/*! \file card_fs_usim.c * 3GPP USIM specific structures / routines. */ /* * (C) 2012-2014 by Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org> * * All Rights Reserved * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <osmocom/sim/sim.h> #include <osmocom/core/talloc.h> #include <osmocom/gsm/gsm48.h> #include "sim_int.h" #include "gsm_int.h" /* TS 31.102 Version 7.7.0 / Chapter 7.3 */ const struct osim_card_sw ts31_102_sw[] = { { 0x9862, 0xffff, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Security management - Authentication error, incorrect MAC", }, { 0x9864, 0xffff, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Security management - Authentication error, security context not supported", }, { 0x9865, 0xffff, SW_TYPE_STR, SW_CLS_ERROR, .u.str = "Security management - Key freshness error", }, OSIM_CARD_SW_LAST }; static const struct osim_card_sw *usim_card_sws[] = { ts31_102_sw, ts102221_uicc_sw, NULL }; /* TS 102 221 Chapter 13.1 */ static const struct osim_file_desc uicc_ef_in_mf[] = { EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x2f00, SFI_NONE, "EF.DIR", 0, 1, 32, "Application directory"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x2FE2, SFI_NONE, "EF.ICCID", 0, 10, 10, "ICC Identification"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x2F05, SFI_NONE, "EF.PL", 0, 2, 20, "Preferred Languages"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x2F06, SFI_NONE, "EF.ARR", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 256, "Access Rule Reference"), }; /* 31.102 Chapter 4.4.3 */ static const struct osim_file_desc usim_ef_in_df_gsm_access[] = { EF_TRANSP_N(0x4f20, 0x01, "EF.Kc", 0, 9, 9, "Ciphering Key Kc"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x4f52, 0x02, "EF.KcGPRS", F_OPTIONAL, 9, 9, "GPRS Ciphering key KcGPRS"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x4f63, SFI_NONE, "EF.CPBCCH", F_OPTIONAL, 2, 20, "CPBCCH Information"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x4f64, SFI_NONE, "EF.invSCAN", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 1, "Investigation Scan"), }; /* 31.102 Chapter 4.2 */ static const struct osim_file_desc usim_ef_in_adf_usim[] = { EF_TRANSP(0x6F05, 0x02, "EF.LI", 0, 2, 16, "Language Indication", &gsm_lp_decode, NULL), EF_TRANSP(0x6F07, 0x07, "EF.IMSI", 0, 9, 9, "IMSI", &gsm_imsi_decode, NULL), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F08, 0x08, "EF.Keys", 0, 33, 33, "Ciphering and Integrity Keys"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F09, 0x09, "EF.KeysPS", 0, 33, 33, "Ciphering and Integrity Keys for Packet Switched domain"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F60, 0x0A, "EF.PLMNwAcT", F_OPTIONAL, 40, 80, "User controlled PLMN Selector with Access Technology"), EF_TRANSP(0x6F31, 0x12, "EF.HPPLMN", 0, 1, 1, "Higher Priority PLMN search period", &gsm_hpplmn_decode, NULL), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F37, SFI_NONE, "EF.ACMmax", F_OPTIONAL, 3, 3, "ACM maximum value"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F38, 0x04, "EF.UST", 0, 1, 16, "USIM Service Table"), EF_CYCLIC_N(0x6F39, SFI_NONE, "EF.ACM", F_OPTIONAL, 3, 3, "Accumulated call meter"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F3E, SFI_NONE, "EF.GID1", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 4, "Group Identifier Level 1"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F3F, SFI_NONE, "EF.GID2", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 4, "Group Identifier Level 2"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F46, SFI_NONE, "EF.SPN", F_OPTIONAL, 17, 17, "Service Provider Name"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F41, SFI_NONE, "EF.PUCT", F_OPTIONAL, 5, 5, "Price per unit and currency table"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F45, SFI_NONE, "EF.CBMI", F_OPTIONAL, 2, 32, "Cell broadcast massage identifier selection"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F78, 0x06, "EF.ACC", 0, 2, 2, "Access control class"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F7B, 0x0D, "EF.FPLMN", 0, 12, 36, "Forbidden PLMNs"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F7E, 0x0B, "EF.LOCI", 0, 11, 11, "Location information"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FAD, 0x03, "EF.AD", 0, 5, 16, "Administrative data"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F48, 0x0E, "EF.CBMID", F_OPTIONAL, 2, 32, "Cell Broadcast Message Identifier for Data Download"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FB7, 0x01, "EF.ECC", F_OPTIONAL, 5, 32, "Emergency Call Code"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F50, SFI_NONE, "EF.CBMIR", F_OPTIONAL, 4, 32, "Cell broadcast message identifier range selection"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F73, 