path: root/pkgs/populate/default.nix
diff options
authortv <tv@krebsco.de>2018-07-12 14:30:10 +0200
committertv <tv@krebsco.de>2018-07-12 15:41:46 +0200
commitea08f87819291a21ee6e031fe7748bdb04518bab (patch)
treeef294c79e2c00a220add6ccebe5dded804b99efb /pkgs/populate/default.nix
parent50868155fd600ab2a3c0ae483e047b8a49ba17d0 (diff)
populate: inline scriptv1.2.0
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/populate/default.nix')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/populate/default.nix b/pkgs/populate/default.nix
index acb5a5f..54e2eea 100644
--- a/pkgs/populate/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/populate/default.nix
@@ -1,20 +1,139 @@
-{ coreutils, findutils, git, gnused, jq, openssh, pass, rsync, runCommand, stdenv }:
+with import ../../lib;
+with shell;
+{ coreutils, dash, findutils, git, jq, openssh, rsync, writeDash }:
- PATH = stdenv.lib.makeBinPath [
- coreutils
- findutils
- git
- gnused
- jq
- openssh
- pass
- rsync
+ check = { force, target }: let
+ sentinelFile = "${target.path}/.populate";
+ in shell' target /* sh */ ''
+ ${optionalString force /* sh */ ''
+ mkdir -vp ${quote (dirOf sentinelFile)}
+ touch ${quote sentinelFile}
+ ''}
+ if ! test -f ${quote sentinelFile}; then
+ >&2 printf 'error: missing sentinel file: %s\n' ${quote (
+ optionalString (!isLocalTarget target) "${target.host}:" +
+ sentinelFile
+ )}
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ '';
+ pop.file = target: file: rsync' target (quote file.path);
+ pop.git = target: git: shell' target /* sh */ ''
+ if ! test -e ${quote target.path}; then
+ git clone ${quote git.url} ${quote target.path}
+ fi
+ cd ${quote target.path}
+ if ! url=$(git config remote.origin.url); then
+ git remote add origin ${quote git.url}
+ elif test "$url" != ${quote git.url}; then
+ git remote set-url origin ${quote git.url}
+ fi
+ # TODO resolve git_ref to commit hash
+ hash=${quote git.ref}
+ if ! test "$(git log --format=%H -1)" = "$hash"; then
+ if ! git log -1 "$hash" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ git fetch origin
+ fi
+ git checkout "$hash" -- ${quote target.path}
+ git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout -f "$hash"
+ fi
+ git clean -dfx
+ '';
+ pop.pass = target: pass: let
+ passPrefix = "${pass.dir}/${pass.name}";
+ in /* sh */ ''
+ umask 0077
+ tmp_dir=$(${coreutils}/bin/mktemp -dt populate-pass.XXXXXXXX)
+ trap cleanup EXIT
+ cleanup() {
+ rm -fR "$tmp_dir"
+ }
+ ${findutils}/bin/find ${quote passPrefix} -type f |
+ while read -r gpg_path; do
+ rel_name=''${gpg_path#${quote passPrefix}}
+ rel_name=''${rel_name%.gpg}
+ pass_date=$(
+ ${git}/bin/git -C ${quote pass.dir} log -1 --format=%aI "$gpg_path"
+ )
+ pass_name=${quote pass.name}/$rel_name
+ tmp_path=$tmp_dir/$rel_name
+ ${coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p "$(${coreutils}/bin/dirname "$tmp_path")"
+ PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=${quote pass.dir} pass show "$pass_name" > "$tmp_path"
+ ${coreutils}/bin/touch -d "$pass_date" "$tmp_path"
+ done
+ ${rsync' target /* sh */ "$tmp_dir"}
+ '';
+ pop.pipe = target: pipe: /* sh */ ''
+ ${quote pipe.command} | {
+ ${shell' target /* sh */ "cat > ${quote target.path}"}
+ }
+ '';
+ # TODO rm -fR instead of ln -f?
+ pop.symlink = target: symlink: shell' target /* sh */ ''
+ ln -fns ${quote symlink.target} ${quote target.path}
+ '';
+ populate = target: name: source: let
+ source' = source.${source.type};
+ target' = target // { path = "${target.path}/${name}"; };
+ in writeDash "populate.${target'.host}.${name}" ''
+ set -efu
+ ${pop.${source.type} target' source'}
+ '';
+ rsync' = target: sourcePath: /* sh */ ''
+ source_path=${sourcePath}
+ if test -d "$source_path"; then
+ source_path=$source_path/
+ fi
+ ${rsync}/bin/rsync \
+ -e ${quote (ssh' target)} \
+ -vFrlptD \
+ --delete-excluded \
+ "$source_path" \
+ ${quote (
+ optionalString (!isLocalTarget target)
+ "${target.user}@${target.host}:" +
+ target.path
+ )}
+ '';
+ shell' = target: script:
+ if isLocalTarget target
+ then script
+ else /* sh */ ''
+ ${ssh' target} ${quote target.host} ${quote script}
+ '';
+ ssh' = target: concatMapStringsSep " " quote [
+ "${openssh}/bin/ssh"
+ "-l" target.user
+ "-o" "ControlPersist=no"
+ "-p" target.port
+ "-T"
-runCommand "populate-2.2.0" {} ''
- mkdir -p $out/bin
- cp ${./populate.sh} $out/bin/populate
- sed -i '1s,.*,&\nPATH=${PATH},' $out/bin/populate
+{ force ? false, source, target }: writeDash "populate.${target.host}" ''
+ set -efu
+ ${check { inherit force target; }}
+ set -x
+ ${concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (populate target) source)}