#!/usr/bin/perl use MIME::QuotedPrint; use HTML::Entities; use Mail::Sendmail 0.75; # doesn't work with v. 0.74! $NOTIFICATIONTYPE=$ARGV[0]; $HOSTNAME=$ARGV[1]; $HOSTSTATE=$ARGV[2]; $HOSTADDRESS=$ARGV[3]; $HOSTOUTPUT=$ARGV[4]; $SHORTDATETIME=$ARGV[5]; $TO=$ARGV[6]; #$HOSTNAME=$ARGV[7]; #$DOWNTIME=$ARGV[8]; $boundary = "====" . time() . "===="; $text = "***** Notification Shinken *****\n\n" . "Notification : $NOTIFICATIONTYPE\n\n" . "Host : $HOSTNAME\n\n" . "Address : $HOSTADDRESS\n" . "State : $HOSTSTATE\n\n" . "Date/Time : $SHORTDATETIME\n\n" . "Host output : $HOSTOUTPUT"; $texthtml = " <center><table border='11><th><strong>***** Notification Shinken *****</strong></th></table></center>\n"; $color="blue"; if ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE =~ /RECOVERY/) { $color="#339933"; } if ($NOTIFICATIONTYPE =~ /PROBLEM/) { $color="#FF0000"; } $HOSTOUTPUT =~ s/=/=/g; $texthtml = $texthtml . "<strong>Notification type : <span style='ccolor:$color> $NOTIFICATIONTYPE </span></strong>\n\n"; if ($DOWNTIME != 0) { $color="#3333FF"; $texthtml = $texthtml . "<strong><i><span style='ccolor:$color>This device is actually in maintenance.</span></i></strong>\n\n"; } if ($HOSTSTATE =~ /DOWN/) { $color="#FF0000"; } if ($HOSTSTATE =~ /UP/) { $color="#339933"; } if ($HOSTSTATE =~ /UNREACHABLE/) { $color="#00CCCC"; } $texthtml = $texthtml . "<strong>Impacted host</strong> : $HOSTNAME\n" . "<strong>Address</strong> : <i>$HOSTADDRESS</i> \n" . "<strong>Host State : <span style='ccolor:$color> $HOSTSTATE </span></strong>\n" . "<strong>Date/Time</strong> : <i>$SHORTDATETIME</i> \n\n" . "<strong>Host Output</strong> : $HOSTOUTPUT \n\n\n\n"; %mail = ( from => 'Monitoring Agent <monitor-agent@invaliddomain.org>', to => $TO, subject => "$HOSTNAME is $HOSTSTATE !", 'content-type' => "multipart/alternative; boundary=\"$boundary\"", 'Auto-Submitted' => "auto-generated" ); $plain = encode_qp $text; #$html = encode_entities($texthtml); $html = $texthtml; $html =~ s/\n\n/\n\n<p>/g; $html =~ s/\n/<br>\n/g; $html = "<p>" . $html . "</p>"; $boundary = '--'.$boundary; $mail{body} = <<END_OF_BODY; $boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable $plain $boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <html>$html</html> $boundary-- END_OF_BODY sendmail(%mail) || print "Error: $Mail::Sendmail::error\n";