/* Copyright 2020 Jumail Mundekkat / MxBlue * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ // EEPROM management code taken from Wilba6582 // https://github.com/Wilba6582/qmk_firmware/blob/zeal60/keyboards/zeal60/zeal_eeprom.h #pragma once #include "quantum.h" #include "quantum_keycodes.h" #include "via.h" // RGBLED index for front LEDs #define RGBLIGHT_FLED1 14 #define RGBLIGHT_FLED2 15 // Brightness increase step for front LEDs #define FLED_VAL_STEP 8 // Front LED settings #define FRONTLED_CONF_ADDR ((uint8_t*) VIA_EEPROM_CUSTOM_CONFIG_ADDR) #define FRONTLED_COLOR_CNT_ADDR (FRONTLED_CONF_ADDR + 1) #define FRONTLED_COLOR_ADDR ((uint16_t*)(FRONTLED_COLOR_CNT_ADDR + 1)) // No point persisting more 4, VIA only allows editing of 3 + 1 for caps #define FRONTLED_COLOR_MAXCNT 4 // Modes for front LEDs #define FLED_OFF 0b00 #define FLED_INDI 0b01 #define FLED_RGB 0b10 #define FLED_UNDEF 0b11 // Config storage format for EEPROM typedef union { uint8_t raw; struct { uint8_t mode :2; uint8_t val :6; }; } fled_config; // Structure to store hue and saturation values typedef union { uint16_t raw; struct { uint8_t hue; uint8_t sat; }; } hs_set; // Custom keycodes for front LED control enum fled_keycodes { FLED_MOD = QK_KB_0, // QK_KB_0 = VIA custom keycode start FLED_VAI, FLED_VAD, NEW_SAFE_RANGE // define a new safe range }; void fled_init(void); // Run init functions for front LEDs void process_record_fled(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t* record); // Process keycodes for front LEDs void fled_load_conf(void); // Load front LED config from EEPROM void fled_update_conf(void); // Store current front LED config to EEPROM void fled_mode_cycle(void); // Cycle between the 3 modes for the front LEDs void fled_val_increase(void); // Increase the brightness of the front LEDs void fled_val_decrease(void); // Decrease the brightness of the front LEDs void fled_layer_update(layer_state_t state); // Process layer update for front LEDs void fled_lock_update(led_t led_state); // Process lock update for front LEDs void set_fled_layer_color(uint8_t layer, hs_set hs); // Set color for a given layer void set_fled_caps_color(hs_set hs); // Set color for the capslock indicator hs_set get_fled_caps_color(void); // Get color for the capslock indicator hs_set get_fled_layer_color(uint8_t layer); // Get color for a given layer