path: root/ship/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ship/src')
18 files changed, 1041 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ship/src/arch_autoinstall b/ship/src/arch_autoinstall
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c9b6c4d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ship/src/arch_autoinstall
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+#@include core
+#@include color
+#@include network
+#@include tor
+extra_pkg="xorg vim xfce4 feh chromium zsh sudo git flashplugin alsa-oss alsa-lib alsa-utils grub-bios slim ntp tor network-manager-applet networkmanager openssh cups cups-filters"
+info "writing stdout to /tmp/install.log"
+defer 'pkill tail'
+ find /dev/disk/by-label/ -name ARCH_\* 2>/dev/null | xargs readlink
+ for i in sd vd hd;do
+ for j in a b;do
+ dsk="/dev/$i$j"
+ test "$(installer_disk)" == "$dsk" && continue
+ test -e "$dsk" && echo "$dsk" && return
+ done
+ done
+test "$rootdisk" || die "cannot find your root disk"
+info "Your rootdisk is $rootdisk"
+sleep 3
+umount /mnt/boot ||:
+umount /mnt ||:
+info "starting partitioning"
+(printf "o\nn\np\n\n\n+256M\n\a\nn\np\n\n\n\nw\n\n") |fdisk $rootdisk||:
+info "done partitioning"
+sleep 1
+info "generating filesystem on /boot"
+mkfs.ext2 ${rootdisk}1
+info "Done"
+sleep 1
+info "starting LVM magic"
+vgchange -an ||:
+vgremove -f pool0 ||:
+pvcreate ${rootdisk}2
+vgcreate -ff pool0 ${rootdisk}2
+lvcreate -l 100%free -n root pool0
+info "finished creating LVM"
+sleep 1
+info "generating filesystems on the LVM"
+mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/pool0-root
+info "finished generating filesystems"
+sleep 1
+info "mounting"
+mount /dev/mapper/pool0-root /mnt
+mkdir /mnt/boot
+mount ${rootdisk}1 /mnt/boot
+info "finished mounting!"
+sleep 1
+info "installing!"
+info "Setting http proxy"
+if http_head heidi.shack:3142 &>/dev/null; then
+ http_proxy=heidi.shack:3142
+ info "Heidi is reachable, will use this box as proxy"
+ http_proxy=''
+ info "Will not use any proxy"
+info "Installing the following packages: $extra_pkg"
+if [ -n "${user_pkg:-}" ] ;then
+ info "User chooses additional packages: $user_pkg"
+ info "No additional packages set by user (\$user_pkg unset)"
+http_proxy=${http_proxy} pacstrap /mnt base base-devel $extra_pkg ${user_pkg:-}
+info "installation done"
+sleep 1
+info "generating configs"
+genfstab -U -p /mnt > /mnt/etc/fstab
+info "beginning chroot!"
