/* Test routines for the BSSGP implementation in libosmogb * * (C) 2014 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH * Author: Jacob Erlbeck <jerlbeck@sysmocom.de> * * Skeleton based on bssgp_fc_test.c * (C) 2012 by Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org> */ #undef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <osmocom/core/application.h> #include <osmocom/core/utils.h> #include <osmocom/core/logging.h> #include <osmocom/core/talloc.h> #include <osmocom/core/prim.h> #include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp.h> #include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_ns.h> #include <osmocom/gprs/gprs_bssgp_bss.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <netinet/ip.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #define BSS_NSEI 0x0b55 static struct osmo_prim_hdr last_oph = {0}; /* override */ ssize_t sendto(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const struct sockaddr *dest_addr, socklen_t addrlen) { typedef ssize_t (*sendto_t)(int, const void *, size_t, int, const struct sockaddr *, socklen_t); static sendto_t real_sendto = NULL; uint32_t dest_host = htonl(((struct sockaddr_in *)dest_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr); if (!real_sendto) real_sendto = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "sendto"); fprintf(stderr, "MESSAGE to 0x%08x, msg length %zu\n%s\n", dest_host, len, osmo_hexdump(buf, len)); return len; } /* override */ int gprs_ns_callback(enum gprs_ns_evt event, struct gprs_nsvc *nsvc, struct msgb *msg, uint16_t bvci) { fprintf(stderr, "CALLBACK, event %d, msg length %td, bvci 0x%04x\n%s\n\n", event, msgb_bssgp_len(msg), bvci, osmo_hexdump(msgb_bssgph(msg), msgb_bssgp_len(msg))); return 0; } struct msgb *last_ns_tx_msg = NULL; /* override */ int gprs_ns_sendmsg(struct gprs_ns_inst *nsi, struct msgb *msg) { msgb_free(last_ns_tx_msg); last_ns_tx_msg = msg; return msgb_length(msg); } int bssgp_prim_cb(struct osmo_prim_hdr *oph, void *ctx) { printf("BSSGP primitive, SAP %d, prim = %d, op = %d, msg = %s\n", oph->sap, oph->primitive, oph->operation, msgb_hexdump(oph->msg)); last_oph.sap = oph->sap; last_oph.primitive = oph->primitive; last_oph.operation = oph->operation; last_oph.msg = NULL; return -1; } static void msgb_bssgp_send_and_free(struct msgb *msg) { msgb_nsei(msg) = BSS_NSEI; bssgp_rcvmsg(msg); msgb_free(msg); } static void send_bssgp_supend(enum bssgp_pdu_type pdu_type, uint32_t tlli) { struct msgb *msg = bssgp_msgb_alloc(); uint32_t tlli_be = htonl(tlli); uint8_t rai[] = {0x0f, 0xf1, 0x80, 0x20, 0x37, 0x00}; msgb_v_put(msg, pdu_type); msgb_tvlv_put(msg, BSSGP_IE_TLLI, sizeof(tlli_be), (uint8_t *)&tlli_be); msgb_tvlv_put(msg, BSSGP_IE_ROUTEING_AREA, sizeof(rai), &rai[0]); msgb_bssgp_send_and_free(msg); } static void send_bssgp_resume(enum bssgp_pdu_type pdu_type, uint32_t tlli) { struct msgb *msg = bssgp_msgb_alloc(); uint32_t tlli_be = htonl(tlli); uint8_t rai[] = {0x0f, 0xf1, 0x80, 0x20, 0x37, 0x00}; uint8_t suspend_ref = 1; msgb_v_put(msg, pdu_type); msgb_tvlv_put(msg, BSSGP_IE_TLLI, sizeof(tlli_be), (uint8_t *)&tlli_be); msgb_tvlv_put(msg, BSSGP_IE_ROUTEING_AREA, sizeof(rai), &rai[0]); msgb_tvlv_put(msg, BSSGP_IE_SUSPEND_REF_NR, 1, &suspend_ref); msgb_bssgp_send_and_free(msg); } static void test_bssgp_suspend_resume(void) { const uint32_t tlli = 0xf0123456; printf("----- %s START\n", __func__); memset(&last_oph, 0, sizeof(last_oph)); send_bssgp_supend(BSSGP_PDUT_SUSPEND, tlli); OSMO_ASSERT(last_oph.primitive == PRIM_BSSGP_GMM_SUSPEND); send_bssgp_resume(BSSGP_PDUT_RESUME, tlli); OSMO_ASSERT(last_oph.primitive == PRIM_BSSGP_GMM_RESUME); printf("----- %s END\n", __func__); } static void send_bssgp_status(enum gprs_bssgp_cause cause, uint16_t *bvci) { struct msgb *msg = bssgp_msgb_alloc(); uint8_t cause_ = cause; msgb_v_put(msg, BSSGP_PDUT_STATUS); msgb_tvlv_put(msg, BSSGP_IE_CAUSE, 1, &cause_); if (bvci) { uint16_t bvci_ = htons(*bvci); msgb_tvlv_put(msg, BSSGP_IE_BVCI, 2, (uint8_t *) &bvci_); } msgb_bssgp_send_and_free(msg); } static void test_bssgp_status(void) { uint16_t bvci; printf("----- %s START\n", __func__); send_bssgp_status(BSSGP_CAUSE_PROTO_ERR_UNSPEC, NULL); OSMO_ASSERT(last_oph.primitive == PRIM_NM_STATUS); /* Enforce prim != PRIM_NM_STATUS */ last_oph.primitive = PRIM_NM_LLC_DISCARDED; bvci = 1234; send_bssgp_status(BSSGP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN_BVCI, &bvci); OSMO_ASSERT(last_oph.primitive == PRIM_NM_STATUS); printf("----- %s END\n", __func__); } static void test_bssgp_bad_reset() { struct msgb *msg; uint16_t bvci_be = htons(2); uint8_t cause = BSSGP_CAUSE_OML_INTERV; printf("----- %s START\n", __func__); msg = bssgp_msgb_alloc(); msgb_v_put(msg, BSSGP_PDUT_BVC_RESET); msgb_tvlv_put(msg, BSSGP_IE_BVCI, sizeof(bvci_be), (uint8_t *)&bvci_be); msgb_tvlv_put(msg, BSSGP_IE_CAUSE, sizeof(cause), &cause); msgb_bvci(msg) = 0xbad; msgb_bssgp_send_and_free(msg); printf("----- %s END\n", __func__); } static void test_bssgp_flow_control_bvc(void) { struct bssgp_bvc_ctx bctx = { .nsei = 0x1234, .bvci = 0x5678, }; const uint8_t tag = 42; const uint32_t bmax = 0x1022 * 100; const uint32_t rate = 0xc040 / 8 * 100; const uint32_t bmax_ms = bmax / 2; const uint32_t rate_ms = rate / 2; uint8_t ratio = 0x78; uint32_t qdelay = 0x1144 * 10; int rc; static uint8_t expected_simple_msg[] = { 0x26, 0x1e, 0x81, 0x2a, /* tag */ 0x05, 0x82, 0x10, 0x22, /* Bmax */ 0x03, 0x82, 0xc0, 0x40, /* R */ 0x01, 0x82, 0x08, 0x11, /* Bmax_MS */ 0x1c, 0x82, 0x60, 0x20, /* R_MS */ }; static uint8_t expected_ext_msg[] = { 0x26, 0x1e, 0x81, 0x2a, /* tag */ 0x05, 0x82, 0x10, 0x22, /* Bmax */ 0x03, 0x82, 0xc0, 0x40, /* R */ 0x01, 0x82, 0x08, 0x11, /* Bmax_MS */ 0x1c, 0x82, 0x60, 0x20, /* R_MS */ 0x3c, 0x81, 0x78, /* ratio */ 0x06, 0x82, 0x11, 0x44, /* Qdelay */ }; printf("----- %s START\n", __func__); rc = bssgp_tx_fc_bvc(&bctx, tag, bmax, rate, bmax_ms, rate_ms, NULL, NULL); OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0); OSMO_ASSERT(last_ns_tx_msg != NULL); printf("Got message: %s\n", msgb_hexdump(last_ns_tx_msg)); OSMO_ASSERT(msgb_length(last_ns_tx_msg) == sizeof(expected_simple_msg)); OSMO_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(msgb_data(last_ns_tx_msg), expected_simple_msg, sizeof(expected_simple_msg))); rc = bssgp_tx_fc_bvc(&bctx, tag, bmax, rate, bmax_ms, rate_ms, &ratio, &qdelay); OSMO_ASSERT(rc >= 0); OSMO_ASSERT(last_ns_tx_msg != NULL); printf("Got message: %s\n", msgb_hexdump(last_ns_tx_msg)); OSMO_ASSERT(msgb_length(last_ns_tx_msg) == sizeof(expected_ext_msg)); OSMO_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(msgb_data(last_ns_tx_msg), expected_ext_msg, sizeof(expected_ext_msg))); msgb_free(last_ns_tx_msg); last_ns_tx_msg = NULL; printf("----- %s END\n", __func__); } static void test_bssgp_msgb_copy() { struct msgb *msg, *msg2; uint16_t bvci_be = htons(2); uint8_t cause = BSSGP_CAUSE_OML_INTERV; printf("----- %s START\n", __func__); msg = bssgp_msgb_alloc(); msg->l3h = msgb_data(msg); msgb_v_put(msg, BSSGP_PDUT_BVC_RESET); msgb_tvlv_put(msg, BSSGP_IE_BVCI, sizeof(bvci_be), (uint8_t *)&bvci_be); msgb_tvlv_put(msg, BSSGP_IE_CAUSE, sizeof(cause), &cause); msgb_bvci(msg) = 0xbad; msgb_nsei(msg) = 0xbee; printf("Old msgb: %s\n", msgb_hexdump(msg)); msg2 = bssgp_msgb_copy(msg, "test"); printf("New msgb: %s\n", msgb_hexdump(msg2)); OSMO_ASSERT(msgb_bvci(msg2) == 0xbad); OSMO_ASSERT(msgb_nsei(msg2) == 0xbee); OSMO_ASSERT(msgb_l3(msg2) == msgb_data(msg2)); OSMO_ASSERT(msgb_bssgph(msg2) == msgb_data(msg2)); OSMO_ASSERT(msgb_bssgp_len(msg2) == msgb_length(msg2)); msgb_free(msg); msgb_free(msg2); printf("----- %s END\n", __func__); } static struct log_info info = {}; int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct sockaddr_in bss_peer= {0}; osmo_init_logging(&info); log_set_use_color(osmo_stderr_target, 0); log_set_print_filename(osmo_stderr_target, 0); bssgp_nsi = gprs_ns_instantiate(gprs_ns_callback, NULL); bss_peer.sin_family = AF_INET; bss_peer.sin_port = htons(32000); bss_peer.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0x7f0000ff); gprs_ns_nsip_connect(bssgp_nsi, &bss_peer, BSS_NSEI, BSS_NSEI+1); printf("===== BSSGP test START\n"); test_bssgp_suspend_resume(); test_bssgp_status(); test_bssgp_bad_reset(); test_bssgp_flow_control_bvc(); test_bssgp_msgb_copy(); printf("===== BSSGP test END\n\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }