/* OpenBSC logging helper for the VTY */ /* (C) 2009-2010 by Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org> * (C) 2009-2014 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther * All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "../../config.h" #include <osmocom/core/talloc.h> #include <osmocom/core/logging.h> #include <osmocom/core/utils.h> #include <osmocom/core/strrb.h> #include <osmocom/core/loggingrb.h> #include <osmocom/vty/command.h> #include <osmocom/vty/buffer.h> #include <osmocom/vty/vty.h> #include <osmocom/vty/telnet_interface.h> #include <osmocom/vty/logging.h> #define LOG_STR "Configure logging sub-system\n" extern const struct log_info *osmo_log_info; static void _vty_output(struct log_target *tgt, unsigned int level, const char *line) { struct vty *vty = tgt->tgt_vty.vty; vty_out(vty, "%s", line); /* This is an ugly hack, but there is no easy way... */ if (strchr(line, '\n')) vty_out(vty, "\r"); } struct log_target *log_target_create_vty(struct vty *vty) { struct log_target *target; target = log_target_create(); if (!target) return NULL; target->tgt_vty.vty = vty; target->output = _vty_output; return target; } DEFUN(enable_logging, enable_logging_cmd, "logging enable", LOGGING_STR "Enables logging to this vty\n") { struct telnet_connection *conn; conn = (struct telnet_connection *) vty->priv; if (conn->dbg) { vty_out(vty, "Logging already enabled.%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } conn->dbg = log_target_create_vty(vty); if (!conn->dbg) return CMD_WARNING; log_add_target(conn->dbg); return CMD_SUCCESS; } struct log_target *osmo_log_vty2tgt(struct vty *vty) { struct telnet_connection *conn; if (vty->node == CFG_LOG_NODE) return vty->index; conn = (struct telnet_connection *) vty->priv; if (!conn->dbg) vty_out(vty, "Logging was not enabled.%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return conn->dbg; } DEFUN(logging_fltr_all, logging_fltr_all_cmd, "logging filter all (0|1)", LOGGING_STR FILTER_STR "Do you want to log all messages?\n" "Only print messages matched by other filters\n" "Bypass filter and print all messages\n") { struct log_target *tgt = osmo_log_vty2tgt(vty); if (!tgt) return CMD_WARNING; log_set_all_filter(tgt, atoi(argv[0])); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(logging_use_clr, logging_use_clr_cmd, "logging color (0|1)", LOGGING_STR "Configure color-printing for log messages\n" "Don't use color for printing messages\n" "Use color for printing messages\n") { struct log_target *tgt = osmo_log_vty2tgt(vty); if (!tgt) return CMD_WARNING; log_set_use_color(tgt, atoi(argv[0])); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(logging_prnt_timestamp, logging_prnt_timestamp_cmd, "logging timestamp (0|1)", LOGGING_STR "Configure log message timestamping\n" "Don't prefix each log message\n" "Prefix each log message with current timestamp\n") { struct log_target *tgt = osmo_log_vty2tgt(vty); if (!tgt) return CMD_WARNING; log_set_print_timestamp(tgt, atoi(argv[0])); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(logging_prnt_ext_timestamp, logging_prnt_ext_timestamp_cmd, "logging print extended-timestamp (0|1)", LOGGING_STR "Log output settings\n" "Configure log message timestamping\n" "Don't prefix each log message\n" "Prefix each log message with current timestamp with YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn\n") { struct log_target *tgt = osmo_log_vty2tgt(vty); if (!tgt) return