~/p/krebscode/painload/infest/home aggressive cooperative -- currently it is aggressive and stupid ~/p/krebscode/painload/infest/etc aggressive cooperative -- currently it is aggressive and stupid - node install script === # this is the current installation process [by example] <code> ssh root@pornocauster -p 2222 git clone https://github.com/krebscode/painload.git /krebs cd /krebs apt-get install --yes make make infest shutdown -r now ssh -i .ssh/krebs/also.id_rsa krebs@pornocauster -p 2222 </code> === - conflicting ~/.profile - morse: beep not found wegen rc.local - /etc/.vimrc legacy compat ~/p/krebscode/painload/node/Makefile ./configure --prefix=$HOME and ensure that the resulting bin is in $PATH which node or build //krebscode/painload/retiolum/scripts/tinc_setup/install.sh or something should be called by painload/infest and should be enterprise enough to be infested multiple times -- please see how infest/bin/make-patch is generating a patch, that gets applied by Makefile //krebscode/painload/noise - should be infested host-specifically - i.e. to start automatically at KREBS //krebscode/painload/noise - NOISE-STREAMS-MODULE - should have a module to allow switching of the streams - should have a module to allow managing of streams - is this mergable with noise/modules/stream [by chris] - or can we replace noise/modules/stream //krebscode/painload/streams - should be infested host-specifically - i.e. to start automatically at KREBS - the last stream should be playbacked - should be controlable by noise [see NOISE-STREAM-MODULE] ## merge conflicts below view.py: contains view classes for cholerab cholerab.py: main file start with : python cholerab.py