='!') prefix
--maybe prefix (flip BS.take prefix) $ BS.findIndex (=='!') prefix
case isActivated of
Just trigger -> do
let cmdline = BS.dropWhile (==' ') $ BS.drop (BS.length trigger) text
@@ -141,36 +133,35 @@ run1 cfg nick_ params prefix msgtarget text = do
case command' of
Just c -> do
- sendMsg_ <- gets s_sendMsg
- putLog_ <- gets s_putLog
+ -- aSend <- gets s_sendMsg
+ -- putLog_ <- gets s_putLog
let onErrLine s =
- putLog_ $ SGR [31,1] $
+ aLog $ SGR [31,1] $
Plain (BS.pack (takeBaseName $ commandPath c) <> ": "<> s)
onOutLine s =
- sendMsg_ (privmsg audience [s])
+ aSend (privmsg audience [s])
extraEnv = [("_prefix", BS.unpack prefix),
("_from", BS.unpack from)]
- lift $ fork cfg c args' (Just extraEnv) "" onOutLine onErrLine
+ fork config actions c args' (Just extraEnv) "" onOutLine onErrLine
Nothing -> do
- sendMsg (privmsg audience (resultPrefix <> [cmdName <> ": command not found"]))
+ aSend (privmsg audience (resultPrefix <> [cmdName <> ": command not found"]))
Nothing -> return ()
-fork :: SystemConfig
+fork :: Config
+ -> Actions
-> SystemCommand
-> [String]
-> Maybe [(String, String)]
-> String
- -> (BS.ByteString -> IO ())
- -> (BS.ByteString -> IO ())
+ -> (ByteString -> IO ())
+ -> (ByteString -> IO ())
-> IO ()
-fork cfg cmd args extraEnv input onOutLine onErrLine = do
+fork Config{..} Actions{..} cmd args extraEnv input onOutLine onErrLine = do
baseEnv <- getEnvironment
@@ -183,7 +174,7 @@ fork cfg cmd args extraEnv input onOutLine onErrLine = do
(inh, outh, errh) <- do
(Just inh, Just outh, Just errh, ph) <-
createProcess (proc (commandPath cmd) args) {
- cwd = commandWorkDir cmd <|> defaultWorkDir cfg,
+ cwd = commandWorkDir cmd <|> cDefaultWorkDir,
env = Just procEnv,
std_in = CreatePipe,
std_out = CreatePipe,
@@ -202,7 +193,7 @@ fork cfg cmd args extraEnv input onOutLine onErrLine = do
-hWithLines :: Handle -> (BS.ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+hWithLines :: Handle -> (ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO ()
hWithLines h f = do
hSetBuffering h LineBuffering
go `finally` hClose h
[cgit] Unable to lock slot /tmp/cgit/59200000.lock: Permission denied (13)