path: root/god/Monitoring/nagios/plugins/check_disk_smb
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authormakefu <>2013-01-14 14:46:22 +0100
committermakefu <>2013-01-14 14:46:22 +0100
commitdbe2d838ba6834788265029162b2dd7d82473335 (patch)
treea4eb38f7fc91d91269b6f83453de62242c6ddc23 /god/Monitoring/nagios/plugins/check_disk_smb
parent5a782f6c8f7923f9f415afd504ce6e71acbc7fef (diff)
parentabf9916bc1add17888308877fa4eb9da330297ef (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Conflicts: god/temper/Makefile god/temper/
Diffstat (limited to 'god/Monitoring/nagios/plugins/check_disk_smb')
1 files changed, 307 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/god/Monitoring/nagios/plugins/check_disk_smb b/god/Monitoring/nagios/plugins/check_disk_smb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..80fa6779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/god/Monitoring/nagios/plugins/check_disk_smb
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+# <host> <share> <user> <pass> [warn] [critical] [port]
+# Nagios host script to get the disk usage from a SMB share
+# Changes and Modifications
+# =========================
+# 7-Aug-1999 - Michael Anthon
+# Created from script provided with netsaint_statd (basically
+# cause I was too lazy (or is that smart?) to write it from scratch)
+# 8-Aug-1999 - Michael Anthon
+# Modified [warn] and [critical] parameters to accept format of nnn[M|G] to
+# allow setting of limits in MBytes or GBytes. Percentage settings for large
+# drives is a pain in the butt
+# 2-May-2002 - SGhosh fix for embedded perl
+require 5.004;
+use POSIX;
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use vars qw($opt_P $opt_V $opt_h $opt_H $opt_s $opt_W $opt_u $opt_p $opt_w $opt_c $opt_a $verbose);
+use vars qw($PROGNAME);
+use lib "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins" ;
+use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage);
+sub print_help ();
+sub print_usage ();
+$PROGNAME = "check_disk_smb";
+ ("v" => \$verbose, "verbose" => \$verbose,
+ "P=s" => \$opt_P, "port=s" => \$opt_P,
+ "V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
+ "h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
+ "w=s" => \$opt_w, "warning=s" => \$opt_w,
+ "c=s" => \$opt_c, "critical=s" => \$opt_c,
+ "p=s" => \$opt_p, "password=s" => \$opt_p,
+ "u=s" => \$opt_u, "username=s" => \$opt_u,
+ "s=s" => \$opt_s, "share=s" => \$opt_s,
+ "W=s" => \$opt_W, "workgroup=s" => \$opt_W,
+ "H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H,
+ "a=s" => \$opt_a, "address=s" => \$opt_a);
+if ($opt_V) {
+ print_revision($PROGNAME,'1.4.15'); #'
+ exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
+if ($opt_h) {print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'OK'};}
+my $smbclient = $utils::PATH_TO_SMBCLIENT;
+# Options checking
+($opt_H) || ($opt_H = shift @ARGV) || usage("Host name not specified\n");
+my $host = $1 if ($opt_H =~ /^([-_.A-Za-z0-9 ]+\$?)$/);
+($host) || usage("Invalid host: $opt_H\n");
+($opt_s) || ($opt_s = shift @ARGV) || usage("Share volume not specified\n");
+my $share = $1 if ($opt_s =~ /^([-_.A-Za-z0-9 ]+\$?)$/);
+($share) || usage("Invalid share: $opt_s\n");
+defined($opt_u) || ($opt_u = shift @ARGV) || ($opt_u = "guest");
+my $user = $1 if ($opt_u =~ /^([-_.A-Za-z0-9\\]*)$/);
+defined($user) || usage("Invalid user: $opt_u\n");
