#include <inttypes.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <osmocom/core/utils.h> #include <osmocom/core/bits.h> static const uint8_t input[] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 }; static const uint8_t exp_out[] = { 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01 }; static char s[18]; enum END {LE, BE}; static inline const char * end2str(enum END e) { if (e == LE) return "LE"; return "BE"; } /* convenience wrappers */ static inline uint64_t load64(enum END e, const uint8_t *buf, unsigned nbytes) { return (e == BE) ? osmo_load64be_ext(buf, nbytes) : osmo_load64le_ext(buf, nbytes); } static inline uint32_t load32(enum END e, const uint8_t *buf, unsigned nbytes) { return (e == BE) ? osmo_load32be_ext(buf, nbytes) : osmo_load32le_ext(buf, nbytes); } static inline uint16_t load16(enum END e, const uint8_t *buf) { return (e == BE) ? osmo_load16be(buf) : osmo_load16le(buf); } static inline void store64(enum END e, uint64_t t, uint8_t *buf, unsigned nbytes) { (e == BE) ? osmo_store64be_ext(t, buf, nbytes) : osmo_store64le_ext(t, buf, nbytes); } static inline void store32(enum END e, uint64_t t, uint8_t *buf, unsigned nbytes) { (e == BE) ? osmo_store32be_ext(t, buf, nbytes) : osmo_store32le_ext(t, buf, nbytes); } static inline void store16(enum END e, uint64_t t, uint8_t *buf) { (e == BE) ? osmo_store16be(t, buf) : osmo_store16le(t, buf); } /* helper functions */ static inline bool printcheck(bool chk, unsigned nbytes, enum END e, bool b) { if (!chk) { printf("%u %s FAILED", nbytes * 8, end2str(e)); return true; } printf("%u %s OK", nbytes * 8, end2str(e)); return b; } static inline bool dumpcheck(const char *dump, const char *s, unsigned nbytes, bool chk, enum END e, bool b) { bool x = printcheck(chk, nbytes, e, b); if (!dump) return x; int m = memcmp(s, dump, nbytes); if (0 == m) { printf(", storage OK"); return x; } printf(", [%d]", m); return true; } /* printcheckXX(): load/store 'test' and check against 'expected' value, compare to 'dump' buffer if given and print if necessary */ static inline void printcheck64(enum END e, unsigned nbytes, uint64_t test, uint64_t expected, const char *dump, bool print) { uint8_t buf[nbytes]; store64(e, test, buf, nbytes); char *s = osmo_hexdump_nospc(buf, nbytes); uint64_t result = load64(e, buf, nbytes); print = dumpcheck(dump, s, nbytes, result == expected, e, print); if (print) printf(": buffer %s known buffer %s loaded %.16" PRIx64 " expected %.16" PRIx64, s, dump, result, expected); printf("\n"); } static inline void printcheck32(enum END e, unsigned nbytes, uint32_t test, uint32_t expected, const char *dump, bool print) { uint8_t buf[nbytes]; store32(e, test, buf, nbytes); char *s = osmo_hexdump_nospc(buf, nbytes); uint32_t result = load32(e, buf, nbytes); print = dumpcheck(dump, s, nbytes, result == expected, e, print); if (print) printf(": buffer %s known buffer %s loaded %.8" PRIx32 " expected %.8" PRIx32, s, dump, result, expected); printf("\n"); } static inline void printcheck16(enum END e, uint32_t test, uint32_t expected, const char *dump, bool print) { uint8_t buf[2]; store16(e, test, buf); char *s = osmo_hexdump_nospc(buf, 2); uint16_t result = load16(e, buf); print = dumpcheck(dump, s, 2, result == expected, e, print); if (print) printf(": buffer %s known buffer %s loaded %.4" PRIx16 " expected %.4" PRIx16, s, dump, result, expected); printf("\n"); } /* compute expected value - zero excessive bytes */ static inline uint64_t exp64(enum END e, unsigned nbytes, uint64_t value) { uint8_t adj = 64 - nbytes * 8; uint64_t v = value << adj; return (e == LE) ? v >> adj : v; } static inline uint32_t exp32(enum END e, unsigned nbytes, uint32_t value) { uint8_t adj = 32 - nbytes * 8; uint32_t v = value << adj; return (e == LE) ? v >> adj : v; } /* run actual tests - if 'test' is 0 than generate random test value internally */ static inline void check64(uint64_t test, uint64_t expected, unsigned nbytes, enum END e) { bool print = true; if (0 == test && 0 == expected) { test = ((uint64_t)rand() << 32) + rand(); expected = exp64(e, nbytes, test); print = false; } snprintf(s, 17, "%.16" PRIx64, expected); printcheck64(e, nbytes, test, expected, (BE == e) ? s : NULL, print); } static inline void check32(uint32_t test, uint32_t expected, unsigned nbytes, enum END e) { bool print = true; if (0 == test && 0 == expected) { test = rand(); expected = exp32(e, nbytes, test); print = false; } snprintf(s, 17, "%.8" PRIx32, expected); printcheck32(e, nbytes, test, expected, (BE == e) ? s : NULL, print); } static inline void check16(uint16_t test, enum END e) { bool print = true; if (0 == test) { test = (uint16_t)rand(); print = false; } snprintf(s, 17, "%.4" PRIx16, test); printcheck16(e, test, test, (BE == e) ? s : NULL, print); } static void sh_chk(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t len, unsigned int nib, bool r) { uint8_t x[len]; int bytes = nib/2 + (nib & 1); OSMO_ASSERT(len >= bytes); memset(x, 0xcc, len); if (r) osmo_nibble_shift_right(x, in, nib); else osmo_nibble_shift_left_unal(x, in, nib); printf("[%u] %s IN: %s, nibble %u:", len, r ? "R" : "L", osmo_hexdump_nospc(in, len), nib); /* do NOT combine those printfs: osmo_hexdump* use static buffer which WILL screw things up in that case */ printf("\n OUT: %s\n", osmo_hexdump_nospc(x, bytes)); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { uint8_t out[ARRAY_SIZE(input)]; unsigned int offs; srand(time(NULL)); for (offs = 0; offs < sizeof(out); offs++) { uint8_t *start = out + offs; uint8_t len = sizeof(out) - offs; memcpy(out, input, sizeof(out)); printf("INORDER: %s\n", osmo_hexdump(start, len)); osmo_revbytebits_buf(start, len); printf("REVERSED: %s\n", osmo_hexdump(start, len)); if (memcmp(start, exp_out + offs, len)) { printf("EXPECTED: %s\n", osmo_hexdump(exp_out+offs, len)); fprintf(stderr, "REVERSED != EXPECTED!\n"); exit(1); } printf("\n"); } printf("checking byte packing...\n"); printf("running static tests...\n"); check64(0xDEADBEEFF00DCAFE, 0xDEADBEEFF00DCAFE, 8, BE); check64(0xDEADBEEFF00DCAFE, 0xADBEEFF00DCAFE00, 7, BE); check64(0xDEADBEEFF00DCAFE, 0xBEEFF00DCAFE0000, 6, BE); check64(0xDEADBEEFF00DCAFE, 0xEFF00DCAFE000000, 5, BE); check64(0xDEADBEEFF00DCAFE, 0xDEADBEEFF00DCAFE, 8, LE); check64(0xDEADBEEFF00DCAFE, 0x00ADBEEFF00DCAFE, 7, LE); check64(0xDEADBEEFF00DCAFE, 0x0000BEEFF00DCAFE, 6, LE); check64(0xDEADBEEFF00DCAFE, 0x000000EFF00DCAFE, 5, LE); check32(0xBABEFACE, 0xBABEFACE, 4, BE); check32(0xBABEFACE, 0xBEFACE00, 3, BE); check32(0xBABEFACE, 0xBABEFACE, 4, LE); check32(0xBABEFACE, 0x00BEFACE, 3, LE); check16(0xB00B, BE); check16(0xB00B, LE); printf("running random tests...\n"); check64(0, 0, 8, BE); check64(0, 0, 7, BE); check64(0, 0, 6, BE); check64(0, 0, 5, BE); check64(0, 0, 8, LE); check64(0, 0, 7, LE); check64(0, 0, 6, LE); check64(0, 0, 5, LE); check32(0, 0, 4, BE); check32(0, 0, 3, BE); check32(0, 0, 4, LE); check32(0, 0, 3, LE); check16(0, BE); check16(0, LE); printf("running nibble tests...\n"); const uint8_t in1[] = { 0xF0, 0x0D, 0xCA, 0xFE, 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF }, in2[] = { 0xB0, 0x0B, 0xBA, 0xBE, 0xFA, 0xCE }; for (offs = 0; offs < 13; offs++) { sh_chk(in1, ARRAY_SIZE(in1), offs, true); sh_chk(in1, ARRAY_SIZE(in1), offs, false); /* in2 is too short to shift left 12 nibbles */ if (offs < 12) { sh_chk(in2, ARRAY_SIZE(in2), offs, true); sh_chk(in2, ARRAY_SIZE(in2), offs, false); } } return 0; }