+arch-chroot /mnt << EOF
+msg() { printf "\$*\n" >&2; }
+info() { msg "$green\$*$nc"; }
+error() { msg "$green\$*$nc"; }
+info "generating locales"
+ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin /etc/localtime
+echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.conf
+echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen
+echo "shackbook$RANDOM" > /etc/hostname
+sed -i 's/block/& lvm2/g' /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
+info "Done! "
+mkinitcpio -p linux
+info "setting root password"
+printf "${pass}\n${pass}\n" | (passwd )
+info "adding user"
+useradd -d /home/shack -m -G audio,video,wheel -s /usr/bin/zsh shack
+printf "${pass}\n${pass}\n" | (passwd shack)
+info "editing sudoers"
+printf "root ALL=(ALL) ALL\n%s ALL=(ALL) ALL\n" %wheel >> /etc/sudoers
+info "configuring slim"
+printf "default_user\tshack\nfocus_password\tyes\nauto_login\tyes\n" >> /etc/slim.conf
+info "configuring .xinitrc"
+printf "exec startxfce4\n" >> /home/shack/.xinitrc
+for i in slim NetworkManager ntpd tor cups; do
+ info "enabling \$i"
+ systemctl enable \$i
+### CUPS
+mkdir -p /etc/cups
+cat >>/etc/cups/printers.conf<<EOT
+<Printer HP_LaserJet_5000_Series>
+Info Shack Printer HP 5000
+Location lounge
+MakeModel HP LaserJet Series PCL 6 CUPS
+DeviceURI socket://$shack_printer_ip
+State Idle
+StateTime 1387400063
+Type 8400964
+Accepting Yes
+Shared No
+JobSheets none none
+QuotaPeriod 0
+PageLimit 0
+KLimit 0
+OpPolicy default
+ErrorPolicy stop-printer
+info "installing grub"
+grub-install ${rootdisk} 2>/dev/null
+echo "GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true" >> /etc/default/grub
+grub-mkconfig > /boot/grub/grub.cfg 2>/dev/null
+info "installing oh-my-zsh"
+curl -L | sudo -u shack sh
+sed -i 's/robbyrussell/afowler/g' /home/shack/.zshrc
+info "fixing chrome for incognito use"
+sed -i 's/Exec=chromium/Exec=chromium --incognito/g' /usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop
+info "configuring tor"
+#TODO publish tor address after reboot
+#info "publishing hidden service address"
+#cat $hidden_service_dir/hostname | send_irc
+info "We're all done, simply reboot!"
diff --git a/ship/src/bootstrap_env_makefu b/ship/src/bootstrap_env_makefu
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e61f4e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ship/src/bootstrap_env_makefu
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# TODO: modularize zsh configuration and vim configuration
+#@include core
+#@include punani
+#@include vim
+# vim +python
+# TODO pull out youcompleteme into a vim function
+# cmake ,make,g++,python-dev for youcompleteme
+info "Configuring environment for $(id -un)"
+cd $(readlink -f $(dirname $0))
+info "Using punani to install git vim and zsh"
+punani install git vim_python zsh gpp cmake make python2_dev || die "cannot install some shit"
+info "writing dotfiles"
+# deploying zshrc
+# TODO modularize zshrc
+cat > $HOME/.zshrc <<EOF
+# Path to your oh-my-zsh configuration.
+export ZSH=\$HOME/.oh-my-zsh
+# Look in ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/
+export ZSH_THEME="gallifrey"
+# Comment this out to disable weekly auto-update checks
+export DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE="true"
+plugins=(git ssh-agent)
+. \$ZSH/
+test -e \$HOME/.aliases && source \$HOME/.aliases
+# Customize to your needs...
+export PATH=/usr/sbin:/krebs/bin:\$HOME/bin:\$PATH:/sbin
+export EDITOR=vim
+export JAVA_HOME=\$JAVA_HOME:/opt/java/jre
+alias grep='grep --color=auto'
+alias vi=vim
+export MANPATH=\$MANPATH:\$HOME/man
+if [ -f "\$HOME/.dircolors" ] ; then
+ eval \$(dircolors -b "\$HOME/.dircolors")
+ export LS_COLORS
