#!/bin/sh main(){ #get sudo if test "${nosudo-false}" != true -a `id -u` != 0; then echo "we're going sudo..." >&2 exec sudo -E "$0" "$@" exit 23 # go to hell fi set -euf # SUBNET4=${SUBNET4:-10.243} SUBNET6=${SUBNET6:-42} TEMPDIR=${TEMPDIR:-auto} TINCDIR=${TINCDIR:-auto} exists() { type "$1" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; } if exists hostname ;then SYSHOSTN=${HOSTNAME:-$(hostname)} elif exists uci ;then SYSHOSTN=$(uci get system.@system[0].hostname) elif [ -e /etc/hostname ] ;then SYSHOSTN=$(cat /etc/hostname) else SYSHOSTN="unknown" fi #overwrite `found` hostname HOSTN=${HOSTN:-$SYSHOSTN} NETNAME=${NETNAME:-retiolum} MASK4=${MASK4:-16} MASK6=${MASK6:-16} RMASK=${RMASK:-} URL=${URL:-http://euer.krebsco.de/retiolum/hosts.tar.gz} SURL=${SURL:-http://euer.krebsco.de/retiolum/supernodes.tar.gz} IRCCHANNEL=${IRCCHANNEL:-"#krebs_incoming"} IRCSERVER=${IRCSERVER:-"irc.freenode.net"} IRCPORT=${IRCPORT:-6667} OS=${OS:-0} TELNET=${TELNET:-} IP4=${IP4:-0} IP6=${IP6:-0} RAND4=1 RAND6=1 if [ $IP4 -eq 0 ]; then RAND4=1 elif ! check_ip_valid4 $IP4; then echo 'ip4 is invalid' exit 1 fi if [ $IP6 -eq 0 ]; then RAND6=1 elif ! check_ip_valid6 $IP6; then echo 'ip6 is invalid' exit 1 fi #find OS if [ $OS -eq 0 ]; then find_os fi if [ -z "$TELNET" ]; then find_telnet fi #check if everything is installed if ! exists awk ; then echo "Please install awk" exit 1 fi if ! exists curl ; then if ! exists wget ; then echo "Please install curl or wget" exit 1 else LOADER='wget -O-' HEAD_LOADER="$LOADER --spider" fi else LOADER=curl HEAD_LOADER="$LOADER -I" fi if ! $HEAD_LOADER $SURL >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ;then echo "Cannot find supernode package, check if your internet is working" exit 1 fi #check if everything is installed if [ $OS = 'android' ]; then if ! test -e /data/data/org.poirsouille.tinc_gui/files/tincd; then echo "Please install tinc-gui" exit 1 else TINCBIN=/data/data/org.poirsouille.tinc_gui/files/tincd DEV="/dev/tun" if [ $TINCDIR = 'auto' ]; then TINCDIR="/usr/local/etc/tinc" ;fi if [ $TEMPDIR = 'auto' ]; then TEMPDIR="/storage/sdcard0/tinc-fu" ;fi mount -o remount,rw / mount -o remount,rw /system fi elif [ $OS = 'osx' ]; then if ! exists tincd >/dev/null; then echo "Please install tinc" exit 1 else TINCBIN=tincd DEV="/dev/net/tun" if [ $TINCDIR = 'auto' ]; then TINCDIR="/usr/local/etc/tinc" ;fi if [ $TEMPDIR = 'auto' ]; then TEMPDIR="/tmp/tinc-install-fu" ;fi fi else if ! exists tincd >/dev/null; then echo "Please install tinc" exit 1 else TINCBIN=tincd DEV="/dev/net/tun" if [ $TINCDIR = 'auto' ]; then TINCDIR="/etc/tinc" ;fi if [ $TEMPDIR = 'auto' ]; then TEMPDIR="/tmp/tinc-install-fu" ;fi fi fi #generate full subnet information for v4 #test if tinc directory already exists if test -e $TINCDIR/$NETNAME; then echo "tinc config directory $TINCDIR/$NETNAME does already exist. (backup and) delete config directory and restart" exit 1 fi #get tinc-hostfiles mkdir -p $TEMPDIR/hosts $LOADER $URL | tar zx -C $TEMPDIR/hosts/ #check for free ip #version 4 until check_ip_taken $IP4; do if [ $RAND4 -eq 1 ]; then IP4="$SUBNET4.$(( $(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc "123456789" | head -c3) %255)).$(( $(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc "123456789" | head -c3) %255))" else printf 'choose new ip: ' read IP4 while ! check_ip_valid4 $IP4; do printf 'the ip is invalid, retard, choose a valid ip: ' read IP4 done fi done #version 6 until check_ip_taken $IP6; do if [ $RAND6 -eq 1 ]; then NETLENGTH=$(expr $(expr 128 - $MASK6) / 4) IP6="$SUBNET6$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc "0123456789abcdef" | head -c$NETLENGTH | sed 's/..../:&/g')" #todo: generate ip length from hostmask else printf 'ip taken, choose new ip: ' read IP6 while ! check_ip_valid6 $IP6; do printf 'the ip is invalid, retard, choose a valid ip: ' read IP6 done fi done #check for free hostname get_hostname $HOSTN #create the configs mkdir -p $TINCDIR/$NETNAME cd $TINCDIR/$NETNAME if [ $OS = 'openwrt' ]; then mkdir hosts $LOADER $SURL | tar xz -C hosts/ else mv $TEMPDIR/hosts ./ fi rm -r $TEMPDIR || echo "$TEMPDIR does not exist, skipping removal" echo "Subnet = $IP4" > hosts/$HOSTN echo "Subnet = $IP6" >> hosts/$HOSTN