path: root/src/Much
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Much')
15 files changed, 1729 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Much/Action.hs b/src/Much/Action.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5872964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/Action.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Much.Action where
+import Blessings.String
+import Scanner
+import Much.State
+import Much.TagUtils
+import Much.TreeSearch
+import Much.TreeView
+import Much.TreeZipperUtils
+import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
+import qualified Data.Tree.Zipper as Z
+import qualified Notmuch
+import qualified Notmuch.Message as Notmuch
+import qualified Notmuch.SearchResult as Notmuch
+displayKey :: String -> State -> IO State
+displayKey s q = return q { flashMessage = Plain $ show s }
+displayMouse :: Scan -> State -> IO State
+displayMouse info q =
+ return q { flashMessage = SGR [38,5,202] $ Plain $ show info }
+defaultMouse1Click :: Monad m => Int -> State -> m State
+defaultMouse1Click y q@State{..} = do
+ let linearClickPos =
+ let i = (y - length headBuffer + yoffset) - 1 {-zero-based-}
+ in if 0 <= i && i < length treeBuffer
+ then Just i
+ else Nothing
+ case linearClickPos of
+ Nothing ->
+ return q
+ { flashMessage = Plain "nothing to click"
+ }
+ Just i ->
+ return q
+ { cursor = findNextN i $ Z.root cursor
+ }
+moveCursorDown :: Monad m => Int -> State -> m State
+moveCursorDown n q@State{..} =
+ let cursor' = findNextN n cursor
+ q' = q { cursor = cursor' }
+ in case botOverrun q' of
+ 0 -> return q'
+ i -> moveTreeUp i q'
+moveCursorUp :: Monad m => Int -> State -> m State
+moveCursorUp n q@State{..} =
+ let cursor' = findPrevN n cursor
+ q' = q { cursor = cursor' }
+ in case topOverrun q' of
+ 0 -> return q'
+ i -> moveTreeDown i q'
+moveTreeUp :: Monad m => Int -> State -> m State
+moveTreeUp n q@State{..} =
+ let q' = q { yoffset = min (length treeBuffer - 1) $ max 0 (yoffset + n) }
+ in case topOverrun q' of
+ 0 -> return q'
+ i -> moveCursorDown i q'
+moveTreeDown :: Monad m => Int -> State -> m State
+moveTreeDown n q@State{..} =
+ let q' = q { yoffset = min (length treeBuffer - 1) $ max 0 (yoffset - n) }
+ in case botOverrun q' of
+ 0 -> return q'
+ i -> moveCursorUp i q'
+moveTreeLeft :: Monad m => Int -> State -> m State
+moveTreeLeft n q@State{..} =
+ return q { xoffset = xoffset + n }
+moveTreeRight :: Monad m => Int -> State -> m State
+moveTreeRight n q@State{..} =
+ return q { xoffset = max 0 (xoffset - n) }
+moveToParent :: Monad m => State -> m State
+moveToParent q@State{..} =
+ case Z.parent cursor of
+ Nothing -> return q { flashMessage = "cannot go further up" }
+ Just cursor' ->
+ let q' = q { cursor = cursor' }
+ in case topOverrun q' of
+ 0 -> return q'
+ i -> moveTreeDown i q'
+ :: (Num a, Monad m, Eq a)
+ => (Z.TreePos Z.Full TreeView -> Maybe (Z.TreePos Z.Full TreeView))
+ -> (State -> a)
+ -> (a -> State -> m State)
+ -> State -> m State
+moveCursorToUnread cursorMove getTreeMoveCount treeMove q@State{..} =
+ case cursorMove cursor >>= rec of
+ Just cursor' ->
+ let q' = q { cursor = cursor' }
+ in case getTreeMoveCount q' of
+ 0 -> return q'
+ i -> treeMove i q'
+ Nothing ->
+ return q { flashMessage = "no unread message in sight" }
+ where
+ rec loc =
+ if hasTag "unread" loc
+ then Just loc
+ else cursorMove loc >>= rec
+ hasTag tag loc =
+ case Z.label loc of
+ TVSearchResult sr ->
+ tag `elem` Notmuch.searchTags sr
+ TVMessage m ->
+ tag `elem` Notmuch.messageTags m
+ _ ->
+ False
+moveCursorUpToPrevUnread :: Monad m => State -> m State
+moveCursorUpToPrevUnread =
+ moveCursorToUnread findPrev topOverrun moveTreeDown
+moveCursorDownToNextUnread :: Monad m => State -> m State
+moveCursorDownToNextUnread =
+ moveCursorToUnread findNext botOverrun moveTreeUp
+openFold :: State -> IO State
+openFold q@State{..} =
+ handle <$> loadSubForest (Z.label cursor)
+ where
+ handle = \case
+ Left err ->
+ q { flashMessage = SGR [31] $ Plain err }
+ Right sf ->
+ q { cursor = Z.modifyTree (setSubForest sf) cursor }
+closeFold :: State -> IO State
+closeFold q@State{..} =
+ let sf = unloadSubForest (Z.tree cursor)
+ in return q { cursor = Z.modifyTree (setSubForest sf) cursor }
+toggleFold :: State -> IO State
+toggleFold q@State{..} =
+ if hasUnloadedSubForest (Z.tree cursor)
+ then openFold q
+ else closeFold q
+toggleTagAtCursor :: Tag -> State -> IO State
+toggleTagAtCursor tag q@State{..} = case Z.label cursor of
+ TVSearchResult sr -> do
+ let tagOp =
+ if tag `elem` Notmuch.searchTags sr
+ then DelTag
+ else AddTag
+ tagOps = [tagOp tag]
+ Notmuch.notmuchTag tagOps sr
+ let cursor' = Z.modifyTree (patchTreeTags tagOps) cursor
+ return q { cursor = cursor' }
+ TVMessage m -> do
+ let tagOp =
+ if tag `elem` Notmuch.messageTags m
+ then DelTag
+ else AddTag
+ tagOps = [tagOp tag]
+ Notmuch.notmuchTag tagOps m
+ let cursor' =
+ -- TODO this needs a nice name
+ modifyFirstParentLabelWhere isTVSearchResult f $
+ Z.modifyLabel f cursor
+ f = patchTags tagOps
+ return q { cursor = cursor' }
+ _ -> return q { flashMessage = "nothing happened" }
+topOverrun :: State -> Int
+topOverrun State{..} =
+ max 0 (- (linearPos cursor - yoffset))
+botOverrun :: State -> Int
+botOverrun State{..} =
+ max 0 (linearPos cursor - yoffset - (screenHeight - length headBuffer - 1))
+setSubForest :: Tree.Forest a -> Tree.Tree a -> Tree.Tree a
+setSubForest sf t = t { Tree.subForest = sf }
diff --git a/src/Much/Core.hs b/src/Much/Core.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..353f248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/Core.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Much.Core where
+import Much.Action
+import Blessings.String (Blessings(Plain,SGR),pp)
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Time
+import Much.Event
+import Much.RenderTreeView (renderTreeView)
+import Scanner (scan,Scan(..))