0x0C, "EF.PSLOCI", 0, 14, 14, "Pacet Switched location information"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F3B, SFI_NONE, "EF.FDN", F_OPTIONAL, 14, 32, "Fixed dialling numbers"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F3C, SFI_NONE, "EF.SMS", F_OPTIONAL, 176, 176, "Short messages"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F40, SFI_NONE, "EF.MSISDN", F_OPTIONAL, 14, 32, "MSISDN"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F42, SFI_NONE, "EF.SMSP", F_OPTIONAL, 28, 64, "Short message service parameters"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F43, SFI_NONE, "EF.SMSS", F_OPTIONAL, 2, 8, "SMS Status"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F49, SFI_NONE, "EF.SDN", F_OPTIONAL, 14, 32, "Service Dialling Numbers"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F4B, SFI_NONE, "EF.EXT2", F_OPTIONAL, 13, 13, "Extension 2"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F4C, SFI_NONE, "EF.EXT3", F_OPTIONAL, 13, 13, "Extension 3"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F47, SFI_NONE, "EF.SMSR", F_OPTIONAL, 30, 30, "Short message status reports"), EF_CYCLIC_N(0x6F80, 0x14, "EF.ICI", F_OPTIONAL, 28, 64, "Incoming Calling Information"), EF_CYCLIC_N(0x6F81, 0x15, "EF.OCI", F_OPTIONAL, 27, 64, "Outgoing Calling Information"), EF_CYCLIC_N(0x6F82, SFI_NONE, "EF.ICT", F_OPTIONAL, 3, 3, "Incoming Call Timer"), EF_CYCLIC_N(0x6F83, SFI_NONE, "EF.OCT", F_OPTIONAL, 3, 3, "Outgoing Call Timer"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F4E, SFI_NONE, "EF.EXT5", F_OPTIONAL, 13, 13, "Extension 5"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F4F, 0x16, "EF.CCP2", F_OPTIONAL, 15, 32, "Capability Configuration Parameters 2"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FB5, SFI_NONE, "EF.eMLPP", F_OPTIONAL, 2, 2, "enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Pre-emption"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FB6, SFI_NONE, "EF.AAeM", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 1, "Automatic Answer for eMLPP Service"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FC3, SFI_NONE, "EF.Hiddenkey", F_OPTIONAL, 4, 4, "Key for hidden phone book entries"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F4D, SFI_NONE, "EF.BDN", F_OPTIONAL, 15, 32, "Barred Dialling Numbers"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F4E, SFI_NONE, "EF.EXT4", F_OPTIONAL, 13, 13, "Extension 4"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F58, SFI_NONE, "EF.CMI", F_OPTIONAL, 2, 16, "Comparison Method Information"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F56, 0x05, "EF.EST", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 8, "Enhanced Services Table"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F57, SFI_NONE, "EF.ACL", F_OPTIONAL, 2, 256, "Access Point Name Control List"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F2C, SFI_NONE, "EF.DCK", F_OPTIONAL, 16, 16, "Depersonalisation Control Keys"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F32, SFI_NONE, "EF.CNL", F_OPTIONAL, 6, 46, "Co-operative Network List"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F5B, 0x0F, "EF.START-HFN", 0, 6, 6, "Initialisation values for Hyperframe number"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F5C, 0x10, "EF.THRESHOLD", 0, 3, 3, "Maximum value of START"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F61, 0x11, "EF.OPLMNwAcT", F_OPTIONAL, 40, 80, "Operator controlled PLMN Selector with Access Technology"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6F62, 0x13, "EF.HPLMNwAcT", F_OPTIONAL, 5, 30, "HPLMN Selector with Access Technology"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6F06, 0x17, "EF.ARR", 0, 1, 256, "Access Rule Reference"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FC4, SFI_NONE, "EF.NETPAR", 0, 46, 256, "Network Parameters"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FC5, 0x19, "EF.PNN", F_OPTIONAL, 3, 128, "PLMN Network Name"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FC6, 0x1A, "EF.OPL", F_OPTIONAL, 8, 32, "Operator PLMN List"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FC7, SFI_NONE, "EF.MBDN", F_OPTIONAL, 14, 32, "Mailbox Dialling Numbers"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FC8, SFI_NONE, "EF.EXT6", F_OPTIONAL, 13, 13, "Extension 6"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FC9, SFI_NONE, "EF.MBI", F_OPTIONAL, 4, 5, "Mailbox Identifier"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FCA, SFI_NONE, "EF.MWIS", F_OPTIONAL, 5, 6, "Message Waiting Indication Status"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FCB, SFI_NONE, "EF.CFIS", F_OPTIONAL, 16, 16, "Call Forwarding Indication Status"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FCC, SFI_NONE, "EF.EXT7", F_OPTIONAL, 