+which fortune >/dev/null && fortune -a
+which task >/dev/null && task
+echo "--"
+test -r ~/TODO && cat ~/TODO
+setopt menu_complete
+unsetopt correct_all
+export PYTHONSTARTUP=~/.pythonrc
+info 'deploying pythonrc'
+cat > $HOME/.pythonrc <<EOF
+import rlcompleter, readline
+info "deploying vim config"
+if [ -e $HOME/.vim ] ; then
+ oldvim=$HOME/.vim.`date +%Y%M%d`
+ info "Backing up old vim folder to $oldvim"
+ mv -v $HOME/.vim $oldvim
+mkdir -p $HOME/.vim
+# TODO modilarize vimconfig
+cat > $HOME/.vim/vimrc <<EOF
+filetype off
+set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle
+call vundle#rc()
+" TODO refactor this
+Bundle 'gmarik/vundle'
+Bundle 'SudoEdit.vim'
+Bundle 'snipMate'
+Bundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
+Bundle 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
+Bundle 'scrooloose/syntastic'
+Bundle 'sjl/gundo.vim'
+nnoremap <F5> :GundoToggle<CR>
+set undodir=~/.vim/undo
+set undofile
+"maximum number of changes that can be undone
+set undolevels=1000000
+"maximum number lines to save for undo on a buffer reload
+set undoreload=10000000
+set pastetoggle=<F2>
+set showmode
+filetype plugin indent on
+filetype plugin indent on
+let g:snips_author = 'Bob Ross <>'
+let g:makefu_author = 'makefu'
+" pasting
+nnoremap <F2> :set invpaste paste?<CR>
+set pastetoggle=<F2>
+set showmode
+" save on focus lost
+au FocusLost * :wa
+set spelllang=en
+set textwidth=9001
+autocmd BufRead *.json set filetype=json
+if [ -e $HOME/.vimrc ] ; then
+ oldvim=$HOME/.vimrc.`date +%Y%M%d`
+ info "Backing up old vimrc file to $oldvim"
+ mv -v $HOME/.vimrc $oldvim
+info "Symlinking .vimrc to .vim/vimrc"
+ln -vs $HOME/.vim/vimrc $HOME/.vimrc
+#install all the vim stuff with the help of vundle
+cd $HOME/.vim
+mkdir -p bundle undo backup
+info "Fetching vim-vundle"
+git clone bundle/vundle > /dev/null && \
+ info "Vim Vundle deployed"
+info "Installing Vundle Bundles"
+vim "+:BundleInstall" "+:qall"
+info "building youcompleteme libs"
+cd $HOME/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
+cd -
+info "configuring zsh"
+if exists zsh; then
+ if [ "$SHELL" != "`which zsh`" ] ;then
+ info "setting zsh as new shell,please enter your user password"
+ chsh -s `which zsh`
+ else
+ info "zsh already set as default shell"
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d ~/.oh-my-zsh ] ; then
+ git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh > /dev/null && info "oh-my-zsh deployed"
+ else
+ info "oh-my-zsh already installed"
+ fi
+ error "cannot find zsh :("
diff --git a/ship/src/deploy-ssh-keys b/ship/src/deploy-ssh-keys
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7eedb2cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ship/src/deploy-ssh-keys
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#@include core
+cd $(dirname $0)
+U="${1:-$(id -u -n)}"
+H="$(grep "^$U" /etc/passwd | cut -d : -f 6)"
+info "deploying for user $U to $H/.ssh"
+mkdir -p $H/.ssh
+cp -vr $krebsdir/infest/skel/home/.ssh/authorized_keys $H/.ssh
+chown $U $H
+chown -R $U $H/.ssh
diff --git a/ship/src/filehooker_configure_ncdc b/ship/src/filehooker_configure_ncdc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c980ebf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ship/src/filehooker_configure_ncdc
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#@include filehooker
+rnd=`hexdump -n 2 -e '/2 "%u"' /dev/urandom`
+ncdc_configure_nick "$nick"
+ncdc_configure_hub "$dc_hub"
diff --git a/ship/src/filehooker_configure_netshare b/ship/src/filehooker_configure_netshare
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..438ac133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ship/src/filehooker_configure_netshare