+import Much.Screen
+import Much.State
+import System.Console.Docopt.NoTH (getArgWithDefault, parseArgsOrExit, parseUsageOrExit, shortOption)
+import System.Environment
+import System.IO
+import System.Posix.Signals
+import Much.TreeSearch
+import Much.TreeView
+import Much.Utils
+import qualified Blessings.Internal as Blessings
+import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
+import qualified Data.Tree.Zipper as Z
+import qualified Notmuch
+import qualified System.Console.Terminal.Size as Term
+emptyState :: State
+emptyState = State
+ { cursor = Z.fromTree (Tree.Node (TVSearch "<emptyState>") [])
+ , xoffset = 0
+ , yoffset = 0
+ , flashMessage = "Welcome to much; quit with ^C"
+ , screenWidth = 0
+ , screenHeight = 0
+ , headBuffer = []
+ , treeBuffer = []
+ , now = UTCTime (fromGregorian 1984 5 23) 49062
+ , signalHandlers = []
+ , query = "tag:inbox AND NOT tag:killed"
+ , keymap = displayKey
+ , mousemap = displayMouse
+ , colorConfig = ColorConfig
+ { tagMap =
+ [ ("killed", SGR [38,5,088])
+ , ("star", SGR [38,5,226])
+ , ("draft", SGR [38,5,202])
+ ]
+ , alt = SGR [38,5,182]
+ , search = SGR [38,5,162]
+ , focus = SGR [38,5,160]
+ , quote = SGR [38,5,242]
+ , boring = SGR [38,5,240]
+ , prefix = SGR [38,5,235]
+ , date = SGR [38,5,071]
+ , tags = SGR [38,5,036]
+ , boringMessage = SGR [38,5,023]
+ , unreadMessage = SGR [38,5,117]
+ , unreadSearch = SGR [38,5,250]
+ }
+ , tagSymbols = []
+ }
+notmuchSearch :: State -> IO State
+notmuchSearch q@State{query} = do
+ r_ <- either error id <$>
+ [ "--offset=0"
+ , "--limit=100"
+ , query
+ ]
+ return q { cursor = Z.fromTree $ fromSearchResults query r_ }
+mainWithState :: State -> IO ()
+mainWithState state = mainWithStateAndArgs state =<< getArgs
+mainWithStateAndArgs :: State -> [String] -> IO ()
+mainWithStateAndArgs state@State{query = defaultSearch} args = do
+ usage' <- parseUsageOrExit usage
+ args' <- parseArgsOrExit usage' args
+ let query = getArgWithDefault args' defaultSearch (shortOption 'q')
+ withScreen s0 (\_-> notmuchSearch state { query = query } >>= runState)
+ where
+ usage = unlines
+ [ "Command-line MUA using notmuch."
+ , ""
+ , "Usage:"
+ , " much [-q <search-term>]"
+ , ""
+ , "Options:"
+ , " -q <search-term>, --query=<search-term>"
+ , " Open specific search, defaults to " ++ show defaultSearch
+ ]
+ s0 = Screen False NoBuffering (BlockBuffering $ Just 4096)
+ [ 1000 -- X & Y on button press and release
+ , 1005 -- UTF-8 mouse mode
+ , 1047 -- use alternate screen buffer
+ ]
+ [ 25 -- hide cursor
+ ]
+runState :: State -> IO ()
+runState q0 = do
+ -- load-env hack
+ maybe (return ()) (setEnv "HOME") =<< lookupEnv "OLDHOME"
+ (putEvent, getEvent) <- do
+ v <- newEmptyMVar
+ return (putMVar v, takeMVar v)
+ let q1 = q0 { signalHandlers =
+ [ (sigINT, putEvent EShutdown)
+ , (28, winchHandler putEvent)
+ ] }
+ installHandlers (signalHandlers q1)
+ threadIds <- mapM forkIO
+ [ forever $ scan stdin >>= putEvent . EScan
+ ]
+ winchHandler putEvent
+ run getEvent q1
+ mapM_ killThread threadIds
+installHandlers :: [(Signal, IO ())] -> IO ()
+installHandlers =
+ mapM_ (\(s, h) -> installHandler s (Catch h) Nothing)
+uninstallHandlers :: [(Signal, IO ())] -> IO ()
+uninstallHandlers =
+ mapM_ (\(s, _) -> installHandler s Ignore Nothing)
+winchHandler :: (Event -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+winchHandler putEvent =
+ Term.size >>= \case
+ Just Term.Window {Term.width = w, Term.height = h} ->
+ putEvent $ EResize w h
+ Nothing ->
+ return ()
+run :: IO Event -> State -> IO ()
+run getEvent = rec . Right where
+ rec = \case
+ Right q -> rec =<< do
+ t <- getCurrentTime
+ let q' = render q { now = t }
+ redraw q' >> getEvent >>= processEvent q'
+ Left _q -> return ()
+processEvent :: State -> Event -> IO (Either State State)
+processEvent q = \case
+ EFlash t ->
+ return $ Right q { flashMessage = t }
+ EScan (ScanKey s) ->
+ Right <$> keymap q s q
+ EScan info@ScanMouse{..} ->
+ Right <$> mousemap q info q
+ EShutdown ->
+ return $ Left q
+ EResize w h ->
+ return $ Right q
+ { screenWidth = w, screenHeight = h
+ , flashMessage = Plain $ "resize " <> show (w,h)
+ }
+ ev ->
+ return $ Right q
+ { flashMessage = SGR [31,1] $ Plain $ "unhandled event: " <> show ev
+ }
+render :: State -> State
+render q@State{..} =
+ q { treeBuffer = newTreeBuf
+ , headBuffer = newHeadBuf
+ }
+ where
+ newTreeBuf = renderTreeView q (Z.root cursor)
+ newHeadBuf =
+ [ Plain (show screenWidth) <> "x" <> Plain (show screenHeight)
+ <> " " <> Plain (show $ linearPos cursor - yoffset)
+ <> " " <> Plain (show $ topOverrun q)
+ <> " " <> Plain (show $ botOverrun q)
+ <> " " <> flashMessage
+ <> " " <> Plain (show (xoffset, yoffset))
+ ]
+render0 :: State -> [Blessings String]
+render0 _q@State{..} = do
+ let buffer =
+ map (Blessings.take screenWidth . Blessings.drop xoffset) $
+ take screenHeight $
+ headBuffer ++ drop yoffset treeBuffer
+ buffer ++ replicate (screenHeight - length buffer) "~"
+redraw :: State -> IO ()
+redraw q@State{..} = do
+ hPutStr stdout $ map (sub '\t' ' ') $ "\ESC[H" ++ pp (mintercalate "\n" $ map eraseRight $ render0 q)
+ hFlush stdout
+ where
+ sub x x' c = if c == x then x' else c
+ eraseRight s =
+ if Blessings.length s < screenWidth
+ then s <> "\ESC[K"
+ else s
diff --git a/src/Much/Event.hs b/src/Much/Event.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9842327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/Event.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module Much.Event where
+import Blessings
+import Scanner
+data Event =
+ EFlash (Blessings String) |
+ EScan Scan |
+ EShutdown |
+ EReload |
+ EResize Int Int
+ deriving Show
diff --git a/src/Much/MBox.hs b/src/Much/MBox.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9299eea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/MBox.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Much.MBox