CMD_WARNING; log_set_print_extended_timestamp(tgt, atoi(argv[0])); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(logging_prnt_cat, logging_prnt_cat_cmd, "logging print category (0|1)", LOGGING_STR "Log output settings\n" "Configure log message\n" "Don't prefix each log message\n" "Prefix each log message with category/subsystem name\n") { struct log_target *tgt = osmo_log_vty2tgt(vty); if (!tgt) return CMD_WARNING; log_set_print_category(tgt, atoi(argv[0])); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(logging_level, logging_level_cmd, NULL, /* cmdstr is dynamically set in logging_vty_add_cmds(). */ NULL) /* same thing for helpstr. */ { int category = log_parse_category(argv[0]); int level = log_parse_level(argv[1]); struct log_target *tgt = osmo_log_vty2tgt(vty); if (!tgt) return CMD_WARNING; if (level < 0) { vty_out(vty, "Invalid level `%s'%s", argv[1], VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } /* Check for special case where we want to set global log level */ if (!strcmp(argv[0], "all")) { log_set_log_level(tgt, level); return CMD_SUCCESS; } if (category < 0) { vty_out(vty, "Invalid category `%s'%s", argv[0], VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } tgt->categories[category].enabled = 1; tgt->categories[category].loglevel = level; return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(logging_set_category_mask, logging_set_category_mask_cmd, "logging set-log-mask MASK", LOGGING_STR "Set the logmask of this logging target\n" "The logmask to use\n") { struct log_target *tgt = osmo_log_vty2tgt(vty); if (!tgt) return CMD_WARNING; log_parse_category_mask(tgt, argv[0]); return CMD_SUCCESS; } ALIAS_DEPRECATED(logging_set_category_mask, logging_set_category_mask_old_cmd, "logging set log mask MASK", LOGGING_STR "Decide which categories to output.\n" "Log commands\n" "Mask commands\n" "The logmask to use\n"); DEFUN(diable_logging, disable_logging_cmd, "logging disable", LOGGING_STR "Disables logging to this vty\n") { struct log_target *tgt = osmo_log_vty2tgt(vty); struct telnet_connection *conn = (struct telnet_connection *) vty->priv; if (!tgt) return CMD_WARNING; log_del_target(tgt); talloc_free(tgt); conn->dbg = NULL; return CMD_SUCCESS; } static void vty_print_logtarget(struct vty *vty, const struct log_info *info, const struct log_target *tgt) { unsigned int i; vty_out(vty, " Global Loglevel: %s%s", log_level_str(tgt->loglevel), VTY_NEWLINE); vty_out(vty, " Use color: %s, Print Timestamp: %s%s", tgt->use_color ? "On" : "Off", tgt->print_timestamp ? "On" : "Off", VTY_NEWLINE); vty_out(vty, " Log Level specific information:%s", VTY_NEWLINE); for (i = 0; i < info->num_cat; i++) { const struct log_category *cat = &tgt->categories[i]; vty_out(vty, " %-10s %-10s %-8s %s%s", info->cat[i].name+1, log_level_str(cat->loglevel), cat->enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", info->cat[i].description, VTY_NEWLINE); } vty_out(vty, " Log Filter 'ALL': %s%s", tgt->filter_map & LOG_FILTER_ALL ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", VTY_NEWLINE); /* print application specific filters */ if (info->print_fn) info->print_fn(vty, info, tgt); } #define SHOW_LOG_STR "Show current logging configuration\n" DEFUN(show_logging_vty, show_logging_vty_cmd, "show logging vty", SHOW_STR SHOW_LOG_STR "Show current logging configuration for this vty\n") { struct log_target *tgt = osmo_log_vty2tgt(vty); if (!tgt) return CMD_WARNING; vty_print_logtarget(vty, osmo_log_info, tgt); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(show_alarms, show_alarms_cmd, "show alarms", SHOW_STR