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#@include filehooker
+for i in $(prepare_netshares) ;do
+ ncdc_configure_netshare "$i" "${i##*/}"
diff --git a/ship/src/filehooker_install b/ship/src/filehooker_install
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..eb2d5fd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ship/src/filehooker_install
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#@include core
+## colored logging
+#@include color
+#@include network
+## for tor hidden service
+#@include tor
+## for ncdc
+#@include filehooker
+# 20gig
+extra_pkg="vim sudo grub-bios ntp tor openssh btrfs-progs tmux"
+info "writing stdout to /tmp/install.log"
+ find /dev/disk/by-label/ -name ARCH_\* 2>/dev/null | xargs readlink
+ for i in sd vd hd;do
+ for j in a b c;do
+ dsk="/dev/$i$j"
+ test ! -e "$dsk" && continue
+ test "$(installer_disk)" == "$dsk" && continue
+ test "$(get_disksize $dsk)" -gt "$min_netshare_size" && info "not using $dsk as it is too big" && continue
+ echo "$dsk" && return
+ done
+ done
+test "$rootdisk" || die "cannot find your root disk"
+info "Your rootdisk is $rootdisk"
+sleep 3
+umount /mnt/boot ||:
+umount /mnt ||:
+info "overwriting partitioning"
+dd if=/dev/zero of=$rootdisk bs=2k count=10
+info "starting partitioning"
+(printf "o\nn\np\n\n\n+128M\n\a\nn\np\n\n\n\nw\n\n") |fdisk $rootdisk ||:
+partprobe $rootdisk
+info "done partitioning"
+sleep 1
+info "generating filesystem on /boot"
+mkfs.ext2 ${rootdisk}1
+info "Done"
+sleep 3
+vgchange -an
+info "generating filesystems"
+mkfs.btrfs -f ${rootdisk}2
+sleep 1
+info "finished generating filesystems"
+sleep 1
+info "mounting"
+mount ${rootdisk}2 /mnt
+mkdir /mnt/boot
+mount ${rootdisk}1 /mnt/boot
+info "finished mounting!"
+sleep 1
+info "installing!"
+info "Setting http proxy"
+info "Installing the following packages: $extra_pkg"
+if [ -n "${user_pkg:-}" ] ;then
+ info "User chooses additional packages: $user_pkg"
+ info "No additional packages set by user (\$user_pkg unset)"
+pacstrap /mnt base $extra_pkg ${user_pkg:-}
+info "installation done"
+sleep 1
+info "generating configs"
+genfstab -U -p /mnt > /mnt/etc/fstab
+info "beginning chroot!"
+########### BEGIN CHROOT #####
+arch-chroot /mnt << EOF
+msg() { printf "\$*\n" >&2; }
+info() { msg "$green\$*$nc"; }
+error() { msg "$green\$*$nc"; }
+info "generating locales"
+ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin /etc/localtime
+echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.conf
+echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen
+echo "filehooker$RANDOM" > /etc/hostname
+info "Done! "
+mkinitcpio -p linux ||
+info "setting root password"
+printf "${pass}\n${pass}\n" | (passwd )
+info "adding user"
+useradd -m -G audio,video,wheel $admin
+printf "${pass}\n${pass}\n" | (passwd $admin)
+info "editing sudoers"
+printf "root ALL=(ALL) ALL\n%s ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD: ALL\n" %wheel >> /etc/sudoers
+for i in dhcpcd ntpd tor sshd ; do
+ info "enabling \$i"
+ systemctl enable \$i
+info "installing grub"
+grub-install ${rootdisk} 2>/dev/null
+#echo "GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true" >> /etc/default/grub
+grub-mkconfig > /boot/grub/grub.cfg 2>/dev/null
+# prepare ncdc
+useradd -m hooker
+######## END CHROOT ##########
+info "configuring tor"
+#info "publishing hidden service address"
+#cat $hidden_service_dir/hostname | send_irc
+info "configure ncdc"
+curl | arch-chroot /mnt
+info "configuring netshares"
+( curl )| arch-chroot /mnt
+info "configuring tor announce"
+curl | arch-chroot /mnt
+info "We're all done, rebooting!"
