/* test program with a vty interface to test logging behavior */ /* * (C) 2018 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH <info@sysmocom.de> * All Rights Reserved * * Author: Neels Hofmeyr <neels@hofmeyr.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <getopt.h> #include <signal.h> #include <osmocom/core/logging.h> #include <osmocom/core/utils.h> #include <osmocom/core/application.h> #include <osmocom/vty/command.h> #include <osmocom/vty/logging.h> #include <osmocom/vty/misc.h> #include <osmocom/vty/telnet_interface.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "config.h" void *root_ctx = NULL; enum { DAA, DBB, DCCC, DDDDD, DEEE, }; DEFUN(log_sweep, log_sweep_cmd, "log-sweep [CATEGORY]", "Log once for all categories on all levels\n") { int only_category = argc ? log_parse_category(argv[0]) : -1; if (argc && only_category < 0) { vty_out(vty, "%% Error: unknown category: %s%s", argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } #define LOG_LEVEL(CAT, LEVEL) \ if (only_category < 0 || only_category == CAT) \ LOGP(CAT, LEVEL, "Log message for " #CAT " on level " #LEVEL "\n") #define LOG_ALL_LEVELS(CAT) \ LOG_LEVEL(CAT, LOGL_DEBUG); \ LOG_LEVEL(CAT, LOGL_INFO); \ LOG_LEVEL(CAT, LOGL_NOTICE); \ LOG_LEVEL(CAT, LOGL_ERROR); \ LOG_LEVEL(CAT, LOGL_FATAL) LOG_ALL_LEVELS(DAA); LOG_ALL_LEVELS(DBB); LOG_ALL_LEVELS(DCCC); LOG_ALL_LEVELS(DDDDD); LOG_ALL_LEVELS(DEEE); vty_out(vty, "%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_SUCCESS; } static void vty_commands_init() { install_element_ve(&log_sweep_cmd); } static const struct log_info_cat default_categories[] = { [DAA] = { .name = "DAA", .description = "Antropomorphic Armadillos (AA)", .color = "\033[1;31m", .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_DEBUG, }, [DBB] = { .name = "DBB", .description = "Bidirectional Breadspread (BB)", .color = "\033[1;32m", .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_INFO, }, [DCCC] = { .name = "DCCC", .description = "Chaos Communication Congress (CCC)", .color = "\033[1;33m", .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_NOTICE, }, [DDDDD] = { .name = "DDDDD", .description = "Dehydrated Dribbling Duck Dunkers (DDDD)", .color = "\033[1;34m", .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_ERROR, }, [DEEE] = { .name = "DEEE", .description = "Exhaustive Entropy Extraction (EEE)", .color = "\033[1;35m", .enabled = 1, .loglevel = LOGL_FATAL, }, }; const struct log_info log_info = { .cat = default_categories, .num_cat = ARRAY_SIZE(default_categories), }; static void print_help() { printf( "options:\n" " -h --help this text\n" " -d --debug MASK Enable debugging (e.g. -d DRSL:DOML:DLAPDM)\n" " -D --daemonize For the process into a background daemon\n" " -c --config-file Specify the filename of the config file\n" " -s --disable-color Don't use colors in stderr log output\n" " -T --timestamp Prefix every log line with a timestamp\n" " -V --version Print version information and exit\n" " -e --log-level Set a global log-level\n" ); } static struct { const char *config_file; int daemonize; } cmdline_config = {}; static void handle_options(int argc, char **argv) { while (1) { int option_idx = 0, c; static const struct option long_options[] = { { "help", 0, 0, 'h' }, { "debug", 1, 0, 'd' }, { "daemonize", 0, 0, 'D' }, { "config-file", 1, 0, 'c' }, { "disable-color", 0, 0, 's' }, { "timestamp", 0, 0, 'T' }, { "version", 0, 0, 'V' }, { "log-level", 1, 0, 'e' }, {} }; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hc:d:Dc:sTVe:", long_options, &option_idx); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'h': print_help(); exit(0); case 's': log_set_use_color(osmo_stderr_target, 0); break; case 'd': log_parse_category_mask(osmo_stderr_target, optarg); break; case 'D': cmdline_config.daemonize = 1; break; case 'c': cmdline_config.config_file = optarg; break; case 'T': log_set_print_timestamp(osmo_stderr_target, 1); break; case 'e': log_set_log_level(osmo_stderr_target, atoi(optarg)); break; case 'V': print_version(1); exit(0); break; default: /* catch unknown options *as well as* missing arguments. */ fprintf(stderr, "Error in command line options. Exiting.\n"); exit(-1); } } } static int quit = 0; static void signal_handler(int signal) { fprintf(stdout, "signal %u received\n", signal); switch (signal) { case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: quit++; break; case SIGABRT: osmo_generate_backtrace(); /* in case of abort, we want to obtain a talloc report * and then return to the caller, who will abort the process */ case SIGUSR1: talloc_report(tall_vty_ctx, stderr); talloc_report_full(root_ctx, stderr); break; case SIGUSR2: talloc_report_full(tall_vty_ctx, stderr); break; default: break; } } static struct vty_app_info vty_info = { .name = "logging_vty_test", .version = PACKAGE_VERSION, }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int rc; root_ctx = talloc_named_const(NULL, 0, "logging_vty_test"); vty_info.tall_ctx = root_ctx; vty_init(&vty_info); osmo_init_logging2(root_ctx, &log_info); vty_commands_init(); handle_options(argc, argv); logging_vty_add_cmds(&log_info); osmo_talloc_vty_add_cmds(); log_set_print_category(osmo_stderr_target, 1); log_set_print_category_hex(osmo_stderr_target, 0); log_set_print_level(osmo_stderr_target, 1); log_set_print_filename2(osmo_stderr_target, LOG_FILENAME_NONE); if (cmdline_config.config_file) { rc = vty_read_config_file(cmdline_config.config_file, NULL); if (rc < 0) { LOGP(DLGLOBAL, LOGL_FATAL, "Failed to parse the config file: '%s'\n", cmdline_config.config_file); return 1; } } rc = telnet_init_dynif(root_ctx, NULL, vty_get_bind_addr(), 42042); if (rc < 0) return 2; signal(SIGINT, &signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, &signal_handler); signal(SIGABRT, &signal_handler); signal(SIGUSR1, &signal_handler); signal(SIGUSR2, &signal_handler); osmo_init_ignore_signals(); if (cmdline_config.daemonize) { rc = osmo_daemonize(); if (rc < 0) { perror("Error during daemonize"); return 6; } } while (!quit) { log_reset_context(); osmo_select_main(0); } log_fini(); talloc_free(root_ctx); talloc_free(tall_vty_ctx); return 0; }