SHOW_LOG_STR "Show the contents of the logging ringbuffer\n") { int i, num_alarms; struct osmo_strrb *rb; struct log_target *tgt = log_target_find(LOG_TGT_TYPE_STRRB, NULL); if (!tgt) { vty_out(vty, "%% No alarms, run 'log alarms <2-32700>'%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } rb = tgt->tgt_rb.rb; num_alarms = osmo_strrb_elements(rb); vty_out(vty, "%% Showing %i alarms%s", num_alarms, VTY_NEWLINE); for (i = 0; i < num_alarms; i++) vty_out(vty, "%% %s%s", osmo_strrb_get_nth(rb, i), VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_SUCCESS; } gDEFUN(cfg_description, cfg_description_cmd, "description .TEXT", "Save human-readable decription of the object\n" "Text until the end of the line\n") { char **dptr = vty->index_sub; if (!dptr) { vty_out(vty, "vty->index_sub == NULL%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } if (*dptr) talloc_free(*dptr); *dptr = argv_concat(argv, argc, 0); if (!*dptr) return CMD_WARNING; return CMD_SUCCESS; } gDEFUN(cfg_no_description, cfg_no_description_cmd, "no description", NO_STR "Remove description of the object\n") { char **dptr = vty->index_sub; if (!dptr) { vty_out(vty, "vty->index_sub == NULL%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } if (*dptr) { talloc_free(*dptr); *dptr = NULL; } return CMD_SUCCESS; } /* Support for configuration of log targets != the current vty */ struct cmd_node cfg_log_node = { CFG_LOG_NODE, "%s(config-log)# ", 1 }; #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H #include <syslog.h> static const int local_sysl_map[] = { [0] = LOG_LOCAL0, [1] = LOG_LOCAL1, [2] = LOG_LOCAL2, [3] = LOG_LOCAL3, [4] = LOG_LOCAL4, [5] = LOG_LOCAL5, [6] = LOG_LOCAL6, [7] = LOG_LOCAL7 }; /* From VTY core code */ extern struct host host; static int _cfg_log_syslog(struct vty *vty, int facility) { struct log_target *tgt; /* First delete the old syslog target, if any */ tgt = log_target_find(LOG_TGT_TYPE_SYSLOG, NULL); if (tgt) log_target_destroy(tgt); tgt = log_target_create_syslog(host.app_info->name, 0, facility); if (!tgt) { vty_out(vty, "%% Unable to open syslog%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } log_add_target(tgt); vty->index = tgt; vty->node = CFG_LOG_NODE; return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_log_syslog_local, cfg_log_syslog_local_cmd, "log syslog local <0-7>", LOG_STR "Logging via syslog\n" "Syslog LOCAL facility\n" "Local facility number\n") { int local = atoi(argv[0]); int facility = local_sysl_map[local]; return _cfg_log_syslog(vty, facility); } static struct value_string sysl_level_names[] = { { LOG_AUTHPRIV, "authpriv" }, { LOG_CRON, "cron" }, { LOG_DAEMON, "daemon" }, { LOG_FTP, "ftp" }, { LOG_LPR, "lpr" }, { LOG_MAIL, "mail" }, { LOG_NEWS, "news" }, { LOG_USER, "user" }, { LOG_UUCP, "uucp" }, /* only for value -> string conversion */ { LOG_LOCAL0, "local 0" }, { LOG_LOCAL1, "local 1" }, { LOG_LOCAL2, "local 2" }, { LOG_LOCAL3, "local 3" }, { LOG_LOCAL4, "local 4" }, { LOG_LOCAL5, "local 5" }, { LOG_LOCAL6, "local 6" }, { LOG_LOCAL7, "local 7" }, { 0, NULL } }; DEFUN(cfg_log_syslog, cfg_log_syslog_cmd, "log syslog (authpriv|cron|daemon|ftp|lpr|mail|news|user|uucp)", LOG_STR "Logging via syslog\n" "Security/authorization messages facility\n" "Clock daemon (cron/at) facility\n" "General system daemon facility\n" "Ftp daemon facility\n" "Line printer facility\n" "Mail facility\n" "News facility\n" "Generic facility\n" "UUCP facility\n") { int facility = get_string_value(sysl_level_names, argv[0]); return _cfg_log_syslog(vty, facility); } DEFUN(cfg_no_log_syslog, cfg_no_log_syslog_cmd, "no log syslog", NO_STR LOG_STR "Logging via syslog\n") { struct log_target *tgt; tgt = log_target_find(LOG_TGT_TYPE_SYSLOG, NULL); if (!tgt) { vty_out(vty, "%% No syslog target found%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } log_target_destroy(tgt); return CMD_SUCCESS; } #endif /* HAVE_SYSLOG_H */ DEFUN(cfg_log_stderr, cfg_log_stderr_cmd, "log stderr", LOG_STR "Logging via STDERR of the process\n") { struct log_target *tgt; tgt = log_target_find(LOG_TGT_TYPE_STDERR, NULL); if (!tgt) { tgt = log_target_create_stderr(); if (!tgt) { vty_out(vty, "%% Unable to create stderr log%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } log_add_target(tgt); } vty->index = tgt; vty->node = CFG_LOG_NODE; return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_no_log_stderr, cfg_no_log_stderr_cmd, "no log stderr", NO_STR LOG_STR "Logging via STDERR of the process\n") { struct log_target *tgt; tgt = log_target_find(LOG_TGT_TYPE_STDERR, NULL); if (!tgt) { vty_out(vty, "%% No stderr logging active%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } log_target_destroy(tgt); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_log_file, cfg_log_file_cmd, "log file .FILENAME", LOG_STR "Logging to text file\n" "Filename\n") { const char *fname = argv[0]; struct log_target *tgt; tgt = log_target_find(LOG_TGT_TYPE_FILE, fname); if (!tgt) { tgt = log_target_create_file(fname); if (!tgt) { vty_out(vty, "%% Unable to create file `%s'%s", fname, VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } log_add_target(tgt); } vty->index = tgt; vty->node = CFG_LOG_NODE; return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_no_log_file, cfg_no_log_file_cmd, "no log file .FILENAME", NO_STR LOG_STR "Logging to text file\n" "Filename\n") { const char *fname = argv[0]; struct log_target *tgt; tgt = log_target_find(LOG_TGT_TYPE_FILE, fname); if (!tgt) { vty_out(vty, "%% No such log file `%s'%s", fname, VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } log_target_destroy(tgt); return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_log_alarms, cfg_log_alarms_cmd, "log alarms <2-32700>", LOG_STR "Logging alarms to osmo_strrb\n" "Maximum number of messages to log\n") { struct log_target *tgt; unsigned int rbsize = atoi(argv[0]); tgt = log_target_find(LOG_TGT_TYPE_STRRB, NULL); if (tgt) log_target_destroy(tgt); tgt = log_target_create_rb(rbsize); if (!tgt) { vty_out(vty, "%% Unable to create osmo_strrb (size %u)%s", rbsize, VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } log_add_target(tgt); vty->index = tgt; vty->node = CFG_LOG_NODE; return CMD_SUCCESS; } DEFUN(cfg_no_log_alarms, cfg_no_log_alarms_cmd, "no log alarms", NO_STR LOG_STR "Logging alarms to osmo_strrb\n") { struct log_target *tgt; tgt = log_target_find(LOG_TGT_TYPE_STRRB, NULL); if (!tgt) { vty_out(vty, "%% No osmo_strrb target found%s", VTY_NEWLINE); return CMD_WARNING; } log_target_destroy(tgt); return CMD_SUCCESS; } static int config_write_log_single(struct vty *vty, struct log_target *tgt) { int i; char level_lower[32]; switch (tgt->type) { case LOG_TGT_TYPE_VTY: return 1; break; case LOG_TGT_TYPE_STDERR: vty_out(vty, "log stderr%s", VTY_NEWLINE); break; case LOG_TGT_TYPE_SYSLOG: #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H vty_out(vty, "log syslog %s%s", get_value_string(sysl_level_names, tgt->tgt_syslog.facility), VTY_NEWLINE); #endif break; case LOG_TGT_TYPE_FILE: vty_out(vty, "log file %s%s", tgt->tgt_file.fname, VTY_NEWLINE); break; case LOG_TGT_TYPE_STRRB: vty_out(vty, "log alarms %zu%s", log_target_rb_avail_size(tgt), VTY_NEWLINE); break; } vty_out(vty, " logging filter all %u%s", tgt->filter_map & LOG_FILTER_ALL ? 