+sleep 5
diff --git a/ship/src/find-supers-tinc b/ship/src/find-supers-tinc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ea53d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ship/src/find-supers-tinc
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#@include core
+#@include retiolum
diff --git a/ship/src/fix_dircolors b/ship/src/fix_dircolors
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d427563f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ship/src/fix_dircolors
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#@include core
+exists dircolors || die "no dircolors in PATH, bailing out"
+info "fixing dircolors for $(id -un)"
+dircolors -p > $HOME/.dircolors
+sed -i 's/\(DIR \).*/\101;36/' $HOME/.dircolors
+! grep -q 'dircolors' $HOME/.profile && \
+ info "adding dircolors line to $HOME/.profile" && \
+ echo 'eval `dircolors -b $HOME/.dircolors`' >> $HOME/.profile
+info "done"
diff --git a/ship/src/get_repo b/ship/src/get_repo
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5476e650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ship/src/get_repo
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#@include punani
+# Can be overwritten before install
+( is_root || ! test "$KREBSDIR" = "/krebs" ) || die "not running as root, stuff may not work. change KREBSDIR env to bootstrap somewhere else!";
+info "installing git to clone repo"
+punani install git
+[ -e "$KREBSDIR" ] && die "krebs dir already exists"
+git clone --depth 1 "$KREBSDIR" || die "cloning failed :("
+cd $KREBSDIR || die "cannot change into $KREBSDIR folder:(" ;
+info "installing make"
+punani install make
+info "have a nice day"
diff --git a/ship/src/install_tor_announce b/ship/src/install_tor_announce
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7b3662e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ship/src/install_tor_announce
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#@include filehooker
diff --git a/ship/src/punani b/ship/src/punani
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ceabd667
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ship/src/punani
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+#@include punani
+punani "$@"
diff --git a/ship/src/refresh-super-keys b/ship/src/refresh-super-keys
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dddbe846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ship/src/refresh-super-keys
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#@include retiolum
diff --git a/ship/src/refresh-supers b/ship/src/refresh-supers
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6dc6e8ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ship/src/refresh-supers
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# usage: [DEBUG=1] [tincconf=/not/tinc/retiolum/tinc.conf] $0
+# This is the implementation of the proposal how to update tinc supernode
+# connections
+#@include core
+#@include retiolum
+ # using find_supernodes
+ # tinc_path
+ # netname
+defer "rm -f $tmp_tincconf"
+sed '/^[ ]*ConnectTo/d' "$tincconf" > "$tmp_tincconf"
+# TODO find_supernodes requires netcat
+find_supernodes | cut -d\ -f 1 | shuf \
+ | head -n "${max_connect_to}" \
+ | xargs -n1 printf "ConnectTo=%s\n" >> "$tmp_tincconf"
+info "replacing old tinc.conf with one"
+test "${DEBUG:-}" && diff "$tincconf" "$tmp_tincconf"
+mv "$tmp_tincconf" "$tincconf"
diff --git a/ship/src/remaster_arch_shack_installstick b/ship/src/remaster_arch_shack_installstick
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3ad985af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ship/src/remaster_arch_shack_installstick
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#@include core
+#@include iso
+## TODO: provide a parameter which defines what to be done in the new iso root
+set -efu
+outfile=$(basename ${isofile%.iso}.krebs.iso)
+info "outfile will be at $outfile"
+info "bdir is at $bdir"
+[ ! -e "$isofile" ] && die "$isofile does not exist."
+esudo "$@"
+arch_label="$(get_volid "$isofile")"
+info "Arch iso label is ${arch_label}"
+info "auto_url is $auto_url"
+info "cleanup root dir"
+rm -rf $bdir
+mkdir -p $isomnt $rootdir
+info "mounting isofile ($isofile)"
+if is_root;then
+ mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro $isofile $isomnt
+ die 'we are not root enough to mount the iso.'