+ (
+ -- TODO don't re-export MBox but use our own Message type
+ module Export
+ , getMessageId
+ , toForest
+ ) where
+import qualified Data.MBox as Export
+import Control.Applicative
+import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
+import qualified Data.List as List
+import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.MBox
+import Data.Ord
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
+import Data.Time
+import Data.Tree (Tree, Forest)
+import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
+import qualified MappedSets
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text
+import Safe
+import System.Locale
+import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Rfc2822 as P
+import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P
+type Ident = Text
+data IdentFields = IdentFields
+ { messageId :: Ident
+ , inReplyTo :: [Ident]
+ , references :: [Ident]
+ }
+ deriving Show
+toForest :: MBox -> Forest Message
+toForest mbox =
+ map (sortTree . fmap (\i -> fromMaybe (error "meh") $ Map.lookup i msgs)) $
+ concatMap (Tree.subForest . mkSubTree) (Set.toList $ roots refs)
+ where
+ mkSubTree rootLabel =
+ Tree.Node rootLabel $
+ map mkSubTree (maybe [] Set.toList $ Map.lookup rootLabel backRefs)
+ refs = mboxRefs mbox
+ backRefs = MappedSets.invert refs
+ msgs = unpackMBox mbox
+-- TODO finde a new home for roots
+roots :: Ord a => Map a (Set a) -> Set a
+roots refs =
+ Set.unions $ Map.elems $ Map.filter p refs
+ where
+ messageIDs = Set.fromList $ Map.keys refs
+ p = Set.null . Set.intersection messageIDs
+-- TODO finde a new home for sortTree
+sortTree :: Tree Message -> Tree Message
+sortTree t =
+ Tree.Node (Tree.rootLabel t) $
+ map sortTree $
+ List.sortOn (getMessageDate . Tree.rootLabel) $
+ Tree.subForest t
+getMessageDate :: Message -> Maybe UTCTime
+getMessageDate msg =
+ parseTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat =<<
+ Text.unpack . snd <$>
+ (lastMay $
+ filter (( "Date") . . Text.unpack . fst) $
+ headers msg)
+unpackMBox :: MBox -> Map Ident Message
+unpackMBox =
+ Map.fromList .
+ map (\msg -> (getMessageId $ headers msg, msg))
+getIdentFields :: Message -> IdentFields
+getIdentFields m =
+ IdentFields
+ { messageId = getMessageId hdrs
+ , inReplyTo = getInReplyTo hdrs
+ , references = getReferences hdrs
+ }
+ where
+ hdrs = headers m
+-- TODO generate default Message-ID if not present
+getMessageId :: [Header] -> Ident
+getMessageId =
+ head .
+ headerMessageIds "Message-ID"
+getInReplyTo :: [Header] -> [Ident]
+getInReplyTo =
+ headerMessageIds "In-Reply-To"
+getReferences :: [Header] -> [Ident]
+getReferences =
+ headerMessageIds "References"
+headerMessageIds :: P.SourceName -> [Header] -> [Ident]
+headerMessageIds headerName =
+ concatMap (
+ either ((:[]) . Text.pack . show) id .
+ parseMsgIds headerName .
+ snd
+ ) .
+ filter (( headerName) . . Text.unpack . fst)
+parseMsgIds :: P.SourceName -> Text -> Either P.ParseError [Ident]
+parseMsgIds srcName =
+ fmap (map (Text.init . Text.tail . Text.pack)) .
+ P.parse obs_in_reply_to_parser srcName .
+ Text.unpack
+ where
+ --obs_in_reply_to_parser :: CharParser a [String]
+ obs_in_reply_to_parser =
+ --filter (not . null) <$> P.many (P.phrase >> return [] <|> P.msg_id)
+ P.many1 P.msg_id
+messageRefs :: IdentFields -> [Ident]
+messageRefs IdentFields{..} =
+ if null inReplyTo
+ then maybe [""] (:[]) (lastMay references)
+ else inReplyTo
+mboxRefs :: MBox -> Map Ident (Set Ident)
+mboxRefs =
+ .
+ map (\m ->
+ let x = getIdentFields m
+ in (messageId x, messageRefs x))
diff --git a/src/Much/MappedSets.hs b/src/Much/MappedSets.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec0ae73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/MappedSets.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+module Much.MappedSets (invert, mk) where
+import Control.Arrow
+import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+mk :: (Ord a, Ord b) => [(a, [b])] -> Map a (Set b)
+mk =
+ Map.fromList . map (second Set.fromList)
+invert :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Map a (Set b) -> Map b (Set a)
+invert =
+ Map.foldrWithKey invert1 Map.empty
+invert1 :: (Ord a, Ord b) => a -> Set b -> Map b (Set a) -> Map b (Set a)
+invert1 k v a =
+ Set.foldr (upsert k) a v
+upsert :: (Ord a, Ord b) => a -> b -> Map b (Set a) -> Map b (Set a)
+upsert k =
+ Map.alter (Just . Set.insert k . fromMaybe Set.empty)
diff --git a/src/Much/ParseMail.hs b/src/Much/ParseMail.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e12737a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/ParseMail.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Much.ParseMail (readMail) where
+import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A8
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
+import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LT
+import qualified Network.Email.Header.Parser as P
+import qualified Network.Email.Header.Types as H
+import qualified Network.Mail.Mime as M
+import Codec.MIME.Parse
+import qualified Codec.MIME.QuotedPrintable as QP
+import Codec.MIME.Type
+import Control.Applicative
+import Data.Char
+-- TODO eventually we want our completely own Address, i.e. w/o M.Address
+data Address = Mailbox M.Address | Group T.Text [M.Address]
+ deriving (Show)
+readMail :: T.Text -> M.Mail
+readMail =
+ fromMIMEValue . parseMIMEMessage
+fromMIMEValue :: MIMEValue -> M.Mail
+fromMIMEValue val0 =
+ let m = foldr f (M.emptyMail $ M.Address Nothing "anonymous@localhost")
+ $ fromMIMEParams
+ $ mime_val_headers val0
+ in m { M.mailParts = [part val0] }
+ where
+ part val =
+ case mime_val_content val of
+ Single content ->
+ (:[]) $
+ M.Part
+ -- TODO actually check if we're utf-8 or ascii(?)