13, 13, "Extension 7"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FCD, 0x1B, "EF.SPDI", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 64, "Service Provider Display Information"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FCE, SFI_NONE, "EF.MMSN", F_OPTIONAL, 4, 32, "MMS Notification"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FCF, SFI_NONE, "EF.EXT8", F_OPTIONAL, 3, 16, "Extension 8"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FD0, SFI_NONE, "EF.MMSICP", F_OPTIONAL, 3, 256, "MMS Issuer Connectivity Parameters"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FD1, SFI_NONE, "EF.MMSUP", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 64, "MMS User Preferences"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FD2, SFI_NONE, "EF.MMSUCP", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 64, "MMS User Connectivity Parameters"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FD3, SFI_NONE, "EF.NIA", F_OPTIONAL, 2, 64, "Network's Indication of Alerting"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FB1, SFI_NONE, "EF.VGCS", F_OPTIONAL, 4, 80, "Voice Group Call Service"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FB2, SFI_NONE, "EF.VGCSS", F_OPTIONAL, 7, 7, "Voice Group Call Service Status"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FB3, SFI_NONE, "EF.VBS", F_OPTIONAL, 4, 80, "Voice Broadcast Service"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FB4, SFI_NONE, "EF.VBSS", F_OPTIONAL, 7, 7, "Voice Broadcast Service Status"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FD4, SFI_NONE, "EF.VGCSCA", F_OPTIONAL, 2, 40, "Voice Group Call Service Ciphering Algorithm"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FD5, SFI_NONE, "EF.VBSCA", F_OPTIONAL, 2, 40, "Voice Broadcast Service Ciphering Algorithm"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FD6, SFI_NONE, "EF.GBABP", F_OPTIONAL, 4, 128, "GBA Bootstrapping parameters"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FD7, SFI_NONE, "EF.MSK", F_OPTIONAL, 20, 84, "MBMS Serviec Key List"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FD8, SFI_NONE, "EF.MUK", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 128, "MBMS User Key"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FDA, SFI_NONE, "EF.GBANL", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 128, "GBA NAF List"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FD9, 0x1D, "EF.EHPLMN", F_OPTIONAL, 3, 30, "Equivalent HPLMN"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FDB, SFI_NONE, "EF.EHPLMNPI", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 1, "Equivalent HPLMN Presentation Indication"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FDC, SFI_NONE, "EF.LRPLMNSI", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 1, "Last RPLMN Selection Indication"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FDD, SFI_NONE, "EF.NAFKCA", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 128, "NAF Key Centre Address"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FDE, SFI_NONE, "EF.SPNI", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 128, "Service Provider Name Icon"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FDF, SFI_NONE, "EF.PNNI", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 128, "PLMN Network Name Icon"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FE2, SFI_NONE, "EF.NCP-IP", F_OPTIONAL, 2, 256, "Network Connectivity Parameters for USIM IP Connections"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FE3, 0x1E, "EF.EPSLOCI", F_OPTIONAL, 18, 18, "EPS location information"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FE4, 0x18, "EF.EPSNSC", F_OPTIONAL, 54, 128, "EPS NAS Security Context"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FE6, SFI_NONE, "EF.UFC", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 8, "USAT Facility Control"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FE8, SFI_NONE, "EF.NASCONFIG", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 128, "Non Access Stratum Configuration"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x6FE7, SFI_NONE, "EF.UICCIARI", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 32, "UICC IARI"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x6FEC, SFI_NONE, "EF.PWS", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 32, "Public Warning System"), }; /* 31.102 Chapter 4.4.1 */ static const struct osim_file_desc usim_ef_in_solsa[] = { EF_TRANSP_N(0x4F30, SFI_NONE, "EF.SAI", F_OPTIONAL, 2, 32, "SoLSA Access Indicator"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x4F31, SFI_NONE, "EF.SLL", F_OPTIONAL, 11, 32, "SoLSA LSA List"), /* LSA descriptor files 4Fxx, hard to represent here */ }; /* 31.102 Chapter 