/* Copyright 2016 Jack Humbert * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "process_music.h" #ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE # include "process_audio.h" #endif #if defined(MIDI_ENABLE) && defined(MIDI_BASIC) # include "process_midi.h" #endif #if defined(AUDIO_ENABLE) || (defined(MIDI_ENABLE) && defined(MIDI_BASIC)) bool music_activated = false; bool midi_activated = false; uint8_t music_starting_note = 0x0C; int music_offset = 7; uint8_t music_mode = MUSIC_MODE_MAJOR; // music sequencer static bool music_sequence_recording = false; static bool music_sequence_recorded = false; static bool music_sequence_playing = false; static uint8_t music_sequence[16] = {0}; static uint8_t music_sequence_count = 0; static uint8_t music_sequence_position = 0; static uint16_t music_sequence_timer = 0; static uint16_t music_sequence_interval = 100; # ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE # ifndef MUSIC_ON_SONG # define MUSIC_ON_SONG SONG(MUSIC_ON_SOUND) # endif # ifndef MUSIC_OFF_SONG # define MUSIC_OFF_SONG SONG(MUSIC_OFF_SOUND) # endif # ifndef MIDI_ON_SONG # define MIDI_ON_SONG SONG(MUSIC_ON_SOUND) # endif # ifndef MIDI_OFF_SONG # define MIDI_OFF_SONG SONG(MUSIC_OFF_SOUND) # endif # ifndef CHROMATIC_SONG # define CHROMATIC_SONG SONG(CHROMATIC_SOUND) # endif # ifndef GUITAR_SONG # define GUITAR_SONG SONG(GUITAR_SOUND) # endif # ifndef VIOLIN_SONG # define VIOLIN_SONG SONG(VIOLIN_SOUND) # endif # ifndef MAJOR_SONG # define MAJOR_SONG SONG(MAJOR_SOUND) # endif float music_mode_songs[NUMBER_OF_MODES][5][2] = {CHROMATIC_SONG, GUITAR_SONG, VIOLIN_SONG, MAJOR_SONG}; float music_on_song[][2] = MUSIC_ON_SONG; float music_off_song[][2] = MUSIC_OFF_SONG; float midi_on_song[][2] = MIDI_ON_SONG; float midi_off_song[][2] = MIDI_OFF_SONG; # endif static void music_noteon(uint8_t note) { # ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE if (music_activated) process_audio_noteon(note); # endif # if defined(MIDI_ENABLE) && defined(MIDI_BASIC) if (midi_activated) process_midi_basic_noteon(note); # endif } static void music_noteoff(uint8_t note) { # ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE if (music_activated) process_audio_noteoff(note); # endif # if defined(MIDI_ENABLE) && defined(MIDI_BASIC) if (midi_activated) process_midi_basic_noteoff(note); # endif } void music_all_notes_off(void) { # ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE if (music_activated) process_audio_all_notes_off(); # endif # if defined(MIDI_ENABLE) && defined(MIDI_BASIC) if (midi_activated) process_midi_all_notes_off(); # endif } bool process_music(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) { if (keycode == QK_MUSIC_ON && record->event.pressed) { music_on(); return false; } if (keycode == QK_MUSIC_OFF && record->event.pressed) { music_off(); return false; } if (keycode == QK_MUSIC_TOGGLE && record->event.pressed) { if (music_activated) { music_off(); } else { music_on(); } return false; } if (keycode == QK_MIDI_ON && record->event.pressed) { midi_on(); return false; } if (keycode == QK_MIDI_OFF && record->event.pressed) { midi_off(); return false; } if (keycode == QK_MIDI_TOGGLE && record->event.pressed) { if (midi_activated) { midi_off(); } else { midi_on(); } return false; } if (keycode == QK_MUSIC_MODE_NEXT && record->event.pressed) { music_mode_cycle(); return false; } if (music_activated || midi_activated) { if (record->event.pressed) { if (keycode == KC_LEFT_CTRL) { // Start recording music_all_notes_off(); music_sequence_recording = true; music_sequence_recorded = false; music_sequence_playing = false; music_sequence_count = 0; return false; } if (keycode == KC_LEFT_ALT) { // Stop recording/playing music_all_notes_off(); if (music_sequence_recording) { // was recording music_sequence_recorded = true; } music_sequence_recording = false; music_sequence_playing = false; return false; } if (keycode == KC_LEFT_GUI && music_sequence_recorded) { // Start playing music_all_notes_off(); music_sequence_recording = false; music_sequence_playing = true; music_sequence_position = 0; music_sequence_timer = 0; return false; } if (keycode == KC_UP) { music_sequence_interval -= 10; return false; } if (keycode == KC_DOWN) { music_sequence_interval += 10; return false; } } uint8_t note = 36; # ifdef MUSIC_MAP if (music_mode == MUSIC_MODE_CHROMATIC) { note = music_starting_note + music_offset + 36 + music_map[record->event.key.row][record->event.key.col]; } else { uint8_t position = music_map[record->event.key.row][record->event.key.col]; note = music_starting_note + music_offset + 36 + SCALE[position % 7] + (position / 7) * 12; } # else if (music_mode == MUSIC_MODE_CHROMATIC) note = (music_starting_note + record->event.key.col + music_offset - 3) + 12 * (MATRIX_ROWS - record->event.key.row); else if (music_mode == MUSIC_MODE_GUITAR) note = (music_starting_note + record->event.key.col + music_offset + 32) + 5 * (MATRIX_ROWS - record->event.key.row); else if (music_mode == MUSIC_MODE_VIOLIN) note = (music_starting_note + record->event.key.col + music_offset + 32) + 7 * (MATRIX_ROWS - record->event.key.row); else if (music_mode == MUSIC_MODE_MAJOR) note = (music_starting_note + SCALE[record->event.key.col + music_offset] - 3) + 12 * (MATRIX_ROWS - record->event.key.row); else note = music_starting_note; # endif if (record->event.pressed) { music_noteon(note); if (music_sequence_recording) { music_sequence[music_sequence_count] = note; music_sequence_count++; } } else { music_noteoff(note); } if (music_mask(keycode)) return false; } return true; } bool music_mask(uint16_t keycode) { # ifdef MUSIC_MASK return MUSIC_MASK; # else return music_mask_kb(keycode); # endif } __attribute__((weak)) bool music_mask_kb(uint16_t keycode) { return music_mask_user(keycode); } __attribute__((weak)) bool music_mask_user(uint16_t keycode) { return keycode < 0xFF; } bool is_music_on(void) { return (music_activated != 0); } void music_toggle(void) { if (!music_activated) { music_on(); } else { music_off(); } } void music_on(void) { music_activated = 1; # ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE PLAY_SONG(music_on_song); # endif music_on_user(); } void music_off(void) { music_all_notes_off(); music_activated = 0; # ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE PLAY_SONG(music_off_song); # endif } bool is_midi_on(void) { return (midi_activated != 0); } void midi_toggle(void) { if (!midi_activated) { midi_on(); } else { midi_off(); } } void midi_on(void) { midi_activated = 1; # ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE PLAY_SONG(midi_on_song); # endif midi_on_user(); } void midi_off(void) { # if defined(MIDI_ENABLE) && defined(MIDI_BASIC) process_midi_all_notes_off(); # endif midi_activated = 0; # ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE PLAY_SONG(midi_off_song); # endif } void music_mode_cycle(void) { music_all_notes_off(); music_mode = (music_mode + 1) % NUMBER_OF_MODES; # ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE PLAY_SONG(music_mode_songs[music_mode]); # endif } void music_task(void) { if (music_sequence_playing) { if ((music_sequence_timer == 0) || (timer_elapsed(music_sequence_timer) > music_sequence_interval)) { music_sequence_timer = timer_read(); uint8_t prev_note = music_sequence[(music_sequence_position - 1 < 0) ? (music_sequence_position - 1 + music_sequence_count) : (music_sequence_position - 1)]; uint8_t next_note = music_sequence[music_sequence_position]; music_noteoff(prev_note); music_noteon(next_note); music_sequence_position = (music_sequence_position + 1) % music_sequence_count; } } } __attribute__((weak)) void music_on_user(void) {} __attribute__((weak)) void midi_on_user(void) {} __attribute__((weak)) void music_scale_user(void) {} #endif // defined(AUDIO_ENABLE) || (defined(MIDI_ENABLE) && defined(MIDI_BASIC))