+defer "info 'unmounting $isomnt';umount $isomnt"
+info "copying from '$isomnt' to '$isodir'"
+cp -a "$isomnt" "$isodir"
+defer "info 'removing $isodir';rm -rf $isodir"
+info "extracting root-image squashfs"
+# we will not touch the kernel ... yet
+for arch in x86_64 i686;do
+ info "unpacking $isomnt/arch/$arch/root-image.fs.sfs"
+ mkdir -p "$outdir/$arch"
+ defer "info 'removing $outdir/$arch';rm -rf $outdir/$arch"
+ mkdir -p "$rootdir/$arch"
+ defer "info 'removing $rootdir/$arch';rm -rf $rootdir/$arch"
+ unsquashfs -f -d "$outdir/$arch" "$isodir/arch/$arch/root-image.fs.sfs"
+ mount "$outdir/$arch/root-image.fs" "$rootdir/$arch"
+ defer "info 'unmounting $rootdir/$arch';umount $rootdir/$arch||info 'not mounted'"
+ info "Starting of the rootdir verkrepelung"
+ # do the magic here
+ arch-chroot $rootdir/$arch <<EOF
+ cat >> /root/.zshrc<<EOL
+cat << EOD
+This is the Krebs Autoinstaller, we will do all the right things.
+Just Wait until everything finished.
+- Make sure that RJ45 is connected
+- you can bail out of the progress at any time with CTRL-C
+ /krebs/autoinstall (args)
+ mkdir /krebs
+ cat > /krebs/autoinstall <<EOL
+internet() { ping -w 1 >/dev/null 2>&1; }
+while ! internet;do
+ echo "no Internet yet, waiting ..."
+ sleep 3
+echo "Grabbing current version of install-script from $auto_url"
+curl "$auto_url" 2>/dev/null | sh -s "\\\$@"
+chmod 755 /krebs/autoinstall
+ info "deleting old squashfs"
+ rm "$isodir/arch/$arch/root-image.fs.sfs"
+ info "creating squashfs at $isodir/arch/$arch/root-image.fs.sfs"
+ umount "$rootdir/$arch"
+ mksquashfs "$outdir/$arch/root-image.fs" "$isodir/arch/$arch/root-image.fs.sfs"
+info "creating Iso Image"
+rm -f "${outdir}/${outfile}"
+xorriso -as mkisofs \
+ -iso-level 3 \
+ -full-iso9660-filenames \
+ -volid "${arch_label}" \
+ -appid "Shackspace Krebs Installer" \
+ -publisher "Shackspace/Krebs" \
+ -preparer "prepared by krebs" \
+ -eltorito-boot isolinux/isolinux.bin \
+ -eltorito-catalog isolinux/ \
+ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
+ -isohybrid-mbr ${isomnt}/isolinux/isohdpfx.bin \
+ -output "${outdir}/${outfile}" \
+ "$isodir"
diff --git a/ship/src/retiolum b/ship/src/retiolum
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ede1fd6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ship/src/retiolum
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+#@include core
+#@include network
+ set -euf
+ get_root
+ SUBNET4=${SUBNET4:-10.243}
+ # TODO: some retard servers may not support ipv6
+ SUBNET6=${SUBNET6:-42}
+ #overwrite `found` hostname
+ HOSTN="`get_hostname`"
+ NETNAME=${NETNAME:-retiolum}
+ MASK4=${MASK4:-16}
+ MASK6=${MASK6:-16}
+ URL=${URL:-}
+ SURL=${SURL:-}
+ IRCCHANNEL=${IRCCHANNEL:-"#krebs_incoming"}
+ OS=$(get_os)
+ IP4=${IP4:-0}
+ IP6=${IP6:-0}
+ RAND4=1
+ RAND6=1
