#include "quantum.h" #include "ws2812.h" #include <ch.h> #include <hal.h> /* Adapted from https://github.com/bigjosh/SimpleNeoPixelDemo/ */ #ifndef NOP_FUDGE # if defined(STM32F0XX) || defined(STM32F1XX) || defined(STM32F3XX) || defined(STM32F4XX) || defined(STM32L0XX) # define NOP_FUDGE 0.4 # else # error("NOP_FUDGE configuration required") # define NOP_FUDGE 1 // this just pleases the compile so the above error is easier to spot # endif #endif // Push Pull or Open Drain Configuration // Default Push Pull #ifndef WS2812_EXTERNAL_PULLUP # define WS2812_OUTPUT_MODE PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL #else # define WS2812_OUTPUT_MODE PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_OPENDRAIN #endif #define NUMBER_NOPS 6 #define CYCLES_PER_SEC (CPU_CLOCK / NUMBER_NOPS * NOP_FUDGE) #define NS_PER_SEC (1000000000L) // Note that this has to be SIGNED since we want to be able to check for negative values of derivatives #define NS_PER_CYCLE (NS_PER_SEC / CYCLES_PER_SEC) #define NS_TO_CYCLES(n) ((n) / NS_PER_CYCLE) #define wait_ns(x) \ do { \ for (int i = 0; i < NS_TO_CYCLES(x); i++) { \ __asm__ volatile("nop\n\t" \ "nop\n\t" \ "nop\n\t" \ "nop\n\t" \ "nop\n\t" \ "nop\n\t"); \ } \ } while (0) // These are the timing constraints taken mostly from the WS2812 datasheets // These are chosen to be conservative and avoid problems rather than for maximum throughput #define T1H 900 // Width of a 1 bit in ns #define T1L (1250 - T1H) // Width of a 1 bit in ns #define T0H 350 // Width of a 0 bit in ns #define T0L (1250 - T0H) // Width of a 0 bit in ns // The reset gap can be 6000 ns, but depending on the LED strip it may have to be increased // to values like 600000 ns. If it is too small, the pixels will show nothing most of the time. #define RES (1000 * WS2812_TRST_US) // Width of the low gap between bits to cause a frame to latch void sendByte(uint8_t byte) { // WS2812 protocol wants most significant bits first for (unsigned char bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++) { bool is_one = byte & (1 << (7 - bit)); // using something like wait_ns(is_one ? T1L : T0L) here throws off timings if (is_one) { // 1 writePinHigh(RGB_DI_PIN); wait_ns(T1H); writePinLow(RGB_DI_PIN); wait_ns(T1L); } else { // 0 writePinHigh(RGB_DI_PIN); wait_ns(T0H); writePinLow(RGB_DI_PIN); wait_ns(T0L); } } } void ws2812_init(void) { palSetLineMode(RGB_DI_PIN, WS2812_OUTPUT_MODE); } // Setleds for standard RGB void ws2812_setleds(LED_TYPE *ledarray, uint16_t leds) { static bool s_init = false; if (!s_init) { ws2812_init(); s_init = true; } // this code is very time dependent, so we need to disable interrupts chSysLock(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < leds; i++) { // WS2812 protocol dictates grb order #if (WS2812_BYTE_ORDER == WS2812_BYTE_ORDER_GRB) sendByte(ledarray[i].g); sendByte(ledarray[i].r); sendByte(ledarray[i].b); #elif (WS2812_BYTE_ORDER == WS2812_BYTE_ORDER_RGB) sendByte(ledarray[i].r); sendByte(ledarray[i].g); sendByte(ledarray[i].b); #elif (WS2812_BYTE_ORDER == WS2812_BYTE_ORDER_BGR) sendByte(ledarray[i].b); sendByte(ledarray[i].g); sendByte(ledarray[i].r); #endif #ifdef RGBW sendByte(ledarray[i].w); #endif } wait_ns(RES); chSysUnlock(); }