From c5d13e52aac14c541d00b04fc143fe25ece7bac6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tv <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 14:14:07 +0200
Subject: silence all the warnings

 Buffer/Motion.hs | 14 ++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+)

(limited to 'Buffer/Motion.hs')

diff --git a/Buffer/Motion.hs b/Buffer/Motion.hs
index 86446e0..fa9e059 100644
--- a/Buffer/Motion.hs
+++ b/Buffer/Motion.hs
@@ -25,21 +25,33 @@ data LeftRightMotion
   | WordsBackward Int
   deriving (Show)
 -- TODO fail if cannot splitAt properly OR if we didn't modify the buffer
+gotoLeft :: Int -> Buffer -> Buffer
 gotoLeft i (ls, rs) =
   let (lls, rls) = splitAt (length ls - i) ls in (lls, rls ++ rs)
 -- TODO fail if cannot splitAt properly OR if we didn't modify the buffer
+gotoRight :: Int -> Buffer -> Buffer
 gotoRight i (ls, rs) =
   let (lrs, rrs) = splitAt i rs in (ls ++ lrs, rrs)
+gotoFirstChar :: Buffer -> Buffer
 gotoFirstChar (ls, rs) = ("", ls ++ rs)
+gotoEndOfLine :: Buffer -> Buffer
 gotoEndOfLine (ls, rs) = (ls ++ rs, "")
 -- TODO fail if i <= 0 or i > length
+gotoColumn :: Int -> Buffer -> Buffer
 gotoColumn i (ls, rs) = splitAt (i - 1) $ ls ++ rs
+wordsForward :: Int -> Buffer -> Buffer
 wordsForward i (ls, rs) =
   let rs' = dropWhile (==' ') $ dropWhile (/=' ') rs
       ls' = ls ++ take (length rs - length rs') rs
@@ -49,6 +61,8 @@ wordsForward i (ls, rs) =
       then wordsForward (i - 1) b'
       else b'
+wordsBackward :: Int -> Buffer -> Buffer
 wordsBackward i (ls, rs) =
   let ls' = dropWhileEnd (/=' ') $ dropWhileEnd (==' ') ls
       rs' = drop (length ls') ls ++ rs
cgit v1.2.3