+defined($opt_p) || ($opt_p = shift @ARGV) || ($opt_p = "");
+my $pass = $1 if ($opt_p =~ /(.*)/);
+($opt_w) || ($opt_w = shift @ARGV) || ($opt_w = 85);
+my $warn = $1 if ($opt_w =~ /^([0-9]{1,2}\%?|100\%?|[0-9]+[kMG])$/);
+($warn) || usage("Invalid warning threshold: $opt_w\n");
+($opt_c) || ($opt_c = shift @ARGV) || ($opt_c = 95);
+my $crit = $1 if ($opt_c =~ /^([0-9]{1,2}\%?|100\%?|[0-9]+[kMG])$/);
+($crit) || usage("Invalid critical threshold: $opt_c\n");
+# Execute the given command line and return anything it writes to STDOUT and/or
+# STDERR. (This might be useful for other plugins, too, so it should possibly
+# be moved to
+sub output_and_error_of {
+ local *CMD;
+ local $/ = undef;
+ my $pid = open CMD, "-|";
+ if (defined($pid)) {
+ if ($pid) {
+ return <CMD>;
+ } else {
+ open STDERR, ">&STDOUT" and exec @_;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+# split the type from the unit value
+#Check $warn and $crit for type (%/M/G) and set up for tests
+#P = Percent, K = KBytes
+my $warn_type;
+my $crit_type;
+if ($opt_w =~ /^([0-9]+)\%?$/) {
+ $warn = "$1";
+ $warn_type = "P";
+} elsif ($opt_w =~ /^([0-9]+)k$/) {
+ $warn_type = "K";
+ $warn = $1;
+} elsif ($opt_w =~ /^([0-9]+)M$/) {
+ $warn_type = "K";
+ $warn = $1 * 1024;
+} elsif ($opt_w =~ /^([0-9]+)G$/) {
+ $warn_type = "K";
+ $warn = $1 * 1048576;
+if ($opt_c =~ /^([0-9]+)\%?$/) {
+ $crit = "$1";
+ $crit_type = "P";
+} elsif ($opt_c =~ /^([0-9]+)k$/) {
+ $crit_type = "K";
+ $crit = $1;
+} elsif ($opt_c =~ /^([0-9]+)M$/) {
+ $crit_type = "K";
+ $crit = $1 * 1024;
+} elsif ($opt_c =~ /^([0-9]+)G$/) {
+ $crit_type = "K";
+ $crit = $1 * 1048576;
+# check if both warning and critical are percentage or size
+unless( ( $warn_type eq "P" && $crit_type eq "P" ) || ( $warn_type ne "P" && $crit_type ne "P" ) ){
+ $opt_w =~ s/\%/\%\%/g;
+ $opt_c =~ s/\%/\%\%/g;
+ usage("Both warning and critical should be same type- warning: $opt_w critical: $opt_c \n");
+# verify warning is less than critical
+if ( $warn_type eq "K") {
+ unless ( $warn > $crit) {
+ usage("Disk size: warning ($opt_w) should be greater than critical ($opt_c) \n");
+ }
+ unless ( $warn < $crit) {
+ $opt_w =~ s/\%/\%\%/g;
+ $opt_c =~ s/\%/\%\%/g;
+ usage("Percentage: warning ($opt_w) should be less than critical ($opt_c) \n");
+ }
+my $workgroup = $1 if (defined($opt_W) && $opt_W =~ /(.*)/);
+my $address = $1 if (defined($opt_a) && $opt_a =~ /(.*)/);
+# end of options checking
+my $state = "OK";
+my $answer = undef;
+my $res = undef;
+my @lines = undef;
+# Just in case of problems, let's not hang Nagios
+$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
+ print "No Answer from Client\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
+# Execute an "ls" on the share using smbclient program
+# get the results into $res
+my @cmd = (
+ $smbclient,
+ "//$host/$share",
+ "-U", "$user%$pass",
+ defined($workgroup) ? ("-W", $workgroup) : (),
+ defined($address) ? ("-I", $address) : (),
+ defined($opt_P) ? ("-p", $opt_P) : (),
+ "-c", "ls"
+print join(" ", @cmd) . "\n" if ($verbose);
+$res = output_and_error_of(@cmd) or exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
+#Turn off alarm
+#Split $res into an array of lines
+@lines = split /\n/, $res;
+#Get the last line into $_
+$_ = $lines[$#lines];
+#print "$_\n";
+#Process the last line to get free space.
+#If line does not match required regexp, return an UNKNOWN error
+if (/\s*(\d*) blocks of size (\d*)\. (\d*) blocks available/) {
+ my ($avail) = ($3*$2)/1024;
+ my ($avail_bytes) = $avail;
+ my ($capper) = int(($3/$1)*100);
+ my ($mountpt) = "\\\\$host\\$share";
+ if (int($avail / 1024) > 0) {
+ $avail = int($avail / 1024);
+ if (int($avail /1024) > 0) {
+ $avail = (int(($avail / 1024)*100))/100;
+ $avail = $avail ."G";
+ } else {
+ $avail = $avail ."M";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $avail = $avail ."K";
+ }
+#print ":$warn:$warn_type:\n";
+#print ":$crit:$crit_type:\n";
+#print ":$avail:$avail_bytes:$capper:$mountpt:\n";
+ if ((($warn_type eq "P") && (100 - $capper) < $warn) || (($warn_type eq "K") && ($avail_bytes > $warn))) {
+ $answer = "Disk ok - $avail ($capper%) free on $mountpt\n";
+ } elsif ((($crit_type eq "P") && (100 - $capper) < $crit) || (($crit_type eq "K") && ($avail_bytes > $crit))) {
+ $state = "WARNING";
+ $answer = "WARNING: Only $avail ($capper%) free on $mountpt\n";
+ } else {
+ $state = "CRITICAL";
+ $answer = "CRITICAL: Only $avail ($capper%) free on $mountpt\n";
+ }
+} else {
+ $answer = "Result from smbclient not suitable\n";
+ $state = "UNKNOWN";
+ foreach (@lines) {
+ $answer = "Access Denied\n";
+ $state = "CRITICAL";
+ last;
+ }
+ if (/(Unknown host \w*|Connection.*failed)/) {
+ $answer = "$1\n";
+ $state = "CRITICAL";
+ last;
+ }
+ if (/(You specified an invalid share name|NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME)/) {
+ $answer = "Invalid share name \\\\$host\\$share\n";
+ $state = "CRITICAL";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+print $answer;
+print "$state\n" if ($verbose);
+exit $ERRORS{$state};
+sub print_usage () {
+ print "Usage: $PROGNAME -H <host> -s <share> -u <user> -p <password>
+ -w <warn> -c <crit> [-W <workgroup>] [-P <port>] [-a <IP>]\n";
+sub print_help () {
+ print_revision($PROGNAME,'1.4.15');
+ print "Copyright (c) 2000 Michael Anthon/Karl DeBisschop
+Perl Check SMB Disk plugin for Nagios
+ print_usage();
+ print "
+-H, --hostname=HOST
+ NetBIOS name of the server
+-s, --share=STRING
+ Share name to be tested
+-W, --workgroup=STRING
+ Workgroup or Domain used (Defaults to \"WORKGROUP\")
+-a, --address=IP
+ IP-address of HOST (only necessary if HOST is in another network)
+-u, --user=STRING
+ Username to log in to server. (Defaults to \"guest\")
+-p, --password=STRING
+ Password to log in to server. (Defaults to an empty password)
+-w, --warning=INTEGER or INTEGER[kMG]
+ Percent of used space at which a warning will be generated (Default: 85%)
+-c, --critical=INTEGER or INTEGER[kMG]
+ Percent of used space at which a critical will be generated (Defaults: 95%)
+-P, --port=INTEGER
+ Port to be used to connect to. Some Windows boxes use 139, others 445 (Defaults to smbclient default)
+ If thresholds are followed by either a k, M, or G then check to see if that
+ much disk space is available (kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes)
+ Warning percentage should be less than critical
+ Warning (remaining) disk space should be greater than critical.
+ support();