+ { M.partType = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
+ , M.partEncoding = M.QuotedPrintableText
+ , M.partFilename = Nothing
+ , M.partHeaders = []
+ , M.partContent = LT.encodeUtf8 $ LT.fromStrict content
+ }
+ Multi vals ->
+ concatMap part vals
+ --f :: H.Header -> M.Mail -> M.Mail
+ f (k, v) m = case k of
+ "from" ->
+ m { M.mailFrom = case parseAddress (LBS.toStrict v) of
+ Left msg -> error msg
+ Right Nothing -> M.mailFrom m
+ Right (Just (Mailbox a)) -> a
+ Right (Just (Group _ _)) ->
+ error "cannot use group in from header"
+ }
+ "to" ->
+ m { M.mailTo =
+ mconcat $
+ map (\case
+ Mailbox a -> [a]
+ Group _ as -> as
+ ) $
+ either error id $
+ parseAddresses $
+ LBS.toStrict v
+ }
+ "cc" ->
+ m { M.mailCc =
+ mconcat $
+ map (\case
+ Mailbox a -> [a]
+ Group _ as -> as
+ ) $
+ either error id $
+ parseAddresses $
+ LBS.toStrict v
+ }
+ "bcc" ->
+ m { M.mailBcc =
+ mconcat $
+ map (\case
+ Mailbox a -> [a]
+ Group _ as -> as
+ ) $
+ either error id $
+ parseAddresses $
+ LBS.toStrict v
+ }
+ _ ->
+ m { M.mailHeaders =
+ ( CI.original k
+ , either
+ (const "I am made of stupid")
+ LT.toStrict
+ (LT.decodeUtf8' v)
+ ) :
+ M.mailHeaders m
+ }
+parseAddress :: BS.ByteString -> Either String (Maybe Address)
+parseAddress =
+ A8.parseOnly (P.cfws *> (Just <$> address <|> return Nothing) <* A8.endOfInput)
+parseAddresses :: BS.ByteString -> Either String [Address]
+parseAddresses =
+ A8.parseOnly (P.cfws *> address `A8.sepBy1` A8.char ',' <* A8.endOfInput)
+fromMIMEParams :: [MIMEParam] -> H.Headers
+fromMIMEParams =
+ map $ \(MIMEParam k v) ->
+ ( $ T.encodeUtf8 $ CI.original k, LT.encodeUtf8 $ LT.fromStrict v)
+-- TODO we should probably use email-header
+-- address = mailbox ; one addressee
+-- / group ; named list
+address :: A8.Parser Address
+address =
+ (A8.<?> "address") $
+ Mailbox <$> mailbox
+ <|>
+ group
+-- group = phrase ":" [#mailbox] ";"
+group :: A8.Parser Address
+group =
+ (A8.<?> "group") $
+ Group
+ <$> T.intercalate "," <$> phrase
+ <* A8.char ':'
+ <*> mailbox `A8.sepBy` A8.many1 (A8.char ',')
+ <* A8.char ';'
+-- mailbox = addr-spec ; simple address
+-- / phrase route-addr ; name & addr-spec
+mailbox :: A8.Parser M.Address
+mailbox =
+ (A8.<?> "mailbox") $
+ M.Address Nothing <$> addrSpec <|>
+ M.Address . Just . T.intercalate " " <$> A8.option [] phrase <*> routeAddr
+-- route-addr = "<" [route] addr-spec ">"
+routeAddr :: A8.Parser T.Text
+routeAddr =
+ (A8.<?> "routeAddr") $
+ P.cfws *>
+ A8.char '<' *>
+ -- TODO A8.option [] route <*>
+ addrSpec <*
+ A8.char '>'
+---- route = 1#("@" domain) ":" ; path-relative
+--route :: A8.Parser [T.Text]
+--route =
+-- (A8.<?> "route") $
+-- A8.many1 (A8.char '@' *> domain) <* A8.char ':'
+-- addr-spec = local-part "@" domain ; global address
+addrSpec :: A8.Parser T.Text
+addrSpec =
+ (A8.<?> "addrSpec") $ do
+ a <- localPart
+ b <- T.singleton <$> A8.char '@'
+ c <- domain
+ return $ a <> b <> c
+-- local-part = word *("." word) ; uninterpreted
+-- ; case-preserved
+localPart :: A8.Parser T.Text
+localPart =
+ (A8.<?> "localPart") $
+ T.intercalate "." <$> (word `A8.sepBy1` A8.char '.')
+-- domain = sub-domain *("." sub-domain)
+domain :: A8.Parser T.Text
+domain =
+ (A8.<?> "domain") $
+ T.intercalate "." <$> (subDomain `A8.sepBy1` A8.char '.')
+-- sub-domain = domain-ref / domain-literal
+subDomain :: A8.Parser T.Text
+subDomain =
+ (A8.<?> "subDomain") $
+ domainRef <|> domainLiteral
+-- domain-ref = atom ; symbolic reference
+domainRef :: A8.Parser T.Text
+domainRef =
+ (A8.<?> "domainRef") $
+ atom
+-- atom = 1*<any CHAR except specials, SPACE and CTLs>
+atom :: A8.Parser T.Text
+atom =
+ (A8.<?> "atom") $
+ P.cfws *>
+ (T.pack <$> A8.many1 (A8.satisfy $ A8.notInClass atomClass))
+-- domain-literal = "[" *(dtext / quoted-pair) "]"
+domainLiteral :: A8.Parser T.Text
+domainLiteral =
+ (A8.<?> "domainLiteral") $
+ T.pack <$>
+ (A8.char '[' *> A8.many' (dtext <|> quotedPair) <* A8.char ']')
+-- dtext = <any CHAR excluding "[", ; => may be folded
+-- "]", "\" & CR, & including
+-- linear-white-space>
+dtext :: A8.Parser Char
+dtext =
+ (A8.<?> "dtext") $
+ A8.satisfy (A8.notInClass "[]\\\CR")
+-- phrase = 1*word
+phrase :: A8.Parser [T.Text]
+phrase =
+ (A8.<?> "phrase") $
+ A8.many1 word
+-- qtext = <any CHAR excepting <">, ; => may be folded
+-- "\" & CR, and including
+-- linear-white-space>
+qtext :: A8.Parser Char
+qtext =
+ (A8.<?> "qtext") $
+ A8.satisfy (A8.notInClass "\"\\\CR")
+-- quoted-pair = "\" CHAR
+quotedPair :: A8.Parser Char
+quotedPair =
+ (A8.<?> "quotedPair") $
+ A8.char '\\' *> A8.anyChar
+-- quoted-string = <"> *(qtext/quoted-pair) <">; Regular qtext or
+-- ; quoted chars.