cat>tinc.conf<<EOF Name = $HOSTN Device = $DEV #newer tinc features LocalDiscovery = yes AutoConnect = 3 #ConnectTos ConnectTo = slowpoke ConnectTo = pigstarter ConnectTo = pico EOF host2subnet $MASK4 #check if ip is installed if exists ip >/dev/null; then echo 'dirname="`dirname "$0"`"' > tinc-up echo '' >> tinc-up echo 'conf=$dirname/tinc.conf' >> tinc-up echo '' >> tinc-up echo 'host=$dirname/hosts/$NAME' >> tinc-up echo '' >> tinc-up echo 'ip link set $INTERFACE up' >> tinc-up echo '' >> tinc-up echo "addr4=\$(sed -n \"s|^ *Subnet *= *\\($SUBNET4[.][^ ]*\\) *\$|\\\\1|p\" \$host)" >> tinc-up echo 'ip -4 addr add $addr4 dev $INTERFACE' >> tinc-up echo "ip -4 route add $FULLSUBNET/$MASK4 dev \$INTERFACE" >> tinc-up #TODO: variable for network announced echo "ip -4 route add dev \$INTERFACE" >> tinc-up echo '' >> tinc-up echo "addr6=\$(sed -n \"s|^ *Subnet *= *\\($SUBNET6[:][^ ]*\\) *\$|\\\\1|p\" \$host)" >> tinc-up echo 'ip -6 addr add $addr6 dev $INTERFACE || exit 0' >> tinc-up echo "ip -6 route add $SUBNET6::/$MASK6 dev \$INTERFACE" >> tinc-up else echo 'dirname="`dirname "$0"`"' > tinc-up echo '' >> tinc-up echo 'conf=$dirname/tinc.conf' >> tinc-up echo '' >> tinc-up echo 'name=$(sed -n "s|^ *Name *= *\([^ ]*\) *$|\\1|p" $conf)' >> tinc-up echo '' >> tinc-up echo 'host=$dirname/hosts/$name' >> tinc-up echo '' >> tinc-up echo "addr4=\$(sed -n \"s|^ *Subnet *= *\\($SUBNET4[.][^ ]*\\) *$|\\\\1|p\" \$host)" >> tinc-up echo 'ifconfig $INTERFACE $addr4' >> tinc-up echo "route add -net $FULLSUBNET netmask $RMASK dev \$INTERFACE " >> tinc-up fi #fix permissions chmod +x tinc-up chown -R 0:0 . #generate keys with tinc if exists tinc ; then yes | tinc -n $NETNAME generate-keys else yes | $TINCBIN -n $NETNAME -K fi if [ $OS = 'android' ]; then mkdir /etc/tinc cd / mv $TINCDIR/$NETNAME /etc/tinc/ cd /etc/tinc/$NETNAME fi #write to irc-channel NICK="${HOSTN}_$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc "0123456789" | head -c3)" ( echo "NICK $NICK"; echo "USER $NICK $IRCSERVER bla : $NICK"; echo "JOIN $IRCCHANNEL"; sleep 23; echo "PRIVMSG $IRCCHANNEL : This is $HOSTN"; sed "s/^\(.*\)/PRIVMSG $IRCCHANNEL : \1/" hosts/$HOSTN; sleep 5; ) | $TELNET $IRCSERVER $IRCPORT # finish what you have begun! tincd -n $NETNAME } #convert hostmask to subnetmask only version 4 host2subnet() { NEEDDOTSINSUB=$(expr 3 - $( echo $SUBNET4 | tr -C -d . | wc -c)) case $NEEDDOTSINSUB in 3) FULLSUBNET=$SUBNET4.0.0.0 ;; 2) FULLSUBNET=$SUBNET4.0.0 ;; 1) FULLSUBNET=$SUBNET4.0 ;; 0) FULLSUBNET=$SUBNET4 ;; *) echo "cannot read subnet" && exit 1;; esac } #check if ip is valid ipv4 function check_ip_valid4() { if [ "$(echo $1 | awk -F"\." ' $0 ~ /^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$/ && $1 <=255 && $2 <= 255 && $3 <= 255 && $4 <= 255 ' 2>/dev/null)" == "$1" ] && [ ${1:0:${#SUBNET4}} == $SUBNET4 ] then return 0 else return 1 fi } #check if ip is valid ipv6 function check_ip_valid6() { if [ "$(echo $1 | awk -F"." ' $0 ~ /^([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}\:){7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$/' 2>/dev/null)" == $1 ] && [ ${1:0:${#SUBNET6}} == $SUBNET6 ] then return 0 else return 1 fi } #check if ip is taken function check_ip_taken() { if grep -q -r -E "$1(#|/)" $TEMPDIR/hosts/ ;then return 1 else return 0 fi } #if hostname is taken, count upwards until it isn't taken function get_hostname() { TSTFILE=$TEMPDIR/hosts/$1 LCOUNTER=0 if test -e $TSTFILE; then while test -e $TSTFILE; do : $((LCOUNTER+=1)) TSTFILE=$TEMPDIR/hosts/$1$LCOUNTER done HOSTN=$1$LCOUNTER else HOSTN=$1 fi } #os autodetection find_os() { if grep -qe 'Linux' /etc/*release 2>/dev/null || grep -qe 'Linux' /etc/issue 2>/dev/null; then OS='linux' elif test -e /etc/preferred-apps/google.xml; then OS='android' elif test -e /etc/openwrt_release; then OS='openwrt' elif uname -s | grep -qi 'darwin'; then OS='osx' else echo "Cannot determine your operating system, falling back to Linux" OS='linux' fi } find_telnet(){ if exists telnet >/dev/null;then TELNET="`command -v telnet`" elif exists busybox >/dev/null;then TELNET="`command -v busybox` telnet" else echo "cannot find telnet binary, please install either telnet-client or busybox" echo "bailing out!" exit 1 fi } main