/* * Buffering of output and input. * Copyright (C) 1998 Kunihiro Ishiguro * * This file is part of GNU Zebra. * * GNU Zebra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your * option) any later version. * * GNU Zebra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Zebra; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <sys/uio.h> #include <osmocom/core/talloc.h> #include <osmocom/vty/buffer.h> #include <osmocom/vty/vty.h> /* Buffer master. */ struct buffer { /* Data list. */ struct buffer_data *head; struct buffer_data *tail; /* Size of each buffer_data chunk. */ size_t size; }; /* Data container. */ struct buffer_data { struct buffer_data *next; /* Location to add new data. */ size_t cp; /* Pointer to data not yet flushed. */ size_t sp; /* Actual data stream (variable length). */ unsigned char data[0]; /* real dimension is buffer->size */ }; /* It should always be true that: 0 <= sp <= cp <= size */ /* Default buffer size (used if none specified). It is rounded up to the next page boundery. */ #define BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT 4096 #define BUFFER_DATA_FREE(D) talloc_free((D)) /* Make new buffer. */ struct buffer *buffer_new(void *ctx, size_t size) { struct buffer *b; b = talloc_zero(ctx, struct buffer); if (size) b->size = size; else { static size_t default_size; if (!default_size) { long pgsz = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); default_size = ((((BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT - 1) / pgsz) + 1) * pgsz); } b->size = default_size; } return b; } /* Free buffer. */ void buffer_free(struct buffer *b) { buffer_reset(b); talloc_free(b); } /* Make string clone. */ char *buffer_getstr(struct buffer *b) { size_t totlen = 0; struct buffer_data *data; char *s; char *p; for (data = b->head; data; data = data->next) totlen += data->cp - data->sp; if (!(s = _talloc_zero(tall_vty_ctx, (totlen + 1), "buffer_getstr"))) return NULL; p = s; for (data = b->head; data; data = data->next) { memcpy(p, data->data + data->sp, data->cp - data->sp); p += data->cp - data->sp; } *p = '\0'; return s; } /* Return 1 if buffer is empty. */ int buffer_empty(struct buffer *b) { return (b->head == NULL); } /* Clear and free all allocated data. */ void buffer_reset(struct buffer *b) { struct buffer_data *data; struct buffer_data *next; for (data = b->head; data; data = next) { next = data->next; BUFFER_DATA_FREE(data); } b->head = b->tail = NULL; } /* Add buffer_data to the end of buffer. */ static struct buffer_data *buffer_add(struct buffer *b) { struct buffer_data *d; d = _talloc_zero(b, offsetof(struct buffer_data, data[b->size]), "buffer_add"); if (!d) return NULL; d->cp = d->sp = 0; d->next = NULL; if (b->tail) b->tail->next = d; else b->head = d; b->tail = d; return d; } /* Write data to buffer. */ void buffer_put(struct buffer *b, const void *p, size_t size) { struct buffer_data *data = b->tail; const char *ptr = p; /* We use even last one byte of data buffer. */ while (size) { size_t chunk; /* If there is no data buffer add it. */ if (data == NULL || data->cp == b->size) data = buffer_add(b); chunk = ((size <= (b->size - data->cp)) ? size : (b->size - data->cp)); memcpy((data->data + data->cp), ptr, chunk); size -= chunk; ptr += chunk; data->cp += chunk; } } /* Insert character into the buffer. */ void buffer_putc(struct buffer *b, unsigned char c) { buffer_put(b, &c, 1); } /* Put string to the buffer. */ void buffer_putstr(struct buffer *b, const char *c) { buffer_put(b, c, strlen(c)); } /* Keep flushing data to the fd until the buffer is empty or an error is encountered or the operation would block. */ buffer_status_t buffer_flush_all(struct buffer *b, int fd) { buffer_status_t ret; struct buffer_data *head; size_t head_sp; if (!b->head) return BUFFER_EMPTY; head_sp = (head = b->head)->sp; /* Flush all data. */ while ((ret = buffer_flush_available(b, fd)) == BUFFER_PENDING) { if ((b->head == head) && (head_sp == head->sp) && (errno != EINTR)) /* No data was flushed, so kernel buffer must be full. */ return ret; head_sp = (head = b->head)->sp; } return ret; } #if 0 /* Flush enough data to fill a terminal window of the given scene (used only by vty telnet interface). */ buffer_status_t buffer_flush_window(struct buffer * b, int fd, int width, int height, int erase_flag, int no_more_flag) { int nbytes; int iov_alloc; int iov_index; struct iovec *iov; struct iovec small_iov[3]; char more[] = " --More-- "; char erase[] = { 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08, 0x08 }; struct buffer_data *data; int column; if (!b->head) return BUFFER_EMPTY; if (height < 1) { zlog_warn ("%s called with non-positive window height %d, forcing to 1", __func__, height); height = 1; } else if (height >= 2) height--; if (width < 1) { zlog_warn ("%s called with non-positive window width %d, forcing to 1", __func__, width); width = 1; } /* For erase and more data add two to b's buffer_data count. */ if (b->head->next == NULL) { iov_alloc = sizeof(small_iov) / sizeof(small_iov[0]); iov = small_iov; } else { iov_alloc = ((height * (width + 2)) / b->size) + 10; iov = XMALLOC(MTYPE_TMP, iov_alloc * sizeof(*iov)); } iov_index = 0; /* Previously print out is performed. */ if (erase_flag) { iov[iov_index].iov_base = erase; iov[iov_index].iov_len = sizeof erase; iov_index++; } /* Output data. */ column = 1; /* Column position of next character displayed. */ for (data = b->head; data && (height > 0); data = data->next) { size_t cp; cp = data->sp; while ((cp < data->cp) && (height > 0)) { /* Calculate lines remaining and column position after displaying this character. */ if (data->data[cp] == '\r') column = 1; else if ((data->data[cp] == '\n') || (column == width)) { column = 1; height--; } else column++; cp++; } iov[iov_index].iov_base = (char *)(data->data + data->sp); iov[iov_index++].iov_len = cp - data->sp; data->sp = cp; if (iov_index == iov_alloc) /* This should not ordinarily happen. */ { iov_alloc *= 2; if (iov != small_iov) { zlog_warn("%s: growing iov array to %d; " "width %d, height %d, size %lu", __func__, iov_alloc, width, height, (unsigned long) b->size); iov = XREALLOC(MTYPE_TMP, iov, iov_alloc * sizeof(*iov)); } else { /* This should absolutely never occur. */ zlog_err ("%s: corruption detected: iov_small overflowed; " "head %p, tail %p, head->next %p", __func__, b->head, b->tail, b->head->next); iov = XMALLOC(MTYPE_TMP, iov_alloc * sizeof(*iov)); memcpy(iov, small_iov, sizeof(small_iov)); } } } /* In case of `more' display need. */ if (b->tail && (b->tail->sp < b->tail->cp) && !no_more_flag) { iov[iov_index].iov_base = more; iov[iov_index].iov_len = sizeof more; iov_index++; } #ifdef IOV_MAX /* IOV_MAX are normally defined in <sys/uio.h> , Posix.1g. example: Solaris2.6 are defined IOV_MAX size at 16. */ { struct iovec *c_iov = iov; nbytes = 0; /* Make sure it's initialized. */ while (iov_index > 0) { int iov_size; iov_size = ((iov_index > IOV_MAX) ? IOV_MAX : iov_index); if ((nbytes = writev(fd, c_iov, iov_size)) < 0) { zlog_warn("%s: writev to fd %d failed: %s", __func__, fd, safe_strerror(errno)); break; } /* move pointer io-vector */ c_iov += iov_size; iov_index -= iov_size; } } #else /* IOV_MAX */ if ((nbytes = writev(fd, iov, iov_index)) < 0) zlog_warn("%s: writev to fd %d failed: %s", __func__, fd, safe_strerror(errno)); #endif /* IOV_MAX */ /* Free printed buffer data. */ while (b->head && (b->head->sp == b->head->cp)) { struct buffer_data *del; if (!(b->head = (del = b->head)->next)) b->tail = NULL; BUFFER_DATA_FREE(del); } if (iov != small_iov) XFREE(MTYPE_TMP, iov); return (nbytes < 0) ? BUFFER_ERROR : (b->head ? BUFFER_PENDING : BUFFER_EMPTY); } #endif /* This function (unlike other buffer_flush* functions above) is designed to work with non-blocking sockets. It does not attempt to write out all of the queued data, just a "big" chunk. It returns 0 if it was able to empty out the buffers completely, 1 if more flushing is required later, or -1 on a fatal write error. */ buffer_status_t buffer_flush_available(struct buffer * b, int fd) { /* These are just reasonable values to make sure a significant amount of data is written. There's no need to go crazy and try to write it all in one shot. */ #ifdef IOV_MAX #define MAX_CHUNKS ((IOV_MAX >= 16) ? 16 : IOV_MAX) #else #define MAX_CHUNKS 16 #endif #define MAX_FLUSH 131072 struct buffer_data *d; size_t written; struct iovec iov[MAX_CHUNKS]; size_t iovcnt = 0; size_t nbyte = 0; for (d = b->head; d && (iovcnt < MAX_CHUNKS) && (nbyte < MAX_FLUSH); d = d->next, iovcnt++) { iov[iovcnt].iov_base = d->data + d->sp; nbyte += (iov[iovcnt].iov_len = d->cp - d->sp); } if (!nbyte) /* No data to flush: should we issue a warning message? */ return BUFFER_EMPTY; /* only place where written should be sign compared */ if ((ssize_t) (written = writev(fd, iov, iovcnt)) < 0) { if (ERRNO_IO_RETRY(errno)) /* Calling code should try again later. */ return BUFFER_PENDING; return BUFFER_ERROR; } /* Free printed buffer data. */ while (written > 0) { struct buffer_data *d; if (!(d = b->head)) break; if (written < d->cp - d->sp) { d->sp += written; return BUFFER_PENDING; } written -= (d->cp - d->sp); if (!(b->head = d->next)) b->tail = NULL; BUFFER_DATA_FREE(d); } return b->head ? BUFFER_PENDING : BUFFER_EMPTY; #undef MAX_CHUNKS #undef MAX_FLUSH } buffer_status_t buffer_write(struct buffer * b, int fd, const void *p, size_t size) { ssize_t nbytes; #if 0 /* Should we attempt to drain any previously buffered data? This could help reduce latency in pushing out the data if we are stuck in a long-running thread that is preventing the main select loop from calling the flush thread... */ if (b->head && (buffer_flush_available(b, fd) == BUFFER_ERROR)) return BUFFER_ERROR; #endif if (b->head) /* Buffer is not empty, so do not attempt to write the new data. */ nbytes = 0; else if ((nbytes = write(fd, p, size)) < 0) { if (ERRNO_IO_RETRY(errno)) nbytes = 0; else return BUFFER_ERROR; } /* Add any remaining data to the buffer. */ { size_t written = nbytes; if (written < size) buffer_put(b, ((const char *)p) + written, size - written); } return b->head ? BUFFER_PENDING : BUFFER_EMPTY; }