/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | relay control program | * | by mgr, 2007 | * | last change: 2009-01-05 | * | | * | This program is used to control the relay card version 1.0. For more | * | information have a look at the project homepage. | * | You will need libftdi in order to compile this tool. | * | | * | NOTE: For some reason the -l option causes a program crash if I | * | compile this program with -O2. On top of that this code seems to | * | be quite optimal, the program size gets a little larger with -O2, | * | so I suggest you just compile it without optimization. | * +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <time.h> #include <ftdi.h> // libftdi /* Notice that if you experiment with the baud rate, you will have to adapt * the firmware, too. Also I do not recommend it, as 9600 Bauds are completely * sufficient for this application. */ #define BAUD 9600 /* If you are using more than one FT232-based pieces of hardware at once, * we need a way to uniquely address any given one. This is done by the * serial of the specific device which you can pass to this tool or specify * here. If no serial is specified (NULL), the first found device is opened. */ #define DEFAULT_FT_SERIAL "A6TMRSS6" #define VERSION "1.0" #define OPTION_ADDRESS 0x01 #define OPTION_INTERVAL 0x04 #define OPTION_CYCLIC 0x08 #define OPTION_ON 0x10 #define OPTION_OFF 0x20 #define OPTION_TOGGLE 0x40 #define OPTION_DEL_TIMERS 0x80 #define OPTION_LIST_DEVICES 0x200 #define EXIT_CODE_OK 0 #define EXIT_CODE_FAILURE 1 #include "communication.h" /* function prototypes */ void usage(char* name); void version(void); const char* card_strerror(int error); int valid_argument(const char* str); void exit_gracefully(struct ftdi_context* ftdic, char exit_code); int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret=0, int_argument=0, option_flags=0, long_index=0, i=0, num_ops=0; signed char c=0; unsigned char buf[COMMANDO_LENGTH], char_argument=0, operation=0; const char* ft_serial=DEFAULT_FT_SERIAL; double double_argument; char buf0[64], buf1[64], buf2[64]; time_t start_time; //struct ftdi_eeprom eeprom; struct ftdi_context ftdic; struct ftdi_device_list *devlist=NULL, *curdev=NULL; static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", 0, 0, '?'}, {"version", 0, 0, 'V'}, {"on", 1, 0, 'o'}, {"off", 1, 0, 'f'}, {"toggle", 1, 0, 't'}, {"set", 1, 0, 's'}, {"status", 0, 0, 'S'}, {"interval", 1, 0, 'v'}, {"cyclic", 0, 0, 'c'}, {"address", 1, 0, 'a'}, {"delete-timers", 0, 0, 'd'}, {"list-devices", 0, 0, 'l'}, {0, 0, 0, 0 } }; /* fetch the command line options */ while ((c = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, "?Vo:f:t:s:Sv:ca:dl", long_options, &long_index)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'o': case 'f': case 't': int_argument = atoi(optarg); if (int_argument > 6 || int_argument < 1 || !valid_argument(optarg)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -s: invalid value `%s' (1-6 is valid)\n", *argv, optarg); return EXIT_CODE_FAILURE; } char_argument = (unsigned char)int_argument; if (c == 't') { operation = COMMAND_RELAY_TOGGLE; option_flags |= OPTION_TOGGLE; } else if (c == 'o') { operation = COMMAND_RELAY_ON; option_flags |= OPTION_ON; } else { operation = COMMAND_RELAY_OFF; option_flags |= OPTION_OFF; } num_ops++; break; case 's': int_argument = atoi(optarg); if (int_argument > (1 << 6)-1 || int_argument < 0 || !valid_argument(optarg)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -s: invalid value `%s'\n", *argv, optarg); return EXIT_CODE_FAILURE; } char_argument = (unsigned char)int_argument; operation = COMMAND_RELAY_SET; num_ops++; break; case 'S': operation = COMMAND_GET_STATUS; num_ops++; break; case 'v': double_argument = atof(optarg); int_argument = (int)(double_argument*60) /10; if (int_argument < 1 || int_argument > (1 << 16)-1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -i: invalid interval `%s'\n", *argv, optarg); return EXIT_CODE_FAILURE; } option_flags |= OPTION_INTERVAL; break; case 'c': option_flags |= OPTION_CYCLIC; break; case 'd': operation = COMMAND_DEL_TIMERS; option_flags |= OPTION_DEL_TIMERS; num_ops++; break; case 'a': if (strlen(optarg) != 8) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -s: invalid serial number `%s'\n", *argv, optarg); return EXIT_CODE_FAILURE; } ft_serial = optarg; option_flags |= OPTION_ADDRESS; break; case 'l': option_flags |= OPTION_LIST_DEVICES; break; case 'V': version(); break; case '?': default: usage(*argv); break; } } /* check whether the command line options are valid */ if ((option_flags & OPTION_INTERVAL)) { if (option_flags & OPTION_DEL_TIMERS) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -d cannot be mixed with timing options\n", *argv); usage(*argv); } if (option_flags & OPTION_CYCLIC) { operation = COMMAND_RELAY_TIME_CYCLIC; } else if (option_flags & OPTION_ON) { operation = COMMAND_RELAY_TIME_ON; } else if (option_flags & OPTION_OFF) { operation = COMMAND_RELAY_TIME_OFF; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -v: you must also specify an operation (-o or -f)\n", *argv); usage(*argv); } } if (!operation && !(option_flags & OPTION_LIST_DEVICES)) { usage(*argv); } if (((option_flags & OPTION_DEL_TIMERS) && (operation != COMMAND_DEL_TIMERS))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid mixture of options\n", *argv); usage(*argv); } if (num_ops > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: more than one operation specified\n", *argv); usage(*argv); } if (ftdi_init(&ftdic) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to initialize FTDI context: %d (%s)\n", *argv, ret, ftdi_get_error_string(&ftdic)); return EXIT_CODE_FAILURE; } /* list all found FT232 devices */ if (option_flags & OPTION_LIST_DEVICES) { printf("scanning for FT232 devices...\n" "you can address the devices using `%s -a <serial>'\n", *argv); if ((ret = ftdi_usb_find_all(&ftdic, &devlist, 0x0403, 0x6001)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to scan devices: %d (%s)\n", *argv, ret, ftdi_get_error_string(&ftdic)); exit(EXIT_CODE_FAILURE); } if (ret == 0) { printf(" no devices found :(\n"); return EXIT_CODE_OK; } for (i=0, curdev = devlist; curdev != NULL; i++) { if (ftdi_usb_get_strings(&ftdic, curdev->dev, buf0, sizeof(buf0)/sizeof(char), buf1, sizeof(buf1)/sizeof(char), buf2, sizeof(buf2)/sizeof(char)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to fetch information for device #%i: %s\n", i, ftdi_get_error_string(&ftdic)); // continue caused an endless loop in case of an error break; } printf("\ndevice #%i%s:\n" " manufacturer: %s\n" " device: %s\n" " serial: %s\n", i, (i == 0 ? " (default)" : ""), (buf0 != NULL ? buf0 : "n/a"), (buf1 != NULL ? buf1 : "n/a"), (buf2 != NULL ? buf2 : "n/a")); curdev = curdev->next; } ftdi_list_free(&devlist); return EXIT_CODE_OK; } /* Try to open the specified device. If that fails, we take a long shot * and open the first found FT232 device and assume its the relay card. * We don't do this if an address was specified with the -a option. */ if ((ret = ftdi_usb_open_desc(&ftdic, 0x0403, 0x6001, NULL, ft_serial)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to open ftdi device: %d (%s)\n", *argv, ret, ftdi_get_error_string(&ftdic)); exit(EXIT_CODE_FAILURE); } /* get rid of any data still floating around the buffer */ ftdi_usb_reset(&ftdic); ftdi_usb_purge_buffers(&ftdic); if ((ret = ftdi_set_baudrate(&ftdic, BAUD)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to set baudrate: %d (%s)\n", *argv, ret, ftdi_get_error_string(&ftdic)); exit_gracefully(&ftdic, EXIT_CODE_FAILURE); } if ((ret = ftdi_set_line_property(&ftdic, 8, 2, NONE)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to set line property: %d (%s)\n", *argv, ret, ftdi_get_error_string(&ftdic)); exit_gracefully(&ftdic, EXIT_CODE_FAILURE); } if ((ret = ftdi_setflowctrl(&ftdic, SIO_RTS_CTS_HS)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to setup flow control: %d (%s)\n", *argv, ret, ftdi_get_error_string(&ftdic)); exit_gracefully(&ftdic, EXIT_CODE_FAILURE); } /*if ((ret = ftdi_set_latency_timer(&ftdic, 10)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to set latency timer: %d (%s)\n", *argv, ret, ftdi_get_error_string(&ftdic)); exit_gracefully(&ftdic, EXIT_CODE_FAILURE); }*/ buf[0] = operation; buf[2] = 0; buf[3] = 0; buf[4] = 0; switch (operation) { case COMMAND_RELAY_SET: buf[1] = char_argument; break; case COMMAND_RELAY_ON: case COMMAND_RELAY_OFF: case COMMAND_RELAY_TOGGLE: buf[1] = (1 << (char_argument-1)); break; case COMMAND_RELAY_TIME_ON: case COMMAND_RELAY_TIME_OFF: case COMMAND_RELAY_TIME_CYCLIC: buf[1] = char_argument-1; buf[2] = (int_argument & 0xff); // low byte buf[3] = (int_argument >> 8); // high byte break; default: break; } /* These values might not make much sense are vital to the correct * funtion of this program, so better don't touch them. */ ftdi_write_data_set_chunksize(&ftdic, 1); ftdi_read_data_set_chunksize(&ftdic, 4); /* send the command */ if (ftdi_write_data(&ftdic, buf, COMMANDO_LENGTH) != COMMANDO_LENGTH) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to send command: %s\n", *argv, ftdi_get_error_string(&ftdic)); exit_gracefully(&ftdic, EXIT_CODE_FAILURE); } /* Read the card's response. */ start_time = time(NULL); while ((ret = ftdi_read_data(&ftdic, buf, 1)) == 0) { usleep(500); if (time(NULL)-start_time >= 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to read card response, the operation might have " "failed\n", *argv); exit_gracefully(&ftdic, EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (operation == COMMAND_GET_STATUS && buf[0] <= ((1 << 7)-1)) { printf("relay status: %i (0b%s%s%s%s%s%s)\n", buf[0], (buf[0] & (1 << 5)) ? "1" : "0", (buf[0] & (1 << 4)) ? "1" : "0", (buf[0] & (1 << 3)) ? "1" : "0", (buf[0] & (1 << 2)) ? "1" : "0", (buf[0] & (1 << 1)) ? "1" : "0", (buf[0] & (1 << 0)) ? "1" : "0"); exit_gracefully(&ftdic, EXIT_CODE_OK); } if (buf[0] != RESPONSE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: relay card returned: %s\n", *argv, card_strerror(buf[0])); exit_gracefully(&ftdic, EXIT_FAILURE); } /* we can exit now */ exit_gracefully(&ftdic, EXIT_CODE_OK); return 0; // to make the compiler happy } void exit_gracefully(struct ftdi_context* ftdic, char exit_code) { ftdi_usb_purge_buffers(ftdic); ftdi_usb_close(ftdic); ftdi_deinit(ftdic); exit(exit_code); } int valid_argument(const char* str) { int i; for (i=0; i<strlen(str); i++) { if (!isdigit(str[i]) && (str[i] != '.')) return 0; } return 1; } const char* card_strerror(int error) { const char* message = "no error"; switch (error) { case RESPONSE_OK: message = "all fine"; break; case RESPONSE_INVALID_COMMAND: message = "invalid command"; break; case RESPONSE_INVALID_ARGUMENT: message = "invalid command argument"; break; case RESPONSE_TRANSMISSION_ERROR: message = "transmission error"; break; } return message; } void usage(char *name) { printf("\nrelay control program usage ==================================================\n" " -?/--help .............. dump this screen\n" " -V/--version ........... echo some program information\n" " -o/--on <num>: ......... switch relay <num> on\n" " -f/--off <num>: ........ switch relay <num> off \n" " -t/--toggle <num>: ..... toggle relay <num> \n" " -s/--set <mask>: ....... set the status of all relays to <mask>\n" " -S/--status: ........... get the current relay status\n" " -v/--interval <units> .. specify a timing interval (in minutes)\n" " -c/--cyclic: ........... makes a timing operation (-v) cyclic\n" " -a/--address <serial> .. addresses a specific card if multiple are installed\n" " -d/--delete-timers ..... deletes all active timers\n" " -l/--list-devices ...... lists all found FT232 devices\n\n"); exit(0); } void version(void) { printf("\nThis is the relay control program version %s ($Revision: 26 $)\n" "----------------------------------------------------------------\n" " written by Michael Gross, 2007\n" " binary compiled: %s %s\n\n" "This program can be redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2\n" "or later. For more information about this software and the hardware, visit\n" "my homepage at http://www.coremelt.net. As usual with free software, there\n" "is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, refer to the GPL.\n\n", VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__); exit(0); }