path: root/bridge/share/vim/plugin/bridge.vim
diff options
authortv <tv@iiso>2011-09-27 00:12:32 +0200
committertv <tv@iiso>2011-09-27 00:12:32 +0200
commitf541b6139ca8ecbc64c736179604280e3006bede (patch)
tree58ac7c926a00b0573a0173dd1de91506bcab098a /bridge/share/vim/plugin/bridge.vim
parentf56a4735ade90afcc719d9b87e941a665768db70 (diff)
//bridge: initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'bridge/share/vim/plugin/bridge.vim')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bridge/share/vim/plugin/bridge.vim b/bridge/share/vim/plugin/bridge.vim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91f072d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bridge/share/vim/plugin/bridge.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+" /vim/bridge.vim
+if ! exists('s:bridge_name')
+ let s:bridge_name = ""
+fun! Bridge_complete(A,L,P)
+ let a = strpart(a:A,0,a:P)
+ return split(system("bridge list \"".a.".*\""), "\n")
+fun! Bridge_status()
+ if s:bridge_name == ""
+ return "Disconnected"
+ else
+ return "Connected to " . s:bridge_name
+ else
+ endif
+setlocal statusline=%<%f\ \(%{Bridge_status()}\)\ %h%m%r%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P\ of\ %L\ \(%.45{getcwd()}\)
+fun! Bridge_display()
+ if s:bridge_name == ""
+ echo "Not connected!"
+ return
+ endif
+ let cmd = "bridge attach ".s:bridge_name
+ silent exe "!" . cmd
+ redraw!
+fun! Bridge_connect()
+ if s:bridge_name == ""
+ let m = "boot new"
+ else
+ let m = s:bridge_name
+ endif
+ let name = input("Connect to [".m."]: ", "", "customlist,Bridge_complete")
+ if name == ""
+ if s:bridge_name != ''
+ " stay connected
+ echo
+ return
+ endif
+ let system = input("Command: ", "")
+ if system == ""
+ echo "Aborted!"
+ return
+ endif
+ let name = input("Session name: ", "")
+ if name == ""
+ echo "Aborted!"
+ return
+ endif
+ TODO_boot_new
+ endif
+ if system("bridge list ".name) == ""
+ echo "No such session: ".name
+ return
+ endif
+ let s:bridge_name = name
+ let s:laststatus = &laststatus
+ let &laststatus = 2
+ echo "Connected to " . s:bridge_name
+fun! Bridge_disconnect(m)
+ if s:bridge_name == ""
+ echo "Not connected!"
+ else
+ let &laststatus = s:laststatus
+ let m = "Disconnected from ".s:bridge_name
+ if a:m != ""
+ let m .= ": ".a:m
+ endif
+ echo m."!"
+ let s:bridge_name = ""
+ endif
+function! Bridge_paste( data )
+ if a:data == ''
+ echo "Nothing to send!"
+ else
+ let l:data = a:data
+ if exists("g:bridge_prologue") | let l:data = g:bridge_prologue . l:data | endif
+ if exists("g:bridge_epilogue") | let l:data = l:data . g:bridge_epilogue | endif
+ call system("bridge paste " . s:bridge_name, l:data . "\<cr>")
+ endif
+nmap <C-F12> :call Bridge_display()<cr>
+nmap [24^ <C-F12>
+nmap <F12> :call Bridge_connect()<cr>
+nmap <S-F12> :call Bridge_disconnect("")<cr>
+nmap [24$ <S-F12>
+nmap <leader>el :call Bridge_paste(getline("."))<cr>
+nmap <leader>ec m'ya(:call Bridge_paste(getreg('"'))<cr>`'
+nmap <leader>et m'(y%:call Bridge_paste(getreg('"'))<cr>`'
+nmap <leader>ee :call Bridge_paste(input("paste: ", ""))<cr>
+" sugar
+nmap <Return> <leader>ec
+"" visual shell
+vmap <return> m'y:call Bridge_paste(getreg('"'))<cr>v`'
+vmap <leader>ee :call Bridge_paste(input("paste: ", ""))<cr>
+vmap <leader>et <return>