+ if [ $IP4 -eq 0 ]; then
+ RAND4=1
+ elif ! check_ip_valid4 $IP4; then
+ die 'ip4 is invalid'
+ fi
+ if [ $IP6 -eq 0 ]; then
+ RAND6=1
+ elif ! check_ip_valid6 $IP6; then
+ die 'ip6 is invalid'
+ fi
+ #check if everything is installed
+ if ! exists awk ; then
+ die 'Please install awk'
+ fi
+ if ! http_head $SURL >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ;then
+ die 'Cannot find supernode package, check if your internet is working'
+ fi
+ #check if everything is installed
+ if [ $OS = 'android' ]; then
+ if ! test -e /data/data/org.poirsouille.tinc_gui/files/tincd; then
+ die 'Please install tinc-gui'
+ else
+ TINCBIN=/data/data/org.poirsouille.tinc_gui/files/tincd
+ DEV="/dev/tun"
+ if [ $TINCDIR = 'auto' ]; then TINCDIR="/usr/local/etc/tinc" ;fi
+ if [ $TEMPDIR = 'auto' ]; then TEMPDIR="/storage/sdcard0/tinc-fu" ;fi
+ mount -o remount,rw /
+ mount -o remount,rw /system
+ fi
+ elif [ $OS = 'osx' ]; then
+ if ! exists tincd >/dev/null; then
+ die 'Please install tinc'
+ else
+ TINCBIN=tincd
+ DEV="/dev/net/tun"
+ if [ $TINCDIR = 'auto' ]; then TINCDIR="/usr/local/etc/tinc" ;fi
+ if [ $TEMPDIR = 'auto' ]; then TEMPDIR="/tmp/tinc-install-fu" ;fi
+ fi
+ else
+ if ! exists tincd >/dev/null; then
+ die 'Please install tinc'
+ else
+ TINCBIN=tincd
+ DEV="/dev/net/tun"
+ if [ $TINCDIR = 'auto' ]; then TINCDIR="/etc/tinc" ;fi
+ if [ $TEMPDIR = 'auto' ]; then TEMPDIR="/tmp/tinc-install-fu" ;fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ #generate full subnet information for v4
+ #test if tinc directory already exists
+ if test -e $TINCDIR/$NETNAME; then
+ die "tinc config directory $TINCDIR/$NETNAME does already exist. (backup and) delete config directory and restart"
+ fi
+ #get tinc-hostfiles
+ mkdir -p $TEMPDIR/hosts
+ http_get $URL | tar zx -C $TEMPDIR/hosts/
+ #check for free ip
+ #version 4
+ until check_ip_taken $IP4; do
+ if [ $RAND4 -eq 1 ]; then
+ IP4="$SUBNET4.$(( $(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc "123456789" | head -c3) %255)).$(( $(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc "123456789" | head -c3) %255))"
+ else
+ printf 'choose new ip: '
+ read IP4
+ while ! check_ip_valid4 $IP4; do
+ printf 'the ip is invalid, retard, choose a valid ip: '
+ read IP4
+ done
+ fi
+ done
+ #version 6
+ until check_ip_taken $IP6; do
+ if [ $RAND6 -eq 1 ]; then
+ NETLENGTH=$(expr $(expr 128 - $MASK6) / 4)
+ IP6="$SUBNET6$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc "0123456789abcdef" | head -c$NETLENGTH | sed 's/..../:&/g')" #todo: generate ip length from hostmask
+ else
+ printf 'ip taken, choose new ip: '
+ read IP6
+ while ! check_ip_valid6 $IP6; do
+ printf 'the ip is invalid, retard, choose a valid ip: '
+ read IP6
+ done
+ fi
+ done
+ #check for free hostname
+ get_hostname $HOSTN
+ #create the configs
+ mkdir -p $TINCDIR/$NETNAME
+ if [ $OS = 'openwrt' ]; then
+ mkdir hosts
+ http_get $SURL | tar xz -C hosts/
+ else
+ mv $TEMPDIR/hosts ./
+ fi
+ rm -r $TEMPDIR || echo "$TEMPDIR does not exist, skipping removal"
+ echo "Subnet = $IP4" > hosts/$HOSTN
+ echo "Subnet = $IP6" >> hosts/$HOSTN
+ cat>tinc.conf<<EOF
+Name = $HOSTN
+Device = $DEV
+#newer tinc features
+LocalDiscovery = yes
+AutoConnect = 3
+ConnectTo = slowpoke
+ConnectTo = pigstarter
+ConnectTo = pico
+ host2subnet $MASK4
+ #check if ip is installed
+ if exists ip >/dev/null; then
+ echo 'dirname="`dirname "$0"`"' > tinc-up
+ echo '' >> tinc-up
+ echo 'conf=$dirname/tinc.conf' >> tinc-up
+ echo '' >> tinc-up
+ echo 'name=$(sed -n "s|^ *Name *= *\([^ ]*\) *$|\\1|p" $conf)' >> tinc-up
+ echo '' >> tinc-up
+ echo 'host=$dirname/hosts/$name' >> tinc-up
+ echo '' >> tinc-up
+ echo 'ip link set $INTERFACE up' >> tinc-up
+ echo '' >> tinc-up
+ echo "addr4=\$(sed -n \"s|^ *Subnet *= *\\($SUBNET4[.][^ ]*\\) *\$|\\\\1|p\" \$host)" >> tinc-up
+ echo 'ip -4 addr add $addr4 dev $INTERFACE' >> tinc-up
+ echo "ip -4 route add $FULLSUBNET/$MASK4 dev \$INTERFACE" >> tinc-up
+ echo '' >> tinc-up
+ echo "addr6=\$(sed -n \"s|^ *Subnet *= *\\($SUBNET6[:][^ ]*\\) *\$|\\\\1|p\" \$host)" >> tinc-up
+ echo 'ip -6 addr add $addr6 dev $INTERFACE' >> tinc-up
+ echo "ip -6 route add $SUBNET6::/$MASK6 dev \$INTERFACE" >> tinc-up
+ else
+ echo 'dirname="`dirname "$0"`"' > tinc-up
+ echo '' >> tinc-up
+ echo 'conf=$dirname/tinc.conf' >> tinc-up
+ echo '' >> tinc-up
+ echo 'name=$(sed -n "s|^ *Name *= *\([^ ]*\) *$|\\1|p" $conf)' >> tinc-up
+ echo '' >> tinc-up
+ echo 'host=$dirname/hosts/$name' >> tinc-up
+ echo '' >> tinc-up
+ echo "addr4=\$(sed -n \"s|^ *Subnet *= *\\($SUBNET4[.][^ ]*\\) *$|\\\\1|p\" \$host)" >> tinc-up
+ echo 'ifconfig $INTERFACE $addr4' >> tinc-up
+ echo "route add -net $FULLSUBNET netmask $RMASK dev \$INTERFACE " >> tinc-up
+ fi
+ #fix permissions
+ chmod +x tinc-up
+ chown -R 0:0 .
+ #generate keys with tinc
+ if exists tinc ; then
+ yes | tinc -n $NETNAME generate-keys
+ else
+ yes | $TINCBIN -n $NETNAME -K
+ fi
+ if [ $OS = 'android' ]; then
+ mkdir /etc/tinc
+ cd /
+ mv $TINCDIR/$NETNAME /etc/tinc/
+ cd /etc/tinc/$NETNAME
+ fi
+ (echo "This is $HOSTN";cat "hosts/$HOSTN" ) | send_irc
+ # finish what you have begun!
+ tincd -n $NETNAME
+#convert hostmask to subnetmask only version 4
+ NEEDDOTSINSUB=$(expr 3 - $( echo $SUBNET4 | tr -C -d . | wc -c))
+ 3) FULLSUBNET=$SUBNET4.0.0.0 ;;
+ *) die 'cannot read subnet';;
+ esac
+#check if ip is valid ipv4 function
+ if [ "$(echo $1 | awk -F"\." ' $0 ~ /^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$/ && $1 <=255 && $2 <= 255 && $3 <= 255 && $4 <= 255 ' 2>/dev/null)" == "$1" ] && [ ${1:0:${#SUBNET4}} == $SUBNET4 ]
+ then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi