# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
from BackwardsReader import BackwardsReader
import sys,json
#supernodes= [ "kaah","supernode","euer","pa_sharepoint","oxberg" ]
  import socket
  from time import time
  import os
  host = os.environ.get("GRAPHITE_HOST","localhost")
  port = 2003
  g_path =  os.environ.get("GRAPHITE_PATH","retiolum")
  begin = time()
  s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 
  sys.stderr.write("connecting to %s:%d"%(host,port))
except Exception as e:
  sys.stderr.write( "Cannot connect to graphite: " + str(e))
""" TODO: Refactoring needed to pull the edges out of the node structures again,
it should be easier to handle both structures"""
DUMP_FILE = "/krebs/db/availability"
def write_digraph(nodes):
  writes the complete digraph in dot format
  print ('digraph retiolum {')
  #print ('  graph [center rankdir=LR packMode="clust"]')
  print ('  graph [center packMode="clust"]')
  print ('  node[shape=circle,style=filled,fillcolor=grey]')
  print ('  overlap=false')
  nodes = anon_nodes(nodes)
  for k,v in nodes.iteritems():
  print ('}')

def anon_nodes(nodes):
  i = "0"
  newnodes = {}
  for k,v in nodes.iteritems():
    for nodek,node in nodes.iteritems():
      for to in node['to']:
        if to['name'] == k:
          to['name'] = i
    newnodes[i] = v
    i = str(int(i)+1)
  return newnodes

def write_stat_node(nodes):
  ''' Write a `stats` node in the corner
      This node contains infos about the current number of active nodes and connections inside the network
  num_conns = 0
  num_nodes = len(nodes)
  for k,v in nodes.iteritems():
    num_conns+= len(v['to'])
  node_text = "  stats_node [shape=box,label=\"Statistics\\l"
  node_text += "Active Nodes: %s\\l" % num_nodes
  node_text += "Connections : %s\\l" % num_conns
  node_text += "\""
  node_text += ",fillcolor=green"
  node_text += "]"

def generate_stats(nodes):
  """ Generates some statistics of the network and nodes
  for k,v in nodes.iteritems():
    conns = v.get('to',[])
    for c in conns: #sanitize weights
      if float(c['weight']) > 9000: c['weight'] = str(9001)
      elif float(c['weight']) < 0: c['weight'] = str(0)
    v['num_conns'] = len(conns)
    v['avg_weight'] = get_node_avg_weight(conns)
def get_node_avg_weight(conns):
  """ calculates the average weight for the given connections """
  if not conns:
    sys.syderr.write("get_node_avg_weight: connection parameter empty")
    return 9001
    return sum([float(c['weight']) for c in conns])/len(conns)

def delete_unused_nodes(nodes):
  new_nodes = {}
  for k,v in nodes.iteritems():
    if v['external-ip'] == "(null)":
    if v.get('to',[]):
      new_nodes[k] = v
  for k,v in new_nodes.iteritems():
    if not [ i for i in v['to'] if i['name'] in new_nodes]:
  return new_nodes
def merge_edges(nodes):
  """ merge back and forth edges into one
  DESTRUCTS the current structure by deleting "connections" in the nodes
  for k,v in nodes.iteritems():
    for con in v.get('to',[]):
      for i,secon in enumerate(nodes.get(con['name'],{}).get('to',[])):
        if k == secon['name']:
          del (nodes[con['name']]['to'][i])
          con['bidirectional'] = True

def write_node(k,v):
  """ writes a single node and its edges 
      edges are weightet with the informations inside the nodes provided by
  node = "  "+k #+"[label=\""
  #node += k+"\\l"
  #node += "avg weight: %.2f\\l" % v['avg_weight'] 
  #if v.has_key('num_conns'):
  #  node += "Conns:"+str(v['num_conns'])+"\\l"
  #node +="\""
  #node +=",group=\""+v['external-ip'].replace(".","") + "\""
  #node += "]"
  print node

  for con in v.get('to',[]):
    label  = con['weight']
    w = int(con['weight'])
    weight = str(1000 - (((w - 150) * (1000 - 0)) / (1000 -150 )) + 0)

    length = str(float(w)/1500)
    #weight = "1000" #str(300/float(con['weight']))
    #weight = str((100/float(con['weight'])))
    #weight = str(-1 * (200-100000/int(con['weight'])))
    if float(weight) < 0 :
      weight= "1"

    #sys.stderr.write(weight + ":"+ length +" %s -> " %k + str(con) + "\n")
    edge = "  "+k+ " -> " +con['name'] + " [label="+label + " weight="+weight #+ " minlen="+length
    if con.get('bidirectional',False):
      edge += ",dir=both"
    edge += "]"
    print edge

def decode_input(FILE):
  return json.load(FILE)
nodes = decode_input(sys.stdin)
nodes = delete_unused_nodes(nodes)
  end = time()
  msg = '%s.graph.anon_build_time %d %d\r\n' % (g_path,((end-begin)*1000),end)
except Exception as e: pass