+quotedString :: A8.Parser T.Text
+quotedString =
+ (A8.<?> "quotedString") $
+ T.pack <$> (A8.char '"' *> A8.many' (qtext <|> quotedPair) <* A8.char '"')
+encodedWord :: A8.Parser T.Text
+encodedWord =
+ (A8.<?> "encodedWord") $ do
+ _ <- A8.string "=?"
+ _ <- A8.string "utf-8" -- TODO 1. CI, 2. other encodings
+ _ <- A8.string "?Q?"
+ w <- A8.manyTill A8.anyChar (A8.string "?=") -- TODO all of them
+ return
+ $ T.decodeUtf8
+ $ BS8.pack
+ $ QP.decode
+ -- ^ TODO this current doesn't decode
+ -- underscore to space
+ $ map (\c -> if c == '_' then ' ' else c)
+ $ w
+-- word = encoded-word / atom / quoted-string
+-- ^ TODO what's the correct term for that?
+word :: A8.Parser T.Text
+word =
+ (A8.<?> "word") $
+ encodedWord <|> atom <|> quotedString
+atomClass :: [Char]
+atomClass = specialClass ++ spaceClass ++ ctlClass
+specialClass :: [Char]
+specialClass = "()<>@,;:\\\".[]"
+spaceClass :: [Char]
+spaceClass = " "
+ctlClass :: [Char]
+ctlClass = map chr $ [0..31] ++ [127]
diff --git a/src/Much/RenderTreeView.hs b/src/Much/RenderTreeView.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60b48d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/RenderTreeView.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Much.RenderTreeView (renderTreeView) where
+import qualified Notmuch.Message as Notmuch
+import qualified Notmuch.SearchResult as Notmuch
+import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
+import qualified Data.List as L
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Tree.Zipper as Z
+import qualified Much.TreeZipperUtils as Z
+import Blessings
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Time
+import Data.Time.Format.Human
+import Data.Tree
+import Much.State
+import Much.TagUtils (Tag)
+import Much.TreeView
+-- TODO make configurable
+humanTimeLocale :: HumanTimeLocale
+humanTimeLocale = defaultHumanTimeLocale
+ { justNow = "now"
+ , secondsAgo = \f -> (++ "s" ++ dir f)
+ , oneMinuteAgo = \f -> "1m" ++ dir f
+ , minutesAgo = \f -> (++ "m" ++ dir f)
+ , oneHourAgo = \f -> "1h" ++ dir f
+ , aboutHoursAgo = \f -> (++ "h" ++ dir f)
+ , at = \_ -> ("" ++)
+ , daysAgo = \f -> (++ "d" ++ dir f)
+ , weekAgo = \f -> (++ "w" ++ dir f)
+ , weeksAgo = \f -> (++ "w" ++ dir f)
+ , onYear = ("" ++)
+ , dayOfWeekFmt = "%a %H:%M"
+ , thisYearFmt = "%b %e"
+ , prevYearFmt = "%b %e, %Y"
+ }
+ where dir True = " from now"
+ dir False = " ago"
+ :: State
+ -> Z.TreePos Z.Full TreeView
+ -> [Blessings String]
+renderTreeView q@State{..} =
+ renderNode
+ where
+ isFocus = (Z.label cursor==) . Z.label
+ renderNode loc =
+ renderRootLabel loc :
+ maybeRenderSubForest (Z.firstChild loc)
+ renderRootLabel loc =
+ renderPrefix q loc <>
+ renderTreeView1 q (isFocus loc) (Z.label loc)
+ renderSubForest loc =
+ renderNode loc ++
+ maybeRenderSubForest ( loc)
+ maybeRenderSubForest =
+ maybe mempty renderSubForest
+renderPrefix :: State -> Z.TreePos Z.Full TreeView -> Blessings String
+renderPrefix state =
+ mconcat . reverse . zipWith (curry prefix) [(1 :: Int)..] . Z.path
+ where
+ prefix (i, (_lhs, x, rhs)) = case x of
+ TVSearch _ -> ""
+ TVSearchResult _ -> spacePrefix state
+ TVMessage _ ->
+ case i of
+ 1 ->
+ if null rhs
+ then endPrefix state
+ else teePrefix state
+ _ ->
+ if null rhs
+ then spacePrefix state
+ else pipePrefix state
+ _ ->
+ if not $ any (isTVMessage . rootLabel) rhs
+ then spacePrefix state
+ else pipePrefix state
+ , teePrefix
+ , pipePrefix
+ , endPrefix
+ :: State -> Blessings String
+spacePrefix q = prefix (colorConfig q) " "
+teePrefix q = prefix (colorConfig q) "├╴"
+pipePrefix q = prefix (colorConfig q) "│ "
+endPrefix q = prefix (colorConfig q) "└╴"
+-- TODO locale-style: headerKey = \s -> SGR [..] (s <> ": ")
+renderTreeView1 :: State -> Bool -> TreeView -> Blessings String
+renderTreeView1 q@State{..} hasFocus x = case x of
+ TVSearch s ->
+ let c = if hasFocus then focus colorConfig else search colorConfig
+ in c $ Plain s
+ TVSearchResult sr ->
+ let c
+ | hasFocus = focus colorConfig
+ | isUnread = unreadSearch colorConfig
+ | otherwise = boring colorConfig
+ c_authors
+ | hasFocus = focus colorConfig
+ | isUnread = alt colorConfig
+ | otherwise = boring colorConfig
+ isUnread = "unread" `elem` Notmuch.searchTags sr
+ authors = Plain $ T.unpack $ Notmuch.searchAuthors sr
+ date = colorConfig $ renderDate now x
+ subject = Plain $ T.unpack $ Notmuch.searchSubject sr
+ tags = Much.State.tags colorConfig $ renderTags q (Notmuch.searchTags sr)
+ title = if subject /= "" then subject else c_authors authors
+ in
+ c $ title <> " " <> date <> " " <> tags
+ TVMessage m ->
+ let fromSGR
+ | hasFocus = focus colorConfig
+ | "unread" `elem` Notmuch.messageTags m = unreadMessage colorConfig
+ | otherwise = boringMessage colorConfig
+ from = fromSGR $ renderFrom (M.lookup "from" $ Notmuch.messageHeaders m)
+ date = colorConfig $ renderDate now x
+ tags = Much.State.tags colorConfig $ renderTags q (Notmuch.messageTags m) -- TODO filter common tags
+ in from <> " " <> date <> " " <> tags
+ TVMessageHeaderField m fieldName ->
+ let c = if hasFocus then focus colorConfig else boring colorConfig
+ k = Plain $ T.unpack $ CI.original fieldName
+ v = maybe "nothing"
+ (Plain . T.unpack)
+ (M.lookup fieldName $ Notmuch.messageHeaders m)
+ in c $ k <> ": " <> v
+ TVMessagePart _ p ->
+ let c = if hasFocus then focus colorConfig else boring colorConfig
+ i = Plain $ show $ Notmuch.partID p
+ t = Plain $ T.unpack $ CI.original $ Notmuch.partContentType p
+ filename = maybe "" (Plain . (" "<>) . show) $ Notmuch.partContentFilename p
+ charset = maybe "" (Plain . (" "<>) . show) $ Notmuch.partContentCharset p