1 : 0, VTY_NEWLINE); /* save filters outside of libosmocore, i.e. in app code */ if (osmo_log_info->save_fn) osmo_log_info->save_fn(vty, osmo_log_info, tgt); vty_out(vty, " logging color %u%s", tgt->use_color ? 1 : 0, VTY_NEWLINE); vty_out(vty, " logging print category %d%s", tgt->print_category ? 1 : 0, VTY_NEWLINE); if (tgt->print_ext_timestamp) vty_out(vty, " logging print extended-timestamp 1%s", VTY_NEWLINE); else vty_out(vty, " logging timestamp %u%s", tgt->print_timestamp ? 1 : 0, VTY_NEWLINE); /* stupid old osmo logging API uses uppercase strings... */ osmo_str2lower(level_lower, log_level_str(tgt->loglevel)); vty_out(vty, " logging level all %s%s", level_lower, VTY_NEWLINE); for (i = 0; i < osmo_log_info->num_cat; i++) { const struct log_category *cat = &tgt->categories[i]; char cat_lower[32]; /* skip empty entries in the array */ if (!osmo_log_info->cat[i].name) continue; /* stupid old osmo logging API uses uppercase strings... */ osmo_str2lower(cat_lower, osmo_log_info->cat[i].name+1); osmo_str2lower(level_lower, log_level_str(cat->loglevel)); vty_out(vty, " logging level %s %s%s", cat_lower, level_lower, VTY_NEWLINE); } /* FIXME: levels */ return 1; } static int config_write_log(struct vty *vty) { struct log_target *dbg = vty->index; llist_for_each_entry(dbg, &osmo_log_target_list, entry) config_write_log_single(vty, dbg); return 1; } void logging_vty_add_cmds(const struct log_info *cat) { install_element_ve(&enable_logging_cmd); install_element_ve(&disable_logging_cmd); install_element_ve(&logging_fltr_all_cmd); install_element_ve(&logging_use_clr_cmd); install_element_ve(&logging_prnt_timestamp_cmd); install_element_ve(&logging_prnt_ext_timestamp_cmd); install_element_ve(&logging_prnt_cat_cmd); install_element_ve(&logging_set_category_mask_cmd); install_element_ve(&logging_set_category_mask_old_cmd); /* Logging level strings are generated dynamically. */ logging_level_cmd.string = log_vty_command_string(cat); logging_level_cmd.doc = log_vty_command_description(cat); install_element_ve(&logging_level_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_logging_vty_cmd); install_element_ve(&show_alarms_cmd); install_node(&cfg_log_node, config_write_log); vty_install_default(CFG_LOG_NODE); install_element(CFG_LOG_NODE, &logging_fltr_all_cmd); install_element(CFG_LOG_NODE, &logging_use_clr_cmd); install_element(CFG_LOG_NODE, &logging_prnt_timestamp_cmd); install_element(CFG_LOG_NODE, &logging_prnt_ext_timestamp_cmd); install_element(CFG_LOG_NODE, &logging_prnt_cat_cmd); install_element(CFG_LOG_NODE, &logging_level_cmd); install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_log_stderr_cmd); install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_no_log_stderr_cmd); install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_log_file_cmd); install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_no_log_file_cmd); install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_log_alarms_cmd); install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_no_log_alarms_cmd); #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_log_syslog_cmd); install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_log_syslog_local_cmd); install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &cfg_no_log_syslog_cmd); #endif }