path: root/noise
diff options
authorkrebs <krebs@fuerkrebs>2011-09-09 21:26:15 -0400
committerkrebs <krebs@fuerkrebs>2011-09-09 21:26:15 -0400
commit8712dfa17f0dd7b90c646e13d2cd4e0d4c5a11e6 (patch)
tree8e0e3e964d1680704c6275fb71966d31a7808650 /noise
parent27a38dd34af2e035eb0d37ce2f27f169763c3538 (diff)
//god/overlord: be the right and only one
This commit also makes the //noise module a pure wrapper around the read overlord.
Diffstat (limited to 'noise')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/noise/modules/overlord b/noise/modules/overlord
index 53766116..ded8627a 100755
--- a/noise/modules/overlord
+++ b/noise/modules/overlord
@@ -1,31 +1,14 @@
#! /bin/sh
set -euf
-announce() {
- # fade-out streams
- for i in `seq $max -$step $min`; do
- amixer -q -c 0 -D hw:0 sset Front $i%
- sleep 0.1
- done
- /krebs/streams/streams stop
- amixer -q -c 0 -D hw:0 sset Front $max%
- mplayer /krebs/god/overlord/announce.mp3 >/dev/null
- espeak -v de -s 120 -a 900 "$*"
- # fade-in streams
- /krebs/streams/streams start
- for i in `seq $min $step $max`; do
- sleep 0.1
- amixer -q -c 0 -D hw:0 sset Front $i%
- done
+# cd //
+cd $(dirname $(readlink -f $0))/../..
case "${1---help}" in
- --help) echo "Make an announcement! Usage: /overlord <text>";;
- *) announce "$@";;
+ --help)
+ echo "Make an announcement! Usage: /overlord <text>"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ exec god/overlord/index "$@"
+ ;;