+ size = Plain $ show $ Notmuch.contentSize (Notmuch.partContent p)
+ in c $ "part#" <> i <> " " <> t <> filename <> charset <> " " <> size
+ TVMessageQuoteLine _ _ _ s ->
+ if hasFocus
+ then focus colorConfig $ Plain s
+ else quote colorConfig $ Plain s
+ TVMessageLine _ _ _ s ->
+ if hasFocus
+ then focus colorConfig $ Plain s
+ else Plain s
+renderDate :: UTCTime -> TreeView -> Blessings String
+renderDate now = \case
+ TVSearchResult sr -> f humanTimeLocale (Notmuch.searchTime sr)
+ TVMessage m -> f humanTimeLocale (Notmuch.messageTime m)
+ _ -> SGR [35,1] "timeless"
+ where
+ f timeLocale time =
+ Plain $ humanReadableTimeI18N' timeLocale now time
+renderFrom :: Maybe T.Text -> Blessings String
+renderFrom = \case
+ Just fromLine -> Plain $ dropAddress $ T.unpack fromLine
+ Nothing -> SGR [35,1] "Anonymous"
+renderTags :: State -> [Tag] -> Blessings String
+renderTags state =
+ -- TODO sort somewhere else
+ mconcat . L.intersperse " " . map (renderTag state) . L.sort
+renderTag :: State -> Tag -> Blessings String
+renderTag state tag = case lookup tag (tagMap (colorConfig state)) of
+ Just visual -> visual plain
+ Nothing -> plain
+ where
+ plain = Plain $ T.unpack $ fromMaybe tag $ lookup tag (tagSymbols state)
+dropAddress :: String -> String
+dropAddress xs =
+ case L.elemIndices '<' xs of
+ [] -> xs
+ is -> L.dropWhileEnd isSpace $ take (last is) xs
diff --git a/src/Much/Screen.hs b/src/Much/Screen.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47bb90c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/Screen.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Much.Screen (Screen(..), setScreen, withScreen) where
+import Control.Exception
+import Data.List
+import System.IO
+data Screen = Screen
+ { stdinEcho :: Bool
+ , stdinBufferMode :: BufferMode
+ , stdoutBufferMode :: BufferMode
+ , decsetPm :: [Int]
+ , decrstPm :: [Int]
+ }
+setScreen :: Screen -> IO Screen
+setScreen Screen{..} = get <* set where
+ get = Screen <$> hGetEcho stdin
+ <*> hGetBuffering stdin
+ <*> hGetBuffering stdout
+ <*> pure decrstPm
+ <*> pure decsetPm
+ set = do
+ hSetEcho stdin stdinEcho
+ hSetBuffering stdin stdinBufferMode
+ hSetBuffering stdout stdoutBufferMode
+ hPutStr stdout $ "\ESC[?" ++ intercalate ";" (map show decsetPm) ++ "h"
+ hPutStr stdout $ "\ESC[?" ++ intercalate ";" (map show decrstPm) ++ "l"
+ hFlush stdout
+withScreen :: Screen -> (Screen -> IO a) -> IO a
+withScreen s = bracket (setScreen s) setScreen
diff --git a/src/Much/State.hs b/src/Much/State.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a522e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/State.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+module Much.State where
+import Blessings.String (Blessings)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Time
+import qualified Data.Tree.Zipper as Z
+import Scanner
+import System.Posix.Signals
+import Much.TreeView (TreeView)
+data State = State
+ { cursor :: Z.TreePos Z.Full TreeView
+ , xoffset :: Int
+ , yoffset :: Int
+ , flashMessage :: Blessings String
+ , screenWidth :: Int
+ , screenHeight :: Int
+ , headBuffer :: [Blessings String]
+ , treeBuffer :: [Blessings String]
+ , now :: UTCTime
+ , signalHandlers :: [(Signal, IO ())]
+ , query :: String
+ , keymap :: String -> State -> IO State
+ , mousemap :: Scan -> State -> IO State
+ , tagSymbols :: [(T.Text, T.Text)]
+ , colorConfig :: ColorConfig
+ }
+data ColorConfig = ColorConfig
+ { alt :: Blessings String -> Blessings String
+ , search :: Blessings String -> Blessings String
+ , focus :: Blessings String -> Blessings String
+ , quote :: Blessings String -> Blessings String
+ , boring :: Blessings String -> Blessings String
+ , prefix :: Blessings String -> Blessings String
+ , date :: Blessings String -> Blessings String
+ , tags :: Blessings String -> Blessings String
+ , unreadSearch :: Blessings String -> Blessings String
+ , unreadMessage :: Blessings String -> Blessings String
+ , boringMessage :: Blessings String -> Blessings String
+ , tagMap :: [(T.Text, Blessings String -> Blessings String)]
+ }
diff --git a/src/Much/TagUtils.hs b/src/Much/TagUtils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4e4d30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/TagUtils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+module Much.TagUtils where
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List.Split (wordsBy)
+import Data.Tree
+import Notmuch.Message
+import Notmuch.SearchResult
+import Much.TreeView.Types
+type Tag = T.Text
+data TagOp = AddTag Tag | DelTag Tag
+parseTags :: String -> [Tag]
+parseTags =
+ mconcat . map (map T.pack . wordsBy isSpace . takeWhile (/='#')) . lines
+diffTags :: [Tag] -> [Tag] -> [TagOp]
+diffTags old new =
+ let oldTags = Set.fromList old
+ newTags = Set.fromList new
+ in map DelTag (Set.toList $ oldTags `Set.difference` newTags) ++
+ map AddTag (Set.toList $ newTags `Set.difference` oldTags)
+patchRootLabelTags :: [TagOp] -> Tree TreeView -> Tree TreeView
+patchRootLabelTags tagOps x =
+ x { rootLabel = patchTags tagOps $ rootLabel x }
+patchTreeTags :: [TagOp] -> Tree TreeView -> Tree TreeView
+patchTreeTags tagOps =
+ fmap (patchTags tagOps)
+tagOpsToArgs :: [TagOp] -> [String]
+tagOpsToArgs = map $ \case
+ AddTag t -> '+' : T.unpack t
+ DelTag t -> '-' : T.unpack t
+patchTags :: [TagOp] -> TreeView -> TreeView
+patchTags tagOps = \case
+ TVSearchResult sr ->
+ TVSearchResult sr { searchTags = foldr applyTagOp (searchTags sr) tagOps }
+ TVMessage m ->
+ TVMessage m { messageTags = foldr applyTagOp (messageTags m) tagOps }
+ x -> x -- nop
+applyTagOp :: TagOp -> [Tag] -> [Tag]
+applyTagOp = \case
+ AddTag t -> (t:)
+ DelTag t -> filter (/=t)
diff --git a/src/Much/TreeSearch.hs b/src/Much/TreeSearch.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d66eb83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/TreeSearch.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+module Much.TreeSearch where
+import Data.Tree.Zipper
+findTree :: (a -> Bool) -> TreePos Full a -> Maybe (TreePos Full a)
+findTree p loc = if p (label loc)
+ then Just loc
+ else depthFirst loc >>= findTree p
+depthFirst :: TreePos Full a -> Maybe (TreePos Full a)
+depthFirst loc = case firstChild loc of
+ Just x -> Just x
+ Nothing -> case next loc of
+ Just x -> Just x
+ Nothing -> parentWithNext loc
+ where
+ parentWithNext x =
+ case parent x of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just x' -> case next x' of
+ Just x'' -> Just x''
+ Nothing -> parentWithNext x'
+findNext :: TreePos Full a -> Maybe (TreePos Full a)
+findNext = depthFirst
+findPrev :: TreePos Full a -> Maybe (TreePos Full a)
+findPrev loc =
+ case prev loc of
+ Just x -> trans_lastChild x
+ Nothing -> parent loc
+ where
+ trans_lastChild x =
+ case lastChild x of
+ Nothing -> Just x
+ Just x' -> trans_lastChild x'
+findNextN :: Eq a => Int -> TreePos Full a -> TreePos Full a
+findNextN n loc
+ | n <= 0 = loc
+ | otherwise =
+ maybe loc (findNextN $ n - 1) (skipSame findNext loc)
+findPrevN :: Eq a => Int -> TreePos Full a -> TreePos Full a
+findPrevN n loc
+ | n <= 0 = loc
+ | otherwise =
+ maybe loc (findPrevN $ n - 1) (skipSame findPrev loc)
+findParent :: (a -> Bool) -> TreePos Full a -> Maybe (TreePos Full a)
+findParent p loc =
+ if p (label loc)
+ then Just loc
+ else parent loc >>= findParent p
+linearPos :: TreePos Full a -> Int
+linearPos =
+ rec 0
+ where
+ rec i loc = case findPrev loc of
+ Just loc' -> rec (i + 1) loc'
+ Nothing -> i
+ :: Eq a =>
+ (TreePos Full a -> Maybe (TreePos Full a)) ->
+ TreePos Full a ->
+ Maybe (TreePos Full a)
+skipSame next' loc =
+ case next' loc of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just loc' ->
+ if label loc' == label loc
+ then skipSame next' loc'
+ else Just loc'
diff --git a/src/Much/TreeView.hs b/src/Much/TreeView.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9487f74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/TreeView.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Much.TreeView
+ ( module Export
+ , getMessage
+ , getSearchTerm
+ , isTVMessage
+ , isTVSearchResult
+ , fromSearchResults
+ , fromMessageForest
+ , fromMessageTree
+ , loadSubForest
+ , unloadSubForest
+ , hasUnloadedSubForest
+ ) where
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Tree
+import Notmuch
+import Notmuch.Message
+import Notmuch.SearchResult
+import Much.TreeView.Types as Export
+getMessage :: TreeView -> Maybe Message
+getMessage = \case
+ TVMessage m -> Just m
+ TVMessageHeaderField m _ -> Just m
+ TVMessagePart m _ -> Just m
+ TVMessageQuoteLine m _ _ _ -> Just m
+ TVMessageLine m _ _ _ -> Just m
+ _ -> Nothing
+getSearchTerm :: TreeView -> Maybe String
+getSearchTerm = \case
+ TVSearch term -> Just term
+ _ -> Nothing
+isTVMessage :: TreeView -> Bool
+isTVMessage = \case
+ TVMessage _ -> True
+ _ -> False
+isTVMessagePart :: TreeView -> Bool
+isTVMessagePart = \case
+ TVMessagePart _ _ -> True
+ _ -> False
+isTVSearchResult :: TreeView -> Bool
+isTVSearchResult (TVSearchResult _) = True
+isTVSearchResult _ = False
+fromSearchResults :: String -> [SearchResult] -> Tree TreeView
+fromSearchResults query =
+ Node (TVSearch query) . map (\r -> Node (TVSearchResult r) [])
+fromMessageForest :: Forest Message -> Forest TreeView
+fromMessageForest = map fromMessageTree
+fromMessageTree :: Tree Message -> Tree TreeView
+fromMessageTree (Node m ms) =
+ Node (TVMessage m)
+ (xconvHead m <> xconvBody m <> map fromMessageTree ms)
+xconvHead :: Message -> Forest TreeView
+xconvHead m =
+ map conv [ "From", "To" ]
+ -- TODO add Subject if it differs from thread subject
+ where
+ conv k =
+ Node (TVMessageHeaderField m k) []
+xconvBody :: Message -> Forest TreeView
+xconvBody m = map (xconvPart m) (messageBody m)
+xconvPart :: Message -> MessagePart -> Tree TreeView
+xconvPart m p =
+ Node (TVMessagePart m p) contents
+ where
+ contents = case partContent p of
+ ContentText t ->
+ zipWith (curry $ xconvLine m p) [0..] (T.lines t)
+ ContentMultipart parts ->
+ map (xconvPart m) parts
+ ContentMsgRFC822 _ ->
+ []
+ :: Message -> MessagePart -> (LineNr, T.Text) -> Tree TreeView
+xconvLine m p (i, s) =
+ Node (ctor m p i $ T.unpack s) []
+ where
+ ctor =
+ if isQuoteLine s
+ then TVMessageQuoteLine
+ else TVMessageLine
+isQuoteLine :: T.Text -> Bool
+isQuoteLine s0 = do
+ let s = T.stripStart s0
+ -- /^\s*>/
+ not (T.null s) && T.head s == '>'
+-- Loading / Unloading
+loadSubForest :: TreeView -> IO (Either String (Forest TreeView))
+loadSubForest = \case
+ TVMessage m ->
+ Right
+ . unloadPartsWithFilename
+ . map unloadReadSubForests
+ . concatMap subForest
+ . fromMessageForest
+ . findFirsts messageMatch
+ <$> notmuchShow (termFromMessage m)
+ TVMessagePart m mp ->
+ -- TODO parse --format=raw
+ notmuchShowPart (termFromMessage m) (partID mp) >>= return . \case
+ Left e -> Left $ show e
+ Right mp' ->
+ Right
+ . unloadPartsWithFilename
+ . subForest
+ $ xconvPart m mp'
+ TVSearchResult sr ->
+ Right
+ . unloadPartsWithFilename
+ . map unloadReadSubForests
+ . fromMessageForest
+ <$> notmuchShow (termFromSearchResult sr)
+ TVSearch s ->
+ Right
+ . subForest
+ . fromSearchResults s
+ . either error id
+ <$> [s]
+ _ ->
+ return $ Right []
+ where