4.4.4 */ static const struct osim_file_desc usim_ef_in_df_mexe[] = { EF_TRANSP_N(0x4F40, SFI_NONE, "EF.MexE-ST", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 4, "MexE Service table"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x4F41, SFI_NONE, "EF.ORPK", F_OPTIONAL, 10, 16, "Operator Root Public Key"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x4F42, SFI_NONE, "EF.ARPK", F_OPTIONAL, 10, 16, "Administrator Root Public Key"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x4F43, SFI_NONE, "EF.TPRPK", F_OPTIONAL, 10, 16, "Third Party Root Public Key"), /* TKCDF files 4Fxx, hard to represent here */ }; /* 31.102 Chapter 4.4.5 */ static const struct osim_file_desc usim_ef_in_df_wlan[] = { EF_TRANSP_N(0x4F41, 0x01, "EF.Pseudo", F_OPTIONAL, 2, 16, "Pseudonym"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x4F42, 0x02, "EF.UPLMNWLAN", F_OPTIONAL, 30, 60, "User controlled PLMN selector for I-WLAN Access"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x4F43, 0x03, "EF.OPLMNWLAN", F_OPTIONAL, 30, 60, "Operator controlled PLMN selector for I-WLAN Access"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x4F44, 0x04, "EF.UWSIDL", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 16, "User controlled WLAN Specific Identifier List"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x4F45, 0x05, "EF.OWSIDL", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 16, "Operator controlled WLAN Specific Identifier List"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x4F46, 0x06, "EF.WRI", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 64, "WLAN Reauthentication Identity"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x4F47, 0x07, "EF.HWSIDL", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 16, "Home I-WLAN Specific Identifier List"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x4F48, 0x08, "EF.WEPLMNPI", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 1, "I-WLAN Equivalent HPLMN Presentation Indication"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x4F49, 0x09, "EF.WHPI", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 1, "I-WLAN HPLMN Priority Indiation"), EF_TRANSP_N(0x4F4A, 0x0a, "EF.WLRPLMN", F_OPTIONAL, 3, 3, "I-WLAN Last Registered PLMN"), }; /* 31.102 Chapter 4.4.6 */ static const struct osim_file_desc usim_ef_in_df_hnb[] = { EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x4F81, 0x01, "EF.ACSGL", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 128, "Allowed CSG Lists"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x4F82, 0x02, "EF.CSGT", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 64, "CSG Type"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x4F83, 0x03, "EF.HNBN", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 64, "Home NodeB Name"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x4F84, 0x04, "EF.OCSGL", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 64, "Operator CSG List"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x4F85, 0x05, "EF.OCSGT", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 64, "Operator CSG Type"), EF_LIN_FIX_N(0x4F86, 0x06, "EF.OHNBN", F_OPTIONAL, 1, 64, "Oprator Home NodeB Name"), }; /* Annex E - TS 101 220 */ static const uint8_t adf_usim_aid[] = { 0xA0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x87, 0x10, 0x02 }; struct osim_card_profile *osim_cprof_usim(void *ctx) { struct osim_card_profile *cprof; struct osim_file_desc *mf, *uadf; int rc; cprof = talloc_zero(ctx, struct osim_card_profile); cprof->name = "3GPP USIM"; cprof->sws = usim_card_sws; mf = alloc_df(cprof, 0x3f00, "MF"); cprof->mf = mf; /* Core UICC Files */ add_filedesc(mf, uicc_ef_in_mf, ARRAY_SIZE(uicc_ef_in_mf)); /* ADF.USIM with its EF siblings */ uadf = add_adf_with_ef(mf, adf_usim_aid, sizeof(adf_usim_aid), "ADF.USIM", usim_ef_in_adf_usim, ARRAY_SIZE(usim_ef_in_adf_usim)); /* DFs under ADF.USIM */ add_df_with_ef(uadf, 0x5F3A, "DF.PHONEBOOK", NULL, 0); add_df_with_ef(uadf, 0x5F3B, "DF.GSM-ACCESS", usim_ef_in_df_gsm_access, ARRAY_SIZE(usim_ef_in_df_gsm_access)); add_df_with_ef(uadf, 0x5F3C, "DF.MexE", usim_ef_in_df_mexe, ARRAY_SIZE(usim_ef_in_df_mexe)); add_df_with_ef(uadf, 0x5F40, "DF.WLAN", usim_ef_in_df_wlan, ARRAY_SIZE(usim_ef_in_df_wlan)); /* Home-NodeB (femtocell) */ add_df_with_ef(uadf, 0x5F50, "DF.HNB", usim_ef_in_df_hnb, ARRAY_SIZE(usim_ef_in_df_hnb)); /* Support of Localised Service Areas */ add_df_with_ef(uadf, 0x5F70, "DF.SoLSA", usim_ef_in_solsa, ARRAY_SIZE(usim_ef_in_solsa)); /* OMA BCAST Smart Card Profile */ add_df_with_ef(uadf, 0x5F80, "DF.BCAST", NULL, 0); /* DF.GSM and DF.TELECOM hierarchy as sub-directory of MF */ rc = osim_int_cprof_add_gsm(mf); rc |= osim_int_cprof_add_telecom(mf); if (rc != 0) { talloc_free(cprof); return NULL; } return cprof; }