+ termFromMessage = unMessageID . messageId
+ termFromSearchResult = unThreadID . searchThread
+unloadSubForest :: Tree TreeView -> Forest TreeView
+unloadSubForest t = case rootLabel t of
+ TVMessage _ ->
+ filter (isTVMessage . rootLabel) $ subForest t
+ TVMessagePart _ _ ->
+ filter (isTVMessagePart . rootLabel) $ subForest t
+ _ ->
+ []
+hasUnloadedSubForest :: Tree TreeView -> Bool
+hasUnloadedSubForest t = case rootLabel t of
+ TVMessage _ ->
+ all (isTVMessage . rootLabel) $ subForest t
+ TVMessagePart _ _ ->
+ all (isTVMessagePart . rootLabel) $ subForest t
+ _ ->
+ null $ subForest t
+unloadReadSubForests :: Tree TreeView -> Tree TreeView
+unloadReadSubForests t = case rootLabel t of
+ TVMessage m | "unread" `notElem` messageTags m ->
+ t { subForest =
+ map unloadReadSubForests $
+ filter (isTVMessage . rootLabel) $
+ subForest t
+ }
+ _ ->
+ t { subForest =
+ map unloadReadSubForests $
+ subForest t
+ }
+unloadPartsWithFilename :: Forest TreeView -> Forest TreeView
+unloadPartsWithFilename =
+ map rewriteTree
+ where
+ f x@Node{..} = case rootLabel of
+ TVMessagePart _ mp ->
+ case partContentFilename mp of
+ Nothing -> x
+ Just _ ->
+ x { subForest = [] }
+ _ -> x
+ rewriteTree x =
+ let x' = f x
+ in x' { subForest = map rewriteTree $ subForest x' }
+findFirsts :: (a -> Bool) -> Forest a -> Forest a
+findFirsts p =
+ concatMap rec
+ where
+ rec t@Node{..} =
+ if p rootLabel
+ then [t]
+ else concatMap rec subForest
diff --git a/src/Much/TreeView/Types.hs b/src/Much/TreeView/Types.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e4ac6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/TreeView/Types.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+module Much.TreeView.Types where
+import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Notmuch.Message
+import Notmuch.SearchResult
+type LineNr = Int
+data TreeView
+ = TVMessage Message
+ | TVMessageHeaderField Message (CI.CI T.Text)
+ | TVMessagePart Message MessagePart
+ | TVMessageQuoteLine Message MessagePart LineNr String
+ | TVMessageLine Message MessagePart LineNr String
+ | TVSearch String
+ | TVSearchResult SearchResult
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Eq TreeView where
+ x1 == x2 = treeViewId x1 == treeViewId x2
+data TreeViewId
+ = TVIDMessage T.Text
+ | TVIDMessageHeaderField T.Text T.Text
+ | TVIDMessagePart T.Text Int
+ | TVIDMessageLine T.Text Int Int
+ | TVIDSearch T.Text
+ | TVIDSearchResult T.Text
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+treeViewId :: TreeView -> TreeViewId
+treeViewId = \case
+ TVMessage m ->
+ TVIDMessage (fromMessage m)
+ TVMessageHeaderField m mhf ->
+ TVIDMessageHeaderField (fromMessage m) (CI.foldedCase mhf)
+ TVMessagePart m mp ->
+ TVIDMessagePart (fromMessage m) (partID mp)
+ TVMessageLine m mp lineNr _ ->
+ TVIDMessageLine (fromMessage m) (partID mp) lineNr
+ TVMessageQuoteLine m mp lineNr _ ->
+ TVIDMessageLine (fromMessage m) (partID mp) lineNr
+ TVSearch s ->
+ TVIDSearch (T.pack s)
+ TVSearchResult sr ->
+ TVIDSearchResult (T.pack $ unThreadID $ searchThread sr)
+ where
+ fromMessage = T.pack . unMessageID . messageId
diff --git a/src/Much/TreeZipperUtils.hs b/src/Much/TreeZipperUtils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5257c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/TreeZipperUtils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+module Much.TreeZipperUtils where
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Tree
+import Data.Tree.Zipper
+-- Return loc (as parent-like structure) and parents.
+path :: TreePos Full a -> [(Forest a, a, Forest a)]
+path loc = toParent loc : parents loc
+-- Return parent stack compatible form of loc.
+toParent :: TreePos Full a -> (Forest a, a, Forest a)
+toParent loc = (before loc, label loc, after loc)
+ :: (a -> Bool)
+ -> (a -> a)
+ -> TreePos Full a
+ -> TreePos Full a
+modifyFirstParentLabelWhere p f loc0 =
+ case parent loc0 of
+ Nothing -> loc0
+ Just loc0' -> go (byChildIndex loc0) loc0'
+ where
+ go rewind loc =
+ if p (label loc)
+ then
+ rewind (modifyLabel f loc)
+ else
+ case parent loc of
+ Nothing -> rewind loc
+ Just loc' ->
+ go (rewind . byChildIndex loc) loc'
+ -- generator for a rewind step
+ byChildIndex :: TreePos Full a -> (TreePos Full a -> TreePos Full a)
+ byChildIndex loc =
+ -- The use of fromJust is safe here because we're only modifying
+ -- labels and not the tree structure and thus the index is valid.
+ fromJust . childAt (childIndex loc)
+-- XXX This could be named more general, like countPrevSiblings?
+-- XXX Can we kill the recursion?
+childIndex :: TreePos Full a -> Int
+childIndex =
+ go 0
+ where
+ go index =
+ maybe index (go $ index + 1) . prev
diff --git a/src/Much/Utils.hs b/src/Much/Utils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80615fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/Utils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+module Much.Utils where
+import Control.Exception
+import System.Directory
+import System.IO
+withTempFile :: FilePath -> String -> ((FilePath, Handle) -> IO a) -> IO a
+withTempFile tmpdir template =
+ bracket (openTempFile tmpdir template) (removeFile . fst)
+mintercalate :: Monoid b => b -> [b] -> b
+mintercalate c (h:t) = foldl (\acc x -> acc <> c <> x) h t
+mintercalate _ [] = mempty
+padl :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
+padl n c s =
+ if length s < n
+ then padl n c (c:s)
+ else s
+padr :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
+padr n c s =
+ if length s < n
+ then padr n c (s ++ [c])
+ else s
[cgit] Unable to lock slot /tmp/cgit/60300000